Reminder that if you're over 13 and like these shows then you are a manchild.
Reminder that if you're over 13 and like these shows then you are a manchild
Kill la Kill is pretty good, my favourite of the six. Luluco had a really nice ending, so worth watching, and Gurren Lagann is mostly fun too.
>implying actual 13 year old girls watch Luluco.
Get the fuck out of here.
but they make me happy user
>Hating inferno cop
It's ok OP. We know you either have a vagina or are a flaming homosexual.
Reminder that if you make threads to call people immature for liking something you're an insecure actual teenager.
One day you'll grow up and be alright with yourself OP but until then, stop posting.
This. A sure sign of immaturity is wanting to seem more "mature" than others.
Reminder that if you're over 13 and still watch anime then you are a manchild.
Put Darling in the Franxx on their
Reddit in the Franxx is just a weak Gurren Lagann rip off with a flatter Yoko and a shitty shonen school setting. Right down to the pointless repeating letters at the name end.
>a flatter Yoko
this took me a second.
You again. That sagiri pic is pretty much avatar fagging at this point. I wish you got banned you pathetic stage-2 newfaggot.
Pease tell me that's a ban.
>That sagiri pic is pretty much avatar fagging at this point
how? is using reaction images "avatarfagging" now?
>you pathetic stage-2 newfaggot.
what the fuck does this even mean?
>Pease tell me that's a ban.
nice spelling ESL. and no, i wasn't banned.
>They haven't done a full circle yet
Come back when you've watched at least 500 anime, Sup Forumsnon. Maybe then you'll see that the more ''dumb'' and over the top anime are the best ones.
Gurren Lagann and Panty and Stocking are fine shows. Don't compare them to Trigger garbage or the rest of Gainax's failures.
>the more ''dumb'' and over the top anime are the best ones.
This is the opinion of a child who uses reddit. mellow slice of life/comedy anime are the best ones because of their excellent characterization and character animation. this is excluding ironic weeb garbage like konosuba or maid dragon of course.
I don't think he mentioned girls but ya fucking no one watched luluco
>Hating on subarashi and dragons
This board just has shit taste
>i wasn't banned.
Sure, Sup Forumsnon, whatever you say. Here's a cute Kobeni
So a 14y/o would be a manchild
If you're over 18 and still watching anime or reading anime then you are a manchild.
>reading anime
Good work user
People who hold their own maturity as a sense of pride and question the maturity of others are the most immature themselves.
jesus this thread is a shit show
Reminder that if you're over 18 and insecure about what other people think about your taste, you're a manchild.
yep, gainaxfags and triggerniggers came in and raided it. they're a main part of what's killing Sup Forums.
And Diebuster
FLCL is great
>Kill la Kill is pretty good, my favourite of the six
>Shit taste
FLCL is one of if not the best anime of all time
>a weak Gurren Lagann rip off
It's fucking Diebuster with designs ripped right out of Star Diver. I don't understand how anyone could think it's anything Gurren Lagann.
Reminder that if you're OP, then you're a fag
“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
The only thing killing this or any other board is anons inability to ignore bait and trolls.
>Hating on fun and some of the most iconic anime of the last two decades
Inferno cop and Luluco are whatever but the other four are gold. Fucking scum.
Extremely overrated. It's nothing but a boring, poorly-written cartoon.
There are some masterful moments, but for the most part it's shit. The political drama in second half was the worst thing about the show.
>Panty & Stocking
This one crosses into the "western cartoon" territory a bit too much and likewise, its humor is disgusting and unappealing.
>Kill la Kill
It was very enjoyable, but its actual value is debatable. The OST was incredible.
>Inferno Cop
It is objectively bad, but it was still mildly entertaining.
Decent little short series that actually turned out to be better than PSG, despite also having a cartoon-like art style.
Another one
I'll give you the others, but the second arc of Gurren Lagann is real shit.
This is anime, enjoying everything here makes you a manchild. But that’s ok, because fooly cooly taught me that we are all kids at heart.
I don't see anything here any more immature than the highschool/ soft fantasy anime or noodle arms/capeshit cartoons that many young adults seem to love.
Reminder if you post on Sup Forums just to try and tell people their manchildren, you're probably a manchild.
Typical weekend thread where soyboy edgelords do battle.
did imaishi draw this? looks like him