Quick rundown on this guy?
But Kokoro didn't love you!
>be too nice and fat
>partner needs a dom
>whores herself out to the edgy homo
>assmad all around
fat and dumb lad
Mitsuru x Hiro OTP
>Demanding love from someone in a dependent position towards you
Holy shit, she's going to go after Hiro next
Love is a 2-way street dude. Always was always will be. I knew it would end this way, fattyboy with the dyke and Mitsuru with best girl.
>In love with Kokoro
>She promises to be with him forever
>She then instantly ditches him the moment she can get a better guy
>The show makes it very clear he actually loves her and his feelings/suffering is real
>However everything about him and his feelings are played for a laugh. He's just a big fat loser that doesn't deserve her.
Literally everyone gets to be happy except him.
That scene was really harsh on him.
Remember boys and girls, always make sure to be healthy and put the effort in to not be fat.
Nobody like lazy fucks.
>Don't be a fat fucking loser
Unironically this.
It's kinda shitty that Kokoro promises to pilot with him forever 10 seconds before she decides to betray him.
This is why you shouldn't trust women, not even 2D ones.
Because he is in fact a big fat loser. Losing weight is not hard, and it doesn't take that long. If you can't respect yourself enough to lose weight why should anyone respect you?
That's what being fat gets you
No that's what being nice gets you. Fuck all of this. I want Chadtoshi to rape Kokoro in front of Mitsuru.
Mitsuru wants Hiro's milk
good thing NTR done in episode 11 he can recover and forget that slut
>>whores herself out to the edgy homo
Could it be that no girls like you bitter-user?
Based Satan with the burns
>b-but mitsuru is gay anyways
>be ugly and fat
>put girl on a pedestal and make her feel uncomfortable
>put her on the spot with heavy promises that she's too nice to say no to
>ugly cry when she leaves you for someone who doesn't do any of this cringey shit
>Fatboy and lesbo will be candidates for pruning while Mitsuru and Kokoro will have their sync rates go through the roof
I am looking forward to future episodes.
So, Mitsuru is gay for Hiro confirmed?
But boys can't pilot with boys!
Depends if you are a female or male
Admiration if you are a male
SUPER HOT GAY SEX if you are female so you can ship them like a good little fujo
His whole conversation with Ikuno was literally
>we're the same, I'm just honest about it
>Admiration if you are a male
I'm a man and that was borderline gay, coupled with his interaction with Ikuno
He was gay for Hiro, but Kokoro turned him bi
Ikuno can't even get Ichigo wet while Mitsuru achieved 100% synch ratio so why should anyone listen to that stinky dyke?
It's clearly admiration. Only fujos are delusional enough to think he's gay.
To be fair it was kinda shitty of him to ask for that promise in the middle of a mission, if she had refused their synchro would probably have sunk here and there, she was kinda cornered.
Will fatboi recover from this?
I imagine that he turns out to be extremely shallow and ends up putting Ikuno on a pedestal later.
I think Ikuno will whip him into shape and a better character by being brutally honest with him
shut up, roastie
But fatboi was the one giving Ikuno pointers.
Can't wait to see if fatass can conquer Ikuno's gay or get turned into her Ichigo pussy replacement.
Also this show is really good for making you like the most unlikely of couples.
>he’s super overbearing to his partner
>she leaves him for other dude
>all the anons who self-inserted as the fat beta loser cuck get assmad over the “NTR”
That’s about it.
Fat guy will not be able to pilot the franxx any longer and he'll be sent to the gulag along with the dyke because she no longer has a partner. Kokoro will blame herself for it and kill herself because of it.
Kokoro was always the caring type that's why she works better with Mitsuru who has problems, she can take care of him.
Fatoshi is only a good pilot because of his devotion to Kokoro, Ikuno stays the same whoever pilots her and he won't notice a thing because of his obsession.
>But boys can't pilot with boys!
But you have to put things into context dude.
When Mitsuru said that he wanted to pilot the Franxx with Hiro he was younger than 9 years old. Do you think the old geezers tell kids that young about the whole male-female couple for piloting the Franxxs ?
Mitsuro has always looked up to Hiro, in this he's no different from Strawberry girl. But he has a problem, he's weak, has a lot of health problems and survived an almost certain death on the operation table. Then all of a sudden Hiro forgets his promise and Mitsuo can't take it anymore and goes full hateman on Hiro. Until the present day.
Mitsuo isn't gay, Ikuno is the only gay one. In fact she is the only one to ask for pistil to pistil piloting. If Mitsuo was gay why didn't he ask for stamen to stamen piloting ?
the show actually doesnt care that hes fat. its his personality.
Fat people are nasty
>If Mitsuo was gay why didn't he ask for stamen to stamen piloting ?
Because he's not a delusional gay like Ikuno.
>02 dies
>Kokoro sees a sad Hiro as her next problem case
>Hits it off with him
>Milkman gets PTSD
>Futoshi even more dead inside
>All the while Hiro and Kokoro are watching birds and flowers
Imagine getting cucked by a twink. All he had to do was shed the fat and get a haircut but of course fatties are incapable of doing such simple things even if it leads to massive benefits.
Wrong. His weight is constatly mentioned and his level of fatness is considered morbid obesity in Japan
Why is this so hot?
He was always gay but we never knew who was the love interest till now. milkman confirmed to want Hiro's milk
>the show actually doesnt care that hes fat
fucking speedwatchers
Based homo milkman just got the biggest deathflag so far, even bigger than Bobro`s.
I feel bad for him
>Go avoid an anime that Sup Forums hates for an entire season then binge it when it's over, see how different of an opinion you'll have. Or just see any thread where someone drops in and says "Sup Forums you told me this show sucks" 6 years after it aired. It's not rocket science.
This, absolutely. Everyone told me the ending to Helck sucked, but I read through it and loved almost every part of it.
However, there's a big difference between me reading it all in one go, vs having to wait another week to see what bullshit Mikaros randomly pulls out of his ass, or who the next big villain is in the never ending final fight.
Same thing with Berserk's boat-trauma, if you read through it now the chapters breeze by. It was only as painful as it was because people were waiting literally years for it to be over.
I don't.
>If Mitsuo was gay why didn't he ask for stamen to stamen piloting ?
rewatch his dialogs with Ikuno. she heavily implies that he was nothing being honest with himself about what he wanted, and clearly tries to mention Hiro, but gets interrupted
later she thinks Mitsuo will make fun of her about trying to pilot with the same gender, making it seem like they alredy discussed about this before
Are Miku and Zorome the only pure pair left now?
Kokoro never mentioned his weight.
Fatass was obsessive towards her and Kokoro was tired of him putting her on a pedestal. It's really no coincidence that people who think looks are everything have awful personalities.
>boys can't pilot with boys
If there's a hole there's a way
Because she wants to dom a girl.
Too pushy
Because her turbo dyke fantasy got btfo.
Ichigo and Goro are getting there
Someone should make an edit of pic related with Futoshi as pistil and Ikuno as stamen
He never tried to understand Kokoro's feelings
But unlike milkman, he can be open about how he feels.
not always true though, I asked some anons that read the sports day arc of prison school all at once what they thought of it and they said they thought it sucked too
And this is how fat bald old men are born. He's going to be an adult. NTR everybody else starting from Milkman.
We will have to wait and see when we get more forced drama, where Miku starts fucking up their sync rate and the two split over it.
So far, she and Ikuno have not gotten their episodes yet.
Fatso isnt entitled to her, she obviously disliked all his pandering and how he put her in a pedestal and idk preferred the only guy that didnt treat her like some kind of perfect, flawless doll.
You know, like girls irl actually do.
This was Ikuno's episode. She tried to convert Ichigo but failed miserably
>The most effeminate looking male character
>The most effeminate behaving male character
>Doesn't pay any attention to the girls or their bodies like literally every other guy did
>Is obsessed with Hiro
>Wants to pilot with Hiro in a show that explicitly states piloting = sex
>Is partnered with the only other homo
>Other homo heavily implies that he is a homo as well.
How retarded are you?
>Fatoshi is now /r9k/ incarnate
>partner needs a dom
He is not a real dom though. He is a pitiful boy who needed her to save him.
>All this hate for fat people just because of their body.
It's easy to say "LOL JUST EXERCISE" when you were born with thin genetic.
>Ikuno wants to test out her attractiveness to men.
>She and Futoshi are the first ones to have sex.
>She actually enjoys a penis inside her.
>Futoshi fucked a girl and falls in love.
>Max Syncro.
>And Mitsuru is /y/
There will be a redemption. There has to be
every single time we see him not in a franxx he is shoving food into his maw, it's not genetic
Stop being so fat, faggot.
>spouting tumblr nonsense on Sup Forums
This. I don't get why people act personally offended when you point out observations of what's happening in the show, as if you're calling them gay instead of the character. Same with Ikuno.
>Futoshi is better than everyone except Hiro at combat.
>He was using a partner he wasn't even sync with.
Really makes you think. Their overseerers are shit at their job to neglect talent.
>Danger level: God
Just watched it, talk about overblowing it.
Fatman is /ourguy/, he gave away his woman to his buddy and instilled in him a sense of righteousness.
That's alpha, even though he got nothing.
> when you used to be a Chad, but then Papa fried your brain
Why didn't the P13 parasites notice earlier? Although, nevermind, they're all fucking idiots.
I like the idea of girl that want to help but instead makes everybody's life miserable
He had no chance
It was foreshadowed since episode 2
>milkman is 3/5 so far
How much longer until he rides Miku and ichigo?
slowpoke.jpg, they were going to throw hiro away in episode one
Was obviously memory wiped for something that never should have happened.
yuri BTFO
he doesn't have to, he finally rid himself of the crippled horse that was holding him back from achieving greatness
>thin genetics
all that fat must be getting to your brain.
>keeps getting the short end of the stick
>isn't a spoiled brat about it
When will she get more focus? I'm having a tough time being expected to care about assholes.