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Miracle of the Universe.

Attached: inaba blush smile.png (1884x1882, 2.13M)

Iori was better.

I know right?
She's just so perfect

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Flawless taste. Inaban is living perfection.

I love raisins!

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Not really
Inaba >>> Yui >>>>>>>>> Iori

did you know it's dried grapes?

Of course!

i am smart

>want to order pizza
>pizza website requires nonfree javascript
>tfw the botnet wants me to starve

>actually telling someone you masturbate to them

Worst girl of all time, literally dropped the show because of that slut.

>He doesn't wants a cute girl who masturbates while thinking of (You)

Spot the faggot who only knows that one meme and never actually watched the show. Wrestlefag said it first. Hers was a reply. Would you prefer a shitty cliché BAKA HENTAI slap and then blush?

>ywn help a broken girl with love
I don't see the point in living anymore

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Best girl actually won. It's amazing. Shame S2 never ever 'cause the voice actors were dicks or something though.

50% of what I love about Inaba is Miyuki Sawashiro. That voice is perfect.

I like girls who lack subtlety.

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surprisingly brown (relatively)

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>tfw that means she's probably soaking every time she sees Wrestlingboi

Inaban was the only good thing about Kokoro Connect, everything else was complete and utter fucking shit.

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in b4

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Someday there will be a show like Kokoro Connect, but better. Then Kokoro Connect will be forgotten.
Kind of like Manabi Straight / K-On, or Girls Bravo / To Love Ru.

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>ywn body swap with a girl and kick her (him) in the balls

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classy and sassy

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Inaba? More like InaBest

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I really like Iori and I related to her a lot

Attached: [Doki-Chihiro] Kokoro Connect - 07v2 (1280x720 Hi10P BD AAC) [4D24AD52].mkv_snapshot_05.50_[2017.12. (1280x720, 417K)

How the fuck can some people have so much bad taste? Iori is easily one of the worst girls to ever appear in animes

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Iori had a hard life and she did nothing wrong

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what's with Kokoro Connect threads popping out these days out of the blue? is Sup Forums finally acknowledge that Inaba is the best thing about Kokoro Connect

enjoy your big fat floppy roasties you normies


Inaban is THE only good thing about Kokoro Connect

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Loli Inaba is the cutest thing in the world

>is Sup Forums finally acknowledge that Inaba is the best thing about Kokoro Connect
I am pretty sure Sup Forums has always acknowledged that. Eternal best girl.

Inaba is cute

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