>Devilman Crybaby is a faithful adaptation of Go Nagai's Devilman (the manga)
That's cool senpai, now let me show you how it's done.
>Devilman Crybaby is a faithful adaptation of Go Nagai's Devilman (the manga)
That's cool senpai, now let me show you how it's done.
Other urls found in this thread:
I would have enjoyed Devilman Crybaby more if the animation wasn't utter fucking garbage. From episode one there were proportion issues and horrendous lack of basic detail on wide angle shots.
Good to see the crew again.
you're retarded
I know that's what you're thinking and I'm telling you straight up to fuck off with this Deviantart/Tumblr tier excuse. The animation during even the most basic subdued moments is garbage.
I don't think anyone unironically gives a shit about Cutie Honey.
No you don't know what I'm talking about.
The fact that you use proportions and "lack of detail" to make your point shows how much of a retarded brainlet you are.
Go have a look at some of the more famous paintings and tell me they're wrong for going with those attributes.
Also stop ruining this thread you faggot. Take your hateboner somewhere else.
Eat my ass. This has nothing to do with artistic style, this is straight up trash animation.
he's not really a faithful design, they made him too much good looking
>i-it's intentional!
There is no right or wrong way for doing animation you retard. Do you not understand the subjectivity of media and understand that we're not dealing with hard science here? Probably not because you're a literal brainlet.
>still image
What's Cutie Honey about?
Why don't you ask the director and get an answer for yourself?
I think you're confused as well as trying to samefag, if you think this
is intentional and not a byproduct of a rushed schedule and zero budget, you're deluded.
>moving the goalposts this hard
The mouths move and the heads turn, it's an animated scene. That doesn't excuse everybody looking like a rushed anorexic sketch.
Ai no senshi
It's been well known by now that people defending Devilman's animation are shitposters who may as well be crawling out of Sup Forums and posting Pepe images. Just ignore their shit opinions.
What goalposts
Isn’t that the guy from that GTA anime?
>That doesn't excuse everybody looking like a rushed anorexic sketch.
Actually it does, because it's animation. If people enjoy it (that means people other than yourself), then it's valid.
>The screenshot giving an example of the scene itself is not animated so, therefore, the scene can't be badly animated
This is literally a shifting of the goalposts.
Go suck Masaaki Yuasa's shrivelled balls elsewhere.
You enjoy it you mean, because you have absolutely garbage tastes and wouldn't know the difference between an actual choice of style and lack of quality if it bit you in the dick.
Go Nagai has nothing to do Sup Forums. I'm not even defending Devilman's animation here, but what I'm trying to get you to understand is that no one actually gives a shit about what you think about its animation.
Then webm this bad animation
I don't give a shit about Yuasa
Manga Seiji looked to much like manga Akira Fudo, so them taking a bit of a cue from Re:Seiji was a good decision.
>You enjoy it you mean
Do you have a brain defect? I said other people. Did I say I enjoy Devilman's animation?
>you have absolutely garbage
Oh yeah? What if I tell you that it's you who have garbage tastes? What now? What's your counter argument? I'm waiting.
Clearly you do because you keep responding to and trying to refute my point. If you don't care, fuck off you retard.
I'm not the one who thinks the lack of quality in a scene is an intentional decision, so personally I don't give a flying fuck what a pleb thinks of my tastes. Go drink mud water or whatever it is you do.
Why are we talking about Crybaby in a Cutie Honey Universe thread anyway?
Somebody responded to a DMCB post with a snide comment and here we are.
>Clearly you do because you keep responding to and trying to refute my point. If you don't care, fuck off you retard.
Or maybe I'm responding because this is a Cutie Honey thread and your garbage posts have nothing to do here. You fuck off.
>I'm not the one who thinks the lack of quality in a scene is an intentional decision,
I never said it was. I said ask the director himself. He has a twitter account.
>so personally I don't give a flying fuck what a pleb thinks of my tastes.
But you're a pleb yourself, and your tastes are garbage. What now?
Whatever, it won't be as good as RE anyway.
What went so wrong with anime when 50year old designs from the 70's look cooler, realistic and overall better than the newest modern thing from 2018. Moe anime and chasing otaku money was a mistake.
That's actually good. Now go back to /u/, faggot.
>Or maybe I'm responding because this is a Cutie Honey thread
Moving the goalposts will get you nowhere. Your only winning move is not to play because I don't give a shit, DMCB was mentioned in the OP and it got mentioned afterwards as a result.
>I never said it was. I said ask the director himself. He has a twitter account.
I literally don't need to ask a man if blatantly shit scenes rushed for time are intentionally shit because I'm not a brainlet incapable of making basic deductions based on what's in front of me. How many anime series have you actually watched? One would think after maybe three or four you'd be able to detect when a scene has been skipped over because of deadlines.
>But you're a pleb yourself, and your tastes are garbage. What now?
Well, I'd suggest actually watching a few more shows before you think you can actually make such bold claims.
>DMCB was mentioned in the OP and it got mentioned afterwards as a result.
But this had nothing to do with the animation, but the character designs you retarded faggot.
>I literally don't need to ask a man if blatantly shit scenes rushed for tim bla blabla
Why the fuck are you talking to me then faggot? There's another Devilman thread on Sup Forums, go shitpost there and leave this one alone.
>Well, I'd suggest actually watching a few more shows before you think you can actually make such bold claims.
Oh, how many did you watch? I've been into this shit since the early 90s.
>hating on devilman crybaby
Weak virgin beta detected. You can't compete with the CHAD Devilman. Devil dash-dash-dan-dan-da
>Yu Kobayashi
The fact that she has a shirt on proves that its not faithful.
still tame compared to the manga, but it's by far the closest looking than any other adaptation
>Early 90s
Ah, that explains everything. I'm old enough to be your dad, faggot.
lmao peace out, retard.
Who needs high definition and shading detail when you have such superior art designs?
I dont care how bad the animation gets. Most of these older shows still hold up through superior line art alone.
That's a terrible admission on your part, given you think and type like a kid (essentially low iq)
cutie honey
Pretty much the first magical girl show.
not the first magical show, that probably is Yokoyama's Sally. Honey is the first shonen with a female character
It's about an a cute android girl fighting a BDSM terrorist organization called Panther Claw. It's very low-brow with its humor. If you like Nagai's tasteless shit, this will be perfect for you, as it's practically the bottom of the barrel.
>Hates lack of penis
>calls people faggots
fuck off xpearse
Holy shit, I had no idea, and had frankly given up hope of ever getting anything more Honey related. Thanks, OP, you made my day.
Liking Nagai is a sign of based taste and confidence in what the anime medium has to offer
That guy was inspired by a lot of those guys.
>Go Nagai promoting the show at Anime Japan this weekend, flanked by hired models
>would you want to be kissed by FABULOUS Cutie Honey cosplayer models Y/Y
Go Nagai's 50th Career Anniversary
Also Devilman Crybaby and Mazinger Z Infinity
Not by the Kano sisters. They're not hot at all.
Clearly you've never watched any of Yuasa's other work, which makes you an entry level pleb
basically proto-Sailor Moon with tits and dirty humor
>Only two weeks until Infinity is released in my country
Can't wait
Nagai looks like a happy gnome that popped out of the ground to bring the world smut. Based.
They couldnt find him some models that don't look like drag queens?
They're good for promotion. Remember this?