So, in the end, did Yukari-sama do anything wrong?
I submit that she did not.
So, in the end, did Yukari-sama do anything wrong?
I submit that she did not.
Other urls found in this thread:
I hate aradama.
What the fuck will be in the threads for two weeks?
Conspiracy theories about Suzuka.
She chose two girls over the whole world, I'd say that's a pretty wrong thing to do.
Two girls she didn't even get to fuck. What a blunder.
>Real leader among five principles is Yuzuki, she is also the one know know and support Yukari the most
My theory about Suzuka is that Suzuka likes anal.
Nah, nothing evil, or close to...
You see? She only spared the life of a creature that caused the third impact, so it could have a shoot to launch the aradama instrumentality project 20 years later. [/sarcasm]
Literally worst than Hitler.
Of course, she is a Toji.
Any reason for that?
>new character in 2nd cour is from Ayanokouji
What did they mean by this?
Are you okay user?
Well, I mean she's not new. We saw her in the 20 years ago scene. She just hasn't had much of a role since there are no Ayanokouji students among the main heroines.
But that's /vg/.
By the end of the show no toji will be left pure.
I meant the the girl in the poster. She's the 1st girl from the Ayanokouji, aside from the 2 elite guards, that will be prominent.
The student behind Hiyori on the poster not the principal
I say Suzuka will try to abort Kanami's baby but then Yume's soul will take over it and Kanami will get killed by her own child 15 years in the future.
I want to be Yomi's girlfriend and tell her everything will be ok while holding her hands!
Is that a Pride wannabe on the picture ?
Why would you lie?
Yomi needs a girlfriend to heal her broken soul
I want to be Suzuka's girlfriend and fuck her face every night.
Suzuka has a boyfriend
Maki is a girl, user.
and it's me
I want to be Mai's girlfriend and tell her that her cookies are trash.
Stop lying on the Internet, Sayaka.
She is a boy with tits
She made the choice to put the world at risk to save her friends. But she also knew there was a long time perioud for her to figure out how to beat the aradama, in other words to remove the risk factor.
Personally I think she made the right choice, but I understand why people don't agree.
more importantly however, would you drink her pee?
Only Hiyori's
Honestly, I can only feel bad for the poor Aradama. Tajitsu-hime was only trying to survive, knowing that she would die eventually. The mikos never took that in consideration.
But I guess it's kind of a Gokumi stuff where the villain is actually innocent, like the Vertex in YuYuYu.
>more importantly however, would you drink her pee?
Anyone would.
Reminder that Yume died denied of her batoru and her corpse was chopped to pieces.
They should sell her pieces as merchandise.
Should've been burned.
Kanami's mom is at fault here
Had she not jumped in like a retard Yukari wouldn't have been losing TWO friends and wouldn't have taken the deal.
History repeats itself and Kanami jumped in and stopped Hiyori allowing Tagitsu-hime to split herself and run
>would you drink her pee?
I'd love to
How much for her hand?
No, suzuka sold yume's dead body to someone and that's why she will be coming back as an aradama see
>remove the risk factor
*reduce the risk factor.
That is a very different thing.
She had no right to put any risk at all on the entire world.
This is not a matter of opinion. She made the wrong choice.
And frankly, believing the beast to be honest about anything at all is foolish at best.
But she was an emotional teenager whose friends had just been eaten. So while the choice was wrong and horrible, it is absolutely understandable.
>She had no right to put any risk at all on the entire world.
She had every right since she was the only one that could save it.
Shhh.. she is sleeping.
And having a nice yume.
Oopps. Wrong webm.
Being the only one capable of saving somebody does not give you the right to put their life at risk. That's stupid.
Hiyori holding Kanami's hands while they lay on the ground unconscious.
Can't wait for Jetstream Yume to solo the entire team
Does Suzuka need money so badly she'll sell some little girl dead body
She's a double agent
She has to provide for Maki now that she's out of a job.
>you need to save me but at my conditions!
Had Yukari not fought at all no one would even be alive, much less be able to question her choice.
But Maki is great at job she jobs like no one
Objectively speaking, Yukari-sama brought two decades of peace that were interrupted by the foreign funded Mokusa group. They claim to be freedom fighters for the good of the country, but Yukari-sama was attacked cowardly simply because one of the girls blamed her for killing her mother, when the truth is Yukari-sama had saved the mother. There is no proof or evidence for any claim of this mokusa, who is also responsible for the death of Yume.
>>you need to save me
This is her duty.
No other conditions needed. Putting people at risk is the literal opposite of her duty.
>This is her duty.
This is her choice.
>She had no right to put any risk at all on the entire world.
This is not a matter of opinion. She made the wrong choice.
I disagree. I would priorotize my friends if I had any and family over the rest of the world.
No, it's her literal profession.
That's why she's been sent there.
She chose to do that profession.
She chose to go there.
She chose to risk her live and fight.
The world's destiny was literally in her hands and even if she chose to bet it no one has the right to complain about it since they all owe her the ability of being able to question it, along with their very life.
>She chose to do that profession.
>The world's destiny was literally in her hands
So you are agreeing with me that since it was her free choice to pick this job, she can't just turn around and fuck things up for everybody when there's nobody around to take over for her?
The real question is did Princess Tagitsu do anything wrong? She was the true victim of Richard Friedman's experimentation and only wanted to escape and survive. She even kept her promise to pull Minato and Kagari out of the netherworld and give Yukari 20 years to kill her, though they had to share the same body working towards opposite goals. And thanks to her Yukari was able to heavily regulate and improve their usage of noro to greatly reduce casualties from aradama related incidents. Tagitsu is the unsung hero of this story.
>she can't just turn around and fuck things up for everybody when there's nobody around to take over for her?
Of course she can.
It's a daemon. Its very existence is wrong.
>Of course she can.
You have no idea what "duty" means. None whatsoever.
You have no idea what responsibility means.
You are fucked up.
You are judging your saviour because she saved you in a way you didn't like.
You don't have any right to judge her at all, you ungrateful piece of shit.
>because she saved you
She didn't.
She just postponed the catastrophe because a demon promised her that it would give her a chance.
She failed her duty, plain and simple.
>She didn't.
Yeah, in fact Tagitsu hime did destroy the world that day, right?
I see you are having trouble reading. It's okay. I'll wait.
>It's a daemon. Its very existence is wrong.
I wonder who's behind this post.
I see you are having trouble comprehending the situation.
What would have happened to the world had Yukari not fought at all?
Others would have.
But the point is not her fight. There was nothing wrong with her fight.
The problem is with her choice of letting the demon live undercover to replenish its strength.
>Others would have.
lol no.
You really don't comprehend the situation.
Mods killed vg thread or normal death? The thread got archived when I was typing a question.
Normal death. Our first of many.
It was past bump limit a while ago. I'm guessing no one bothered to make a new thread.
Nah, died at 548 posts.
Bump limit is 750 on /vg/, it was only at 548 posts.
>Others would have.
I understand that this might be hard for you to grasp, but not all proffesions are equal.
Sure, if the milkman decides that he doesn't want to come to work one day, you can always just find some other man to do it.
It's not quite that easy to replace Miko's.
You're really hung up on the idea that she was only one for the job and that this fact alone gives her the right to fuck it up as badly as she wants to.
This is a really weird idea, even if she WAS the only one who could have done it (despite not even being the strongest of the trio).
Being the only one in a position to deal with a problem that affects everybody does not give you the right to just say "fuck it, and fuck everybody".
I killed it.
I think your metaphor works in my favor.
When the milkman decides to not come to work one day, it's not the end of the world.
/vg/ is a lot faster than I would have thought. I guess I was more used to someone keeping the KiraFan thread alive.
>she was only one for the job
but that is exactly what she was.
You saw how strong Minato was last episode, she was by far stronger than any toji in this generation.
That Minato lost.
No one would have be able to replace Yukari, simply because no one was as strong as her.
>despite not even being the strongest of the trio
but she was.
So Kagari jumped into the mystery portal because Tagitsu-hime's real body was deeper in, right? She didn't stab the giant aradama that was beside her.
But this time there was no portal and Hiyori stabbed Yukari instead.
Do the Juujous just stab whatever they can? Or was Hiyori doing it wrong?
You continue to just ignore the point.
Might makes right? Is that all that matters to you?
It was weird because I just posted something like 10-15 min ago.
>Might makes right?
Yes it does, the saved has no right to judge the saviour.
Really? I thought I saw the post count italicized like the thread was in auto-sage. Maybe I just imagined it.
>Yes it does,
Okay. Discussion over. I don't need to try to talk ethics with somebody who only respects the law of the jungle.
t. weakling trying to use ethic as a shield
What's happening
So killed?
>Or was Hiyori doing it wrong?
The idea is just to connect with something and accelerate to lightspeed to drag it out of time and space. Maybe things are different once the aradama is fully established and Kagari couldn't have just stabbed it anywhere. Tagitsu did say it was healing its wounds in the netherworld, so maybe its main body is there and that's what needed to be hit. Hiyori could have been doing it wrong but Yukari sure thought she succeeded.
Until Kanami jumped in and fucked it all up. Tagitsu broke up and scattered across Japan and that was not supposed to happen. It's entirely possible Yukari lived through it too. If Kanami and Hiyori didn't get dragged off then Yukari should be in the same state. It's not like Kanami could have gone faster to drag Hiyori out of it without getting trapped in lightspeed herself, so it must have been incomplete.
Are you slow in the head? It just died from inactivity.
It just slipped out of page 10 because too much time from last post.
New one is up now.