Does Daifuku's genie grant wishes?
One Piece
He wished for a bigger genie.
Yeah, he opens doors and shit. Pretty cool guy, really.
>wake up
>read chapter
>nami doesn't hug luffy
>day ruined
I don’t understand his Devil Fruit, man. He could’ve easily just eaten the Lamp-Lamp fruit and become a Lamp human, but no, it had to be the “Bellow-Bellow Fruit.” What the fuck does that mean, Oda? He makes smoke? But Smoker is the smoke guy. What is it, Oda? Fog? Is it just the magical bullshit genie fruit? What IS IT, ODA? HOW DOES THE HOYA-HOYA WORK, ODA?
I wonder if Oda ever considered how frigging lewd Daifuku's power is.
>"Heh. Guess it's time to fight! Hang on... just gotta... almost there... oh yeah. You're ass is grass in a second! My genie's gonna come out and kick all your asses!"
yesh but only three
he wasted first and second one for something stupid and now he's saving his final wish for black hour and it's gonna be the biggest plotwist in this arc
Why is the Genie coming out of his belt and what exactly is he rubbing?
>Germa wanking fight scenes
>Toei want to make Germa fight cooler
They really want their One Piece FighterZ I'd main Reiju
look at this smug motherfucker, he had been waiting to rub another out for i don't know how many hours
He's rubbing himself user.
He is a Lamp human. So the genie is inside him at all times, and he needs to rub the lamp to get him out.
Also he gets bigger if he pulls on it.
Reposting my question
So if he is having sex the genie will appear? Do you think he uses the genie for sex too?
That would be a dream come true desu I would play Reiju, Zoro and Sanji
>daifuku AND smoothie in the same ship
That's probably the most useless ship in the entire grand line.
>Do you think he uses the genie for sex too?
that's a given: ladies on beans beans island lust for his bbg
Yeah, why isnt Smoothie doing anything? The strawhats are RIGHT THERE and she is just leaving it to Daifuku? What the fuck! Still best girl though
>do Jojo characters use their stands for sex?
I thought we all reached an answer long ago. The answer being: of fucking course they do.
>doing anything
say goodnight WCI
Then Carrot joined on the WCI expedition, so
Monet dying and the fruit respawning as one of Nami's tangerines and "Snow Rabbits" being a thing and us seeing a whole bunch of Sea Rabbits when the crew was sailing away from Punk Hazard.
Jump out of that sinking ship while you can we'll take you in
That birdcage is so garrish. Don't you have a newer model that won't job too hard?
How many more chapters do we have this arc? Post predictions!
No more than 5
Between 2 and 5 chapters.
>"this arc will end in 5 chapters"
Fucking what?
Do you have any doubts, buttcrack user? Why?
I would have liked to see some chapters with Luffy forced to do silly work under Katakuri, like having to bring him donuts or something like that as a way to humiliate him. I know Katakuri is nice but I would have liked to see more of that prick side of him
Post all your Carrot images here
Why is the Big Meme armada so small?
Can you stop reminding me we'll never have Charlotte SoLs? Much less AUs where Luffy becomes Katakuri's subordinate?
I do not come here to suffer.
I want Amande to slow ballad my dick with her mouth
That is my first husbando. This is my 2nd
What's Foxy up to these days?
I kinda wanted him to become an actual friend and ally.
this arc will end in 10 chapters
Maining Sanji, Lucci & Enel
How is it small? They're the pirate crew with the biggest number of ships we've ever seen so far. Even WB didn't bring this many.
Who is your third?
>yfw He's the tenth
You aren't the boss of me.
>having more than one husbando
What a degenerate
Imagine he didn't know what his power actually was after he ate the fruit.
Then that same night while he was wanking it away a giant black genie sprouts from his bellybutton halfway through.
It bothers me than a best boy is following a worst boy in your harem. Makes it seem like Cavendish is shit too, even though he's great.
Luffy is too stupid to be pirate king. BB might be human cancer but at least he has a respectable level of intelligence.
I can safely bet that some fucking guy will ask Oda that question in a future SBS
>Hey! Odacchi! Daifuku's genie comes out when he rubs his body, right? Does it come out when he, you know, does the dirty?
>Hahah! Yes, it's true Daifuku's genie comes out when he rubs himself. You can imagine the shock he got when he first found out his power in the shower
Or some shit. I fucking guarantee it.
Fine to don't prove to Sup Forums that Carrot is the superior bun. You must not like Carrot very much.
Dressrosa kept going for 10 chapters after Dofa got beaten. Even if BM's rampage ends next chapter (i. e. no further complications) we still need to actually escape, and also get some Pound's resolution, Pedro's resolution, Pekoms' resolution, see what's up with Pudding after all of this, what happens with Germa (and Germa/Sora flashback). Lots of stuff.
Well you have shit taste. Cavendish is the only one who gives Sanji competition when it comes to looks
I'll post my pictures in this thread, thank-you-very-much
>implying law doesn't compete with this
>Has a "tragic" past
>Former enemy
>Dreams of being the world's greatest scientist
>Spent the most time with the Straw Hats post-timeskip
>Has a much needed logia devil fruit
>Will get spotlight, with Franky, in the inevitable Vegapunk arc
Chapter 900
The Ninth
Jinbe and carrot fags btfo
Stop using his gag face
I really want a logia user to join the crew already.
He's done things that can't be glossed over though and still has no intention of actually changing. There's no way he'll be a crew member.
He's legitimately a genocidal maniac, that doesn't mesh with the straw hats' ideology at all unfortunately.
And I say this as someone who fucking loves him as a character, I think he's great.
His gag face is still his face. Who the fuck has more than one husbando's anyway?
>Next chapter
>He shows up to help them escape
>"I-I'm not joining you because I want to. I just can't figure out how to put my heart back in my body. I need that damned Trafelegar Law's help to fix it!"
>more chapters
>implying smoothie won't shoot him off the sky before he reaches the strawhats
Is Stussy getting the BBC (Big Bird Cock)?
Momo seems more likely to be honest. He's been around for as long as Caesar. And he has an actual tragic backstory. Has room to grow. Could be a high horse cabin boy.
But the Ninth is most definitely Jinbe, user. There is literally no point in arguing it cause it's not an opinion.
Also, why are so many people obsessed with the idea of Strawhats getting a Logia? What does it matter? It really doesn't do anything to the crew dynamic. It doesn't change anything. If anything it gives them an AoE but considering how every single one of the normal Strawhats can do that, it's not even a big deal. And Paramecias can easily be as strong as Logias. And Logias can be a liability if they don't properly train themselves to dodge in the New World.
>basing yourselves on looks to choose your husbando
Momo is a useless jobber.
It'll be revealed everything he was forced to become evil and corrupted due to pressure from powerful pirates all around him. His original dream was to solve world hunger.
Why do you care? You are clearly a feminist by the file name you used.
Don't know why you care if he would never do that to you since I am certain you aren't good looking.
You can't see it now, but she's fighting thousands of insibile doors as we speak
This. You don't deserve any respect form anyone here.
I mean, you're not wrong.
Reiju would play like Capt.Ginyu where you can cycle through the German 66 as different assist moves.
>y-y-y-you feminist!
Well, if I had any doubt you were falseflagging for attention before now these doubts are all gone.
She's the designated "useless bitch of the arc". Still not as bad as Rebecca, but we'll eventually get another in Wano.
>momo for nakama
Can we, not discuss this? Please?
I am feeling something that might be pretty close to being triggered.
I was hoping for more from Diesel but I guess I should have seen it coming.
What are you even talking about? You were the one who replied to me
What about Kinemon? I actually, unironically, like him. I mean, yeah, he is just a swordsman at the end of the day but I don't really care about that.
And what the fuck is happening with Snack? Is he actually gonna job to Germa?
one piece of what?
I'm not
901, 902 at worst
of great content
What is the problem then?
CC is an amoral scientist all he wants to do is discover and invent shit.
Jinbe and carrot fags getting triggered that Caesar will join
He's definitely not amoral when he has fun killing his subordinates.
I was really hoping Sanji would tell Reiju to put some fucking clothes on at some point
Sorry user. That feeling I have is only growing when you talk about Kinemon.
The only Wano character that doesn't make me feel like using my correction fluid when I read my One Piece volumes is Kanjurou. He's cool. But honestly I hope the rest is dead by the time we come back to Wano.
I was hoping he'd come across someone hitting on her (or see her hitting on someone).
>he's definitely not amoral when he has fun killing his subordinates
G3 is B.S pumping air into your bones would reduce the density of said bones due to increasing volume but adding no mass. However it would also make it hard to break his bones since the air acts as a kinetic absorber(ever punched an air bag before). So the strength bonus from G3 and G4 is B.S. If Oda had a brain he would realize Luffy compressing his arm would make his impacts stronger since the density is now higher.
>Kills people he doesn't know in awful torturous ways
>Enjoys it
>Kills people he does know in awful torturous ways
>Enjoys it
>Performs deadly experiments on children
>Enjoys it
>Sells weapons which kill people in awful torturous ways
>Enjoys it
>Detonates a weapon of mass destruction
>Enjoys it
>Takes the residue of that WMD and turns it into a deadly lifeform then traps it for years
>Enjoys it
>Releases that lifeform on his own people
>Enjoys it
>Kills that lifeform
>Enjoys it
No no, you're completely right user, he's just a misunderstood good guy and totally next in line for the crew.
Well, it's just a shit taste, you won't die from that, but life may be quite painful.