He was using her sword... Bleach Thread

mind blown

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why is it called bleach? is it because the fanbase is mostly mutts?

oh man, i miss bleach.

Ichigo was hot

Aizen was dreamier! Yoruichi was cute too

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Ichigo was hot. Shame about the ending though

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fuck off fujoshis

Stay salty /u/shitter

Glorious Nipponese steel folded 12860895786472546374897637224357983264 times

>Start of the series
>It's chock full of self-deprecating humor
>Ichigo actually has a personality
>People actually have facial expressions

Reading some of the early chapters then some of the later chapters is night and day.

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Are straight women not allowed on Sup Forums? Guys constantly post weird shit about female characters' farts or piss or whatever and no one seems to complain.

>no one seems to complain
women are magnitudes worse than brap posters

shame about the latter two-thirds of the series, I say

I miss early Bleach, honestly. Urban fantasy where the shinigami were in their own world and Ichigo's group was a rag-tag group of his friends was nice. Ichigo left everyone else in the dust way too soon to take on opponents that shouldn't have been his to take on.

If you don't like women why complain when the discussion is about hot male chars?

>2000: slam a crumple impact toy sword made out of aluminum into a steel blade


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Maybe he wouldn't admit it, but he was probably partially inspired by Nirvana. Bleach was their debut studio album and Chad was in a rock band trio with a guy who looked Kurt Cobain-ish and Chad Channing was the drummer for the band at the time.

You can only drag popular stuff only so long until it gets stale. And if it's popular you can't just quit.

should it be an image dump instead?

>Kubo sensei didn't use a dictionary to choose "bleach" because the English word is already commonly used jn Japan
Fucking KEK. Why the fuck did they even think they needed to clarify that?

>Okiro, Benihime
One of the hypest moments in early Bleach.

Because wolves ain't howl alone, brother.

BEcause its so shit you have to wash you eyes out with bleach afterwards

>"I think it's only fair to warn you; if you plan on attacking me with that inferior weapon, I will kill you."
I love everything about the scene where Ichigo first calls Zangetsu.