Mahoutsukai no Yome 24 (finale?) is out
Mahoutsukai no Yome 24 (finale?) is out
hey kid let me in you can trust me i'm a jew
fucking dissapointment
>druggie didn't fuck sensei
What a steaming pile of shit. Really disappointed at how everything was solved with "it's magic, so we ain't gonna explain shit", also, lullaby. Also, that shitty backstory for the villain felt lame as fuck, it's impossible to empathize with.
Anons are going to throw shit at me, but I think it would make more sense if Chise died at the end, either to "save" Cartaphilus/Joseph, or to finish him.
i agree with you entirely , it felt rushed as fuck and everything "just worked out" , hopefully the manga gives us a better ending
They could have avoided a lot of shits by swapping arms.
I'm sorry user, but I got a feeling that the manga will follow the anime, author probably thinks it's a good idea to deliver the ending for the manga along with the anime, or at least end this arc in the same way.
At best, we will get some fluff as some extra chapters/possible epilogue.
What REALLY makes me pissed is that we had ZERO explanation of why Chise's dad disappeared with her brother and what the fuck happened with them, at best I can think he just got tired of all the shit. So, there's still hope that the manga will at least finish that plot line later.
So how far did the anime adapt, or did it go completely off route?
>ZERO explanation of why Chise's dad disappeared with her brother and what the fuck happened with them
i mean , what even was that cat thing staring at them? What was ashen eye? What was his deal with the jew? Theres so many unanswered questions here , im not even scratching the tip of the iceberg
last manga chapter ends with chise meeting the jew at the fountain
What was that young form Elias took at the auction?
So does the manga continue after this or is this the end?
>ZERO explanation of why Chise's dad disappeared with her brother and what the fuck happened with them
>i am fed up looking after these people from magic shit
there, done.
chise said it didnt look like her or simon so fuck knows who it is
I agree entirely. I also think it was pathetic how easily Chise forgave Elias. Talk about a forced happy ending.
What the fuck is the thing to know there?
>Family is constantly assaulted by monsters due to your daughter
>Take your son and leave
Why would it need any deeper reason?
This is one of the three shows I dropped at ep 20+ and I even wonder why I put up with it for so long. It was dull as fuck. Chise was a qt but I could care less for every other character and I have no idea what was the point of the story.
>but I could care less
hello burger.
What the fuck was that guy doing in the last chapter? It looked like there was no other villanious character to tag along with Joseph, so the author decided to shove him in the episode, because why the fuck not.
did you really expect the jew to fight on his own?
W-wait, Elias has purple dick?
I'm from yurop and that's the grammatically correct way of saying this. At least I was taught that way.
If it was the correct way, it wouldn't tell us anything. Saying you could care less means that your level of caring about it is anywhere from 100% to just above 0. "I couldn't care less" means that you don't care about it at all.
I liked it. The show felt nice and comfy every episode, had some good plot, dealt with some nice ideas and looked pretty too. Not the best thing ever but it doesn't have to be. The ending also worked for me
It's a phrase. Don't go looking for a logic when it comes to phrasal expressions.
>absolutely god tier first cour
>mediocre as fuck second cour
you're clearly a burger.
just because you go to an irish bar doesn't make you a yuro.
It's a phrase like a diamond dozen.
Wait so did Elias and the redhead actually get married? Put this series on hold a while back. If they actually went through with making her his bride then I'll pick it back up.
Honestly this, The fucking dinosaur episode where he turns into a tree or whatever I keep repeating is one of the best episodes this year though.
>Show tries to tackle serious things like depression and unhealthy relationships
>We'll just hug the bad out of the bad guy
Why don't you just handwave the entire thing about Elias being a jealous, child-sacrificing monster while we're at it- oh, wait.
The mangaka draws stuff she likes and THEN makes up the plot.
The show should have stuck more to the mage side of things and veered off of all the stupid ass sorcerer and cartiphilus shit.
It was so insanely good when it was comfy and 2-3 episodic arcs. It really reminded me of Spice of Wolf.
Also the TOP contender for "god tier OP 1, dogshit OP2"
or a doggy dog world
David, go back to to the WILTY studio
And thus continues the """meme""" that women can't end series.
I know the manga is ongoing, but my point is still valid since the series has declined throughout its length
I could have forgiven this episode if it had a post credit epilogue where we see the child soccer team Elias and Chise made. Manga better deliver.
thorny benis
>Elias didn't have some final transformation to assfuck Joseph harder
The flower formation with the wind slyph was cool, but it was barely utilized. Plus it didn't even kill ashen-eyes.
They didn't, it was just some Japanese proposal lines of "Stay beside me forever."
I don't even understand what the fuck happened. Is Joseph in a "sleep" state or what? He clearly isn't permanently asleep because hes drinking water and briefly woke up.
Did Chise just neuter his pain and put him to sleep for 95% of the time?
This show was severly meh.
Didn't have the balls to drop it the whole second cour because I felt like I was too deep in. I don't even know why I watched it at all, I was invested in nothing. Not the plot, not the characters, not the setting, not the atmosphere, nothing.
The setting especially is a real shame. Seemed so interesting in the early episodes, had some nice moments like the flying sheeps episode but it kidna fell flat overall, not sure why. Magic stuff always seemed confusing and "it just works".
Im waiting to see Chise get fucked by Elias' monster form.Also I want to see them have a big family.
I hope the manga is not planning to end with this arc.
Where were the scenes with Chise in that huge white "white mage" robe from the OP?
Does Chise enjoy having Elias put his tentacles in all of her holes?
salamander bro
It feels like she's just keeping him around like some abused pet. There's literally no one in the entire world that can empathize with him because he's been through fucking 2000 years of pure agony. she might be trying to heal his wounds over time, but that doesn't solve the problem of him being immortal.
Of course,she is a monsterfucker.
that hill
I need doujins of it happening
Being immortal is only a problem if the world explodes and you're trapped in space, have an eternal curse, etc.
In a world where magic exists and you can clearly learn/do anything you want with the time needed - immortality would be fucking amazing. I would take an immortality curse (minus the agony) any day.
Can trains even handle a hill that steep? That curve at the bottom is begging to break an axle.
magic battery girl is sleeping
>let's forgive villain all the atrocities he's committed because he's got a rough life
Seriously, is there a worse trope in existence?
It's still amazing Chise's seiyuu voices a crazy murderer deviant chick in Sorcery Jokers. Talk about range
Apparently not.
Another one I hate and was done here
>oh wow, there are some shallow similarities in our hero and our villain's actions/motivations/backstories, so I guess they're not so different.
This also happens to be a part of the shitty villain forgiveness bullshit
>On going manga
>This episode is literally beyond the last chapter
We're not so different, you and I.
How did they defeat the cute jew? Will the manga go the same way?
i wanna impregnate titania's titanias
If you understand the concept of magic (which is techinically the rearrangement of atoms with the use of a special type of energy), then it's your fault. The show doesn't have to pamper you with logical knowledge.
>How did they defeat the cute jew
same way you defeat all jews.
with the truth.
As I fantasyfag I really loved this series and the romance was adorable.Is the manga gonna end after the next chapter too?
>the truth
thats not a gas chamber
God I try to forget Virgin Soul exists.
Only Logos can save the jews because jewish identity is defined by its rejection.
I'm pretty sure I used to throw those at enemies in SMB2
she's talking about you, user.
How dense are you people? Like this user said. If the wandering jew is immortal then next best solution is keeping him content for as long as Chise's lifespan allows. That or encasing him in concrete.
I was kind of expecting Chise would take Joseph's place and merge with Cartaphilus since the curse is tied to him specifically.
I'm glad Chise stopped being so chronically depressed. She's such a cutie.
Either way would have been bad because Joseph was calling Chise out on her hypocritical bullshit the entirety they were fighting. If Joseph were killed it would have just been a bit shit because it wouldn't have made sense. And he wasn't really forgiven, he's basically stuck in a pit which is being guarded by Chise and he doesn't even care anymore, he'll just be sleeping until the world ends.
So Chise's dad is a nigger?
This show should have ended after the first cour.
give her the marriage consummation.
So dissapointing. After all this they just put him to sleep with magic song? What a let down after drama with Elias and her running away.
Teen Titianna is cuter than the original version.
Does the witch work as a prostitute?
Why are you insistent on this? You have some kinda trauma from the past or what? Just because the phrase originated from US, apparently, doesn't mean that anyone using it must be an American. Mimochodom, pochádzam zo Slovenska.
Joseph' clothing - which country is it from?
>everything was basically ashen eyes going just a prank bro
Perhaps it's just drawn poorly and makes it look steeper than it actually.
Like that infamous shot of the street on a hill that looks like a 90 degree sheer drop.
normal fags decided on their own to gtfo
How did Joseph merge with Cartophilus? Transplant organs? Black magic?
Only the best magic of them all.
bonehead is cute desu
Truly the strongest magic.
But Joseph was digging in a church, then we are shown a scene of him walking through Rome while the race track still stands.
So either he is from the middle east (where Christianity spread to first), or artist forgot their timeline.
Did they ever explain what Ashen Eye is? I don't remember.
I dropped this show after that elf slut tried to "help" chise by drowning her in that pond. I've been so happy to not see really any threads about it since then. Can you guys keep it that way. Don't talk about this teenage scene girl rape fantasy any more. It doesn't deserve it.
Ruth is a Cerebrus? Otherwise how is he breathing fire?
I've not been keeping up with the threads, why is everyone calling joseph a jew ?