Is Ramna a "trap" or a genderbent guy?
Is Ramna a "trap" or a genderbent guy?
You don't have to ask stupid questions. You can just make a Ranma thread.
Lurk more.
"Trap" has a definition.
Did you watch the fucking show?
Of course not, I dont like gay shit
What did ranma fags do to deserve this abortion of a thread?
God hates fags
Ranma is 100% girl 50% of the time.
Would you say she's Ranma half of the time?
>That scene
>Implying there isn't a point when Ranma stops giving a shit and turns into a girl to get free food or other benefits
>or other benefits
Are Ranma doujins any good?
Only one (1) is fap worth it.
Fucking wrong.
Look up Mage. He's a godsend.
I like all the ones that involve ranma being anally trained.
Do you insert as Ramna or the other guy?
Is this a real question
Of course, its extremely important one too
I'm convinced that rumiko is secretly a fetishist.
Good question.
I insert as the other guy, but is OK to insert yourself as Ranma.
Pretty sure she has multiple fetishes.
>40 volumes of evidence to support this
>And whatever the fuck is going on in Inuyasha
what kind of fetishes?
>Ponytail (specifically braided but other kinds are fine too)
Probably more