How do you fix it?
How do you fix it?
Make Gohan the MC
Doesn't need any fix
Shoot everyone over the age of 18 who still watches daytime cartoons for children.
Shoot all shounentards on Sup Forums
Turn it into GT.
Make the anime a straight adaptation of the manga like it should have been. Fire the fucking writing staff.
Remove Toriyama and let the spics handle it
Then it would be just like GT though.
Don't let Toei write it
Don't let the interns animate fights
>let the spics handle it
So the Gohan Show? Fuck that.
That would still be an improvement, see
No it wouldn't, Pablo.
By stop producing it and animate better shows?
>So the Gohan Show?
That would have happened if Toriyama was the one handling things, he was gonna make Goku pass the torch to Gohan but the nips cried so much about it that he decided to shaft Gohan and bring Goku back again.
>That would have happened if Toriyama was the one handling things
Right, that must be why Gohan was such a major star in the BoG, RoF, U6, FT and US outlines.
>he fell for the Toriyama outlines meme
He has no involvement at all with Super (which is therefore not canon), other than the dosh he is indirectly receiving.
Yes, everyone in every interview ever was just lying and the only person enlightened to the truth is you. Nice headcanon.
>He has no involvement at all with Super
Even if that were true (and it's not) he still had proven involvement in the BoG and RoF films, anx Gohan was an absolute laughingstock in those.
>Nice headcanon.
Sounds like a fact to me.
Yeah OP should be watching Yuru Camp like a real man
Perfection can't be fixed
He didn't say destroy it
Make GT canon.It wasn't THAT bad.
today is the last chapter
He didn't ask to make it even worse.
Make Freeza the MC.