Would you forgive her?
Darling in the FranXX
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>straight up lies to me with a smile on her face
>shits all over my feelings in front of everyone a few minutes later
>save her life and not even a thank you
If I was Fatoshi I would refuse to deal with this bitch in any possible way.
mitsuru and kokoro are much cuter together
sorry, fatoshi
fucking bitch whore cumswapping slut
hoes need to learn LOYALTY
Reminder that Mitsuru wants Hiro's milk
No. I would call her a slutty cunt then blank her for the rest of time.
I like sluts so yes.
Fatoshi's fault for being so fucking cringe btw
Will dyke-chan whip Fatoshi into shap? That's the real question.
Sage and hide.
I love how realistic this show is
Unironically this. Nishigori will get crucified for it, but this is how shit goes down.
I wonder how many drafts it took to give her that perfect evil whore stare
There's nothing to forgive.
I haven't watched the latest episode yet but I saw the PV trailer. Did Netorare become real?
Not necessarily because she lied, Futoshi created an extremely loaded situation.
But because she told neither of them in advance that she was going to volunteer. She crushed fatty's heard in front of everyone without giving him a chance to mentally prepare for it and she dragged Mitsuru in this shitfest that she created by constantly enabling Futoshi without him having any chance to even say if he wants this.
Why would I be mad that a person goes from a chevy to a BMW?
they're both just fags
The "loyalty" thing was not what she did wrong. She doesn't owe Futoshi anything just because he loves her.
What she did wrong was to keep pretending that everything is fine when clearly it wasn't and then ditching him in the most cruel fashion.
Can't really blame fatty for doing it wrong when the only feedback he ever got was that he's doing it right. Can't fix something you aren't even aware is broken.
This episode.
Is this the opposite of a tsundere?
Seeming to be all loving and supporting right up to the moment when she drops you cold?
This episode was so satisfying, fat people deserve to be NTRed
It's being spineless under the guise of being nice.
Most people do that just because they don't want to burn bridges until they're absolutely sure about what they want.
yeah, sure
No, she's a dirty lying whore.
>tell your supervisor that you are kinda anxious
>this is your first job and you don't know if you're doing everything right because you lack experience but you really love this job and want to do your best
>supervisor tells you everything is fine, you are doing a good job
>get called in the next day and told to pack up your shit and fuck off because you're fired
I would have had an easier time forgiving Kokoro if Fatty hadn't constantly asked if she was alright with him.
She's self-aware so yeah, all is well. It was kind of unkind for her to make that promise but to be honest he was kind of pushing it a bit to aggressively. In his place I'd have gotten the hint when it took her like 10 seconds to respond to it,
>until they're absolutely sure about what they want.
More like until they are absolutely sure they have a replacement for the role you took in their life. They usually already know well in advance.
Here's to Futoshi getting /fit/ as fuck with Ikuno
Fatty constantly asking is part of the problem, it makes it hard for Kokoro to be honest with him.
>She's self-aware so yeah, all is well.
I don't know man, being self-aware doesn't mean anything if you make no move to fix that flaw of yours. I am lazy as shit and fully aware of it, but I'm also too lazy to fix it. I couldn't blame anyone for holding my laziness against me, actually me being aware of it makes it even worse because it just means I am doing the wrong thing while being fully aware of it being wrong.
Well yeah, that's "what they want" means. a lot of people will keep a bad relationship over having none at all. It common weakness. Takes a few relationships and/or rarely-met standards to not behave that way.
I would disagree. The hardest thing is usually to bring the topic up to begin with, once it's out in the open it's a lot easier to proceed.
just because you know your shit don't excused you doing shitty things
>Well yeah, that's "what they want" means.
Oh, okay, I read that as some kind of "they aren't really conscious about their feelings towards this yet and first have to understand them yadda yadda".
The guy was clingy but that's no excuse for her behavior. He should have had some goddamn dignity and she should have had some goddamn guts. But the person who doesn't communicate truthfully in a relationship is always the one at fault.
Well, it's pretty clear that Ikuno will give him a Sgt. Hartman treatment, so it's all already planned. Fatman also got the best robot so he is the true winner here. Let's prepare for full power Chloropytum.
>dat Ikuno got crushed hard
Lel, Ichigo doesn't even realise it either.
I would never pressure someone to make a promisse the way stupid Futoshi did to her.
If she had made the promisse on her own accord, on the other hand, I wouldn't forgive her.
Futoshi keeps asking because he expects Kokoro's approval, Kokoro knows Futoshi's expectations and doesn't want to disappoint him but his constant plea for attention is making her increasingly uncomfortable. Futoshi doesn't see Kokoro as she is just what he wants her to be.
Yes because I wouldn't have been a delusional beta in the first place who tries to convince a woman with words and pleads
Left is with Mitsuru and right with Fatty
Look how higher she is with the right guy
No. Futoshi is a clingy whiny bitch, but Kokoro is a pretending cowardly bitch and that's the worse one of the two.
Not if the relationship was forced upon them.
>I would never pressure someone to make a promise the way stupid Futoshi did to her.
there was no pressure he ask'd and she said yes
Doujins of Kokoro getting raped by fat old men when?
>and doesn't want to disappoint him
And that's why she was in the wrong, because she was fully aware that she would eventually disappoint him.
She's as cute as a button
No. I'll list out why
>she can just not lie
>she can tell him the truth
>she can keep her promise
>she can give some advice
>she can not lie
>she can tell the truth
>she can just not break her promise
>she can try to comfort him
>she can try to tell him the reason she wants to change
>she try and thank him for saving her
>she can try and not be a bitch slut
>she can just break off with him and ask for a change herself
>she drop him off more gently and not be shitty slut bitch
He asked during a mission, if she had said no their franxx would have bricked.
if she didn't like futoshi she could drawn the line long ago why the fuck would you sit there and hand feed some you don't like?
Nah, because it still applies in work groups and arranged marriages.
You're right: there's no excuse. Her problem was that she wasn't honest. She never was the perfect girl Futoshi idolized her to be.
I see this happening all the time. The best thing a woman can do to a man is being brutally honest with him and tell him from day one that he will never have a chance, but lot of them still keep doing the same shit Kokoro does. For guy who can read subtle social cues it's not a problem, but for those who can't it is. These are the kind of guys who don't understand that something like "I'm really busy right now" actually means "I'm not interested".
That's why getting Ikuno is absolutely the best thing that could have happened to him.
Fatoshi completely lucked out this episode, even though he (and many viewers) don't realize it yet.
He was the one that kept pressuring her, he's the reason why she can't be honest.
She's honest with Mitsuru because Mitsuru doesn't particularly care about her image.
Don't act so shocked baby, you've heard of it.
bullshit she was the one always fussing over him
Because confrontation is hard and it hurts.
Come on, Kokoro is clearly a fucking cunt but Futoshi absolutely did put pressure on her. The question was very loaded, it could have easily been worded in ways that put less pressure on her. Actually he could have just stated that he hopes they'll pilot together forever. Wouldn't have been a direct question but her reaction to it would have still given him a clear answer.
is this supposed to be a cross section shot of their genitals?
then she's weak a liar and a slut
This. Not sure why people think you have to pick a side in this one and defend the action of one person involved.
The only one who was involved yet did nothing wrong was Milkman.
Stop, he's already dead!
A human being basically?
I bet you are one of those beta males who complain about being "ghosted"
Fatoshi obviously needed some character development and this was the push that he needed. The show would only be bad if he keeps on putting kokoro on a pedestal rather than walking away from her after this episode.
this But he would be pressuring her even if it was out of a mission. He kept asking for her agreement instead of just waiting for it. These kids have 0% knowledge about love matters.
Even normal people make mistakes when pressured like that.
>there are actually people blaming Kokoro for doing the right thing
Switching to Mitsuru WAS her way of being honest with fatty, also, if she didn't do what she did Mitsuru and Ikuno would end up as targets for pruning.
She is a saint.
A shit human being
problem is that these signals are not always unambiguous. I took the two consecutive "I don't have time on that day" as a clear sign of disinterest before and then was later on asked why I just stopped talking to her because she had hoped there'd be more and she just legitimately did not have time.
every signal she was giving futoshi lead to that question
Second cour man
Just wait
>He was the one that kept pressuring her, he's the reason why she can't be honest.
In this episode, but this has been going on for way longer.
>yet did nothing wrong
What he did wrong was pretending like he wasn't involved instead of being right in the middle of everything. Man should have just picked a side and stuck to his guns.
I can relate with that, and so should you, otherwise you wouldn't be on Sup Forums arguing about anime.
>Worships his waifu like some sort of idol instead of actually trying to understand her
>Triggered when she’s understandably creeped out
Kokoro went about this like a bitch but she’s 100% in the right here
I love it when good girls become bitches. Kokoro instantly became best girl.
Next time when your girlfriend leave you behind because she wants a bigger dick, blame yourself user.
>ask her if he did anything wrong
>lies right to his face
Cockro was clearly in the wrong here.
Being nice doesn't mean she loves you, user.
Ssshhhh fatbois don't know that women are people and being nice is just courtesy and not them being madly in love but too shy to express it.
So Zero Tsu is suddenly back to being lovey with Dahling after an episode of being kind of distant.
I'm starting to think she physically needs to kill Klaxosaurs, and big ones at that. Zorome stealing her kill last episode made her drained and distant.
Either that or she's a psycho who just needs to kill Klaxs to feel alive.
She was fucking hand feeding him and constantly fussing over him so he asked the question how hard is that?
The joke's on her since Mitsuru wants to drink Hiros cum
>Dyke-chan got a Franxx rating but Ichigo didn’t
So would pistil to pistil piloting work if both girls were full-on homo or am I reading too much into that?
That's stupid. He was not voluntarily involved in this at all, why would he actively pick a side - or rather, pick a side against one of them, because that's clearly what you are implying.
He did pick Kokoro's side by just going along with her suggestion, he just didn't shit on Fatty because he knew how Futoshi felt.
>legitimately did not have time
In other words she wasn't interested and then when nobody was interested in her either she started going back and looking at her potentials and suddenly your advances felt better than nothing. Otherwise story ended with the two of you hooking up.
I mean "why didn't you fuck me" is as green as a green light can get.
what was she thinking on that moment?
I thought I would feel bad for Futoshi but he's just being a total faggot. Kokoro did did nothing wrong.
Yuri will find a way, somehow.
>Kokoro did did nothing wrong.
she's a liar and a slut
The thing is that most women love to communicate and they especially love to communicate with guys they're interested in. All kinds of one-word replies, not asking the guy of any questions and just keeping the conversation very one-sided mean "not interested".
See how Kokoro interacts with Futoshi: she never asks him questions, she never tries to engage in real conversation. This is obvious sign woman is not interested in you and will never be, but is too much a coward to tell it straight. When Futoshi tells her "we are such a good combination" she just says "yeah" and smiles but doesn't put more effort in the communication. Women are good in this kind of communication though and they enjoy it so it's not like she can't do it.
Now see how she interacts with Mitsuru: she wants to know more about him, tries to engage in deeper conversations with him. This is clear sign of interest.