Women and whiteknights reaction to this
>Kokoro did nothing wrong, fatty was being too pushy
Fatties and betas reaction to this
>Kokoro did everything wrong, fatty was being honest and caring
Which side is correct?
Women and whiteknights reaction to this
>Kokoro did nothing wrong, fatty was being too pushy
Fatties and betas reaction to this
>Kokoro did everything wrong, fatty was being honest and caring
Which side is correct?
Normal dude reaction to this:
>why the fuck spend so much energy and time on a trashy show?
The slut lied
>Which side is correct?
They're both in the wrong. Fatty is annoying and pushy, but Kokoro should've talked about their problems instead of betraying her promise like a slut.
Or at least don't promise something like that in the first place if you don't mean it.
once again, fpbp
Will Fatty turn the dyke straight?
Fatboi was the one that pushed the promise.
The fatty was a clingy autistic manchild. Of course she made a promise with him, she was locked up and uncomfortable. If she didn't keep the fat autistic creep happy he might've hurt her.
>Fatties and betas reaction to this
>broke promise
You mean any normal human reaction? Unless you're whore's son and this behavior is common to you
Exactly.Are you fucking kidding me, badly written teenage "romance" is what's exciting to you? I can't believe there are people who unironically like this show.
You can't talk truthfully with a clingy creepy fatso autistic slob. He'd probably hurt her if she did. I understand why she didn't feel safe around him.
No. Kokoro was just weak willed.
the only person in the wrong is whoever wrote a screenplay for a mecha show and thought it a good idea to bloat it with retarded NTR drama in every single episode
Fat fuck was the one that made the promise, Kokoro did what she did because Mitsuru clearly needed help.
this desu.
Yeah, and she accepted it. Is him stating his feelings plainly wrong? No, her accepting it falsely is wrong.
People are overlooking a simple fact, Futoshi works fine without Kokoro, he can be paired with any other girl and function just as good as he was with Kokoro, Mitsuru was clearly having problems and Kokoro clearly wants to be relied on more instead of protected all the time so it's a match made in heaven.
Mitsuru can learn to rely more on Kokoro and Kokoro can perform better without Mitsuru always worrying over her.
Fat people are subhumans, they're always wrong.
This isn't a mecha show. It's a show about relationships in a weird dystopian society where teenagers partner up to pilot mechs
Fat fuck was being overbearing, he was pressuring Kokoro to agree with whatever he was saying, watch the scene after the partner swapping proposal.
You can't hold females to the same standards. When they say no in such situations, it's possible that the guy will punch or kill them since they're weaker. In other word's they lie by nature, and they're sluts by nature. And there's no point in getting mad at nature.
I don't know why you fags think she's absolved from being a shitter because she's weak willed. If anything that makes her worse.
me, for droping this shit
Yeah right
You fags also pretended like the show wasnt about NTR and it was all in NTRfags' imaginations until it became apparent that this was Kuzu no honkai 2.0
In the last 5 episodes when it focuses back on mecha fighting dinos you'll change your speech again and say it's absolutely a show about mechs with just a little drama to "flesh out the characters"
The fact that she was the one who proposed to swap to Mitsuru shows that she's not weak willed, it was the fat fuck that was being controlling.
Nigga no one speaks trought your mouth except by you. You can't go around half assing life, because when you do situations like that happen.
She's in the wrong for being such a push over. Fattie is an annoying piece of shit too though.
She was weak willed enough to say yes to his proposal, and then weak willed enough to break that because she thought milkman needed help. There's no strength here, she's just turning her ass to get fucked from another direction.
For how controversial this episode is, it really does say something about anons and their own relationships with women.
When she decided not to be a pushover, everyone starts calling her a bitch for some reason. So many self inserting fat fucks in Sup Forums.
True that. Doesn't change the fact that she was in the wrong in that specific situation though.
Where do you think you are newfag?
she didn't switch to HELP milkman.
she switched because she was scared of fatty's autistic fits. i mean, he was being pushy, and a creep. she was desperate to escape the situation so she "promised"
Shit I am not watching anime to see realistic women jump from cock to cock, I watch this shit to escape reality and to believe women can be loyal.
FUcking westernization of anime
People who don't want to be pushovers don't lie to get their way.
She switched because once again, she submitted to the thought that someone need help, even though she has just submitted to being protected by fatty. She's not strong for changing her mind, she's flaky and weak of mind.
just dont run away from your problems sweetie.
We have better girls like 02 for that. Imagine watching fatass be annoyingly lovey dovey with that slut for 14 more episodes (maybe you'd like that though if you're fat).
this. She's a coward and couldn't speak the truth. She deserves to be raped.
Don't you see what's happening?
Kokoro is a woman's self insert character
Futoshi is a man's self insert character
Nice edge.
you're next
Kokoro herself admits she is shit, that is the only correct answer
wew lad
Who gives a shit about this worthless characters? At this point Trigger should know the only reason people bother watching is 02.
>being a normalfag
I hope so :3c
They do though and you know it damn well.
Will the swap be permanent for the rest of the show or will Mitsuru die at some point?
Personally seen way too much of this exact shit at college, and having be the mediator for people who could not fucking talk to each other and acted half their ages. I'm glad I can actually hash shit out with my wife now and back then.
Personally feel like both were at fault, though the writing really felt like it was forced to make up for the lack of buildup on the situation so it felt more natural.
That's so fucking cute. Fuck.
Why would they ever get back together? Milkman is going to die, but that doesn't mean the skank will get fatty back. Hopefully she dies with him, though living and being denied and shunned would be fitting too.
Fatties don't deserve happiness.
Kokoro is the actual madman indulges fatmans delusions about her and then crushes them promptly before opting for the closet homo to show just how shit fatso is, this isn't quite despair porn level but I'll take it
> 140m
> 400000kg
Fatty is the ultimate whiteknight though. Whiteknights fall under the beta category.
The virgin fatso will die and the chad Mitsuru will have a three way Franxx with Kokoro and Ikuno
>Genista will never pick you up and carry you round the house looking for things to manhandle you on
She didn't get concerned until finding out about his health though. It's one of the things that makes her actions seem insincere and more worried about fixing Mitsuru than in love with him.
Futoshi will get a character development episode and Kokoro will go back to him then.
If he takes her back all his development will be for naught. It's as simple as that senpai. She doesn't deserve another chance.
Looking good
I hope not. Honestly he's better off considering he and Ikuno did much better.
Everyone kind of fucked up in some way. Milkman is a dick, Kokoro is a lying asshole, Fatoshi smothered Kokoro too much and drove her away. Everyone loses, people are shitty. The moral is trust no niggas.
Frankly I hope fatso, lesbo, and gayboi all become dino chow all 3 of them are shit
> Taking fatoshi back
LUL. He sank his ship.
Kokoro was the one who sank the ship.
>all of them die
>Kokoro left alone and ostracized
Not the worst ending desu.
They're both wrong.
It was pretty obvious Fatty kept getting increasingly overbearing and dropping more and more spaghetti, and Kokoro didn't like. And Kokoro was two-faced from the start and kept enabling him, but atleast she knows she had been a shit and admitted mistakes were made to Milkman. It was foreshadowed since the first episodes where Kokoro's synch rate was horrible on the monitor while she kept pretending everything is perfect.
Kokoro is much more interesting now that she's with Mitsuru, she didn't have a personality before.
OTP lads
How is fatty being honest wrong at all? This is the dumbest part of any argument defending Kokoro.
>Low test beta males get buttblasted when best girl didn't pick their self insert fatass
>Shout slut and ntr when lardo mcmayo never even entered the mind of Kokoro
The bitch shoulda been straight with fatoshi but getting this salty over what is the most obvious foreshadowed relationship is pathetic
Kokoro should have given fatty some heads up. However, fatty was still an autistic fuck throughout the whole episode.
Her only personality now is being an uncaring two-faced person. Going from nothing to bad isn't exactly great progression.
Angry fatty detected
If fatso has even tiniest bit of brain and capable of most meager learning, he'll want absolutely nothing to do with her after she explicitly fucked him over once.
Not true on the hurting her part. I really don't think he'd ever hurt her.
Kokoro abandoned ship. It was already sunk.
Frankly, I'd be happy if this happened.
>10 threads about this fatass on the catalog
This confirms that Trigger Niggers are fat and can't handle criticism
APES love their NTR
>It's "One thot wrecks group cohesion and causes good lads to turn on each other" episode
See, this is why Nines, being an elite force that cannot afford failures, keep their thots properly muzzled.
>Trigger fanboy is a literal cuck who will unironically defend NTR drama
checks out I guess
It also proves that it's hilarious to watch neck beard "nice guys" get BTFO
I'm not sure what the message of this was, other than you'll never find love if you're fat or ugly (same thing really)
Thanks for your insight, mr normalfag, I'm sure that no one noticed that this site was full of losers before.
It's an A1 episode