Remember Darling, no refunds.
Remember Darling, no refunds
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02 a shit
Give me five (5) facts about Zero Two!
>uh yeah i actually want to get out of this ride now
>Hiro will regain his lost memories
>Hiro will acknowledge the barbarity of adults towards children, once mitsuru dies
>Hiro and 02 will finally be happy together once they both declare war on the adults
I already know this series will lead me to immense suffering.
Mitsuru will die for sure, he's done for
She's not Diana.
OFFICIAL Ep 11 Couple Rankings
>Satan/Asuka v.2
>Dahling & Her Franxxx
>Milkers/Lying Slut
She's cute
She's strong
Darling loves her
She's the best
Zero Two!!!!!
trips confirm, these are all facts
I do enjoy my despair porn
She isn't Jackie Chan
>pic related might end up being real
Oh no my kokoro.
Another episode.
Another day.
Miku is still best girl.
HI resident mikufag, I'd be interested in mikuposting but she has to get more screentime first
>I have made a huge mistake
The inevitable flashback is going to be brutal for my heart.
Aaaa, if A-1/Trigger pulls this off, they'll be based.
It is a scary entity
It absorbs everyone's souls and possesses them for a mysterious purpose
It is Kirby's once sworn enemy
It possessed dedede a lot of times
It's shaped like an eyeball.
If fatso is truly the representation of the average fat loser NEET, then he'll fall in love with Ikuno, 100% confirmed and get cucked again
lmao ichigo getting cucked eternally
We're probably getting opening change in 2 weeks.
So here's my question: Will we get the kiss in next episode? I mean the whole opening is like 02 singing to Hiro and it would make sense that final verses of it:
>So don't be afraid of me,
>just kiss me now!
Would come true before we get OP change.
The presumption is yes, before we get an OP change, we'll get Hiro kissing 02.
But also that 02 will stop being a prisoner to her own half-Klaxosaur blood, as implied by her breaking free from what appears to be a Klaxosaur core caging her.
Is that before or after APE executes the gays for being useless?
How can we be sure? Was she ever in a room with assorted household items, frantically telling thugs and ruffians that she wants no trouble?
>miku gets almost zero two screen time
Can anyone tell me what episode/time the bottom panel is from?
It's from the OP, genius.
I fear that they'll rush it. If we truly get a kiss from them in next episode then the whole episode should be focusing Hiro and 02.
I can't imagine so important moment to their relationship handled in a few scenes between some other shit.
It's in the OP. After that bit flashes by Hiro suddenly looks up like remembered something important and looks over at Zero Two.
Yeah. It'll have to be really Hiro/02-centric for that entire thing to have any hope of being properly resolved.
I fear they'll just drag it into the second cour.
B-but Hiro, what about our promise? ;_;
It will probably be the last episode of this cour, an entire episode of healing with the kiss at the very end. I'm not sure if my heart is going to be able to handle it.
I guess that's what I get for skipping it.
Honestly, the wait until Thursday is going to be too difficult this time around.
This episode was brutal...
>Have to wait for next episode once again
This is true suffering
Oh onibro, I hope you are right.
I miss this smile, where did it go?
>tfw they don't actually resolve Zero Two's issue this cour and drag it out further into the second cour
>Still hung up about it years later even after he's already seen that only female and male pairs can pilot Franxxx together
I'm waiting for the gay ending where the lads just get into a 5 way orgy
>lets pilot a franxx together
>milkman just wanted hiro milk all this time
fuck it
>I fear they'll just drag it into the second cour.
I hope not, I need this smile back. And I need it back in next episode.
They shouldn't do that.
We will have to find out Thursday. For them to resolve the issue in a satisfactory manner and even give a good, romantic cour 1 finale, there has to be such a focus on Hiro and 02 that just the preview alone would have to be filled with scenes of the two of them.
After a rewatch and some thought, I think I understand what they're going for with 02 at the moment. She's still being insecure about her appearance and potentially growing fangs/physical transformation and either doesn't know how or doesn't want to talk about it for that reason with Hiro. The reason she hugs him from behind at the end is because she sees Hiro looking at fatty being NTR'd and wants to assure him that she's not upset with him or wants to leave him or anything like what is going on with Futoshi and Kokoro. Also interesting to note is that she seems to be avoiding faceing him when speaking to him. She talked normally and smiled somewhat when hugging him from behind, possibly because she knows he isn't at risk of seeing her fangs if she's behind him.
>only female and male pairs can pilot Franxxx together
Not sure. If adult allow to try pistil-to-pistil test it should be at least theoretically possible.
franxx are like the pair child, you can't make a baby with a dude asshole
Or they just know it definitely won't work to shit on lezbo-chan's dreams
Well, no shit.
Yeah, I think she's conflicted in what she thinks she needs to do. On one hand, she's clearly pushing Hiro away so that he won't find out about her true self, or to prepare herself to be abandoned by him.
On the other hand, she realizes that if she pushes too hard, that might make him leave too, so she's instinctively also trying to pull him back in.
Do we really need 15 Franxx threads at once?
Good episode, really looking forward to 02's character arc.
This is Oni thread so I'll allow it.
02 eyes makeup is dumb
Delete this.
>No blue 'makeup' thingy around Hiro eyes.
Goddamn how can someone screw this up?
Hiro is next in the cucking train, get it the ride remember no brakes for the cuck-trainwreack.
Nah, he already had this turn.
Gimme the source, user-kun. Please
Not true.
you gosling, how naive.
The CHAD milkman gets 15 threads for cucking Fatoshi
Fix your shit taste.
That's not fair, Zorome still hasn't boarded the train yet.
watch them pull a tokyo ghoul on us, making a terrible separation finale and 02 appears next cour working with the klaxossaurs to destroy papa and the adults
It's not makeup, just stripes of her original skin color.
kind of sad to see that everyone forgot about why they're actually watching the show
Grazie user!
5 facts about Zero Two!
1. Zero Two is cute!
2. Zero Two is my wife!
3. Zero Two has smelly feets!
4. Zero Two is not reddit!
5. /02/!
Holy shit, pls no.
Well honestly she hasn't much screen time in the last 5 episodes aside from episode 8. Still the scenes she had were pretty significant.
i pray with you user, i want a nice happy death ending for hiro2 .
but i can see the corner of the tokyo ghoul card on triggers sleeve ;-;
why live user
blame the ntr/cuckposter..this week is so bad that they breed like rat
Is this better?
Yeah, since first episode I thought that Hiro and 02 dynamics were most entertaining part of the show.
Seeing how from 3 episodes steadily we get less of them makes me physically hurt.
In this epsiode
>kokoro promises to stay with fatoshi forever
>five minutes later leaves him
>zero two has mood swings and refuses to talk with hiro
>she then gets over it and jumps back onto his dick at the end
the moral is never trust women
what the hell, this week was one of the best eps in a while, everyone finally acted on their wants and motivations, and we got some pretty good development
always bet on milk, motherfucker
A lot. Suits my tastes much more.
So wait did Mitsuru's pill popping have nothing to do with 02 giving him dino aids? Does that mean he got out of riding with her just fine other than being scared of her or did riding with her activate side effects from the elixer injection? I can guarantee you this will never be fucking addressed
im willing to bet shes being like this now because she doesn't see herself as one of the other kids. so she rejects anything to do with "feelings" and "getting to know each other".
waiting for ep where hiro finally implodes and lays it down on her only for her to break down crying and spill it all out in an emotional scene.
one can dream
good development of shit character is not going to change the fact that theyre still shit
it's been slowly getting worse since they discovered the hospital in ep7
I hope this finally puts an end to nearly 5 weeks of ntr/mitsuru posting
Can we get part to the interesting part of the show? You know where there is a girl with dinosaur blood and a guy she injected dinosaur blood with?
>isn't ready to talk to Hiro about what's bothering her but still reassures him of her extreme loyalty to him
It's a little frustrating but it's not that bad.
This fetish shot though
only 1 more week, I'm sure..
Hey, the Mikufag is here, how is life my man?
Haven't watched this since episode 8, did the plot pick up?
Exacly. Moment of 02 emotional breakdown, if we get one, will be one of most memoriable evenets which occured in this series.
One can only hope we get it in next episode.
Come back next week, it's been 4 weeks of """""""character development""""""""
Speedwatchers are still here? Go make your self taller.
Mind if I take it a little bit further?