ITT: characters that would make good wives.
ITT: characters that would make good wives
She literally broke a romantic promise she made with a guy after about 10 minutes in this episode. This girl's a serial cock hopper. She'd only gonna settle down if she got pregnant, but even then she might take off in a couple years again.
She'll be a single mum of 5 to 5 different dads by the time she's 20.
She needed room to breath. Everyone knew that their relationship was never going to last.
people who create awkward situations and pressure others to make promisses should get what they deserve. well played kokoro
Cant wait for her death
But faithfulness and truthfulness are a couple of the top things you want in a wife. And she's got none of that.
My wife Kokoro soothes my kokoro
I'd marry her.
Marriage is nothing more but a partnership.
A partnership where one side isn't happy is a partnership doomed to fail.
By ending it right now just after a day, instead of forcing herself to endure it, she's doing everyone a favor.
Gotta be kidding.
>all these butthurt fatties going full damage control
It was Fatties fault. He picked the most timid girl and peer pressured her in front of the whole squad. Maybe if she had actually had a part in accelerating towards a relationship then she might have been responsible but she was clearly uncomfortable around him and he ignored her. Also it wasn't a romantic promise, just piloting.
how long do you think it will take for her to go for black dick.
>ending it
>she actually just ran away by breaking a promise instead of outright refusing it
Yeah right, doing herself a favor more like it.
If she's happy now, then she's not going to make him unhappy later when it all breaks down anyway.
Not good wife, but extremely realistic one.
Maybe if you are a cuck
Need porn of her immediately.
Cheating whore
> Overrated
> Perfect female self insert
> Willing to glop
> Willing to raise kids
> Can cook
> Can kick ass
> Plays video games
I don't care what none of y'all say. I still lover her.
>willing to glop