So, now that Super has ended and there is no more room for the "Super hasn't ended yet dumbass" excuse of an argument, it's about time we all agreed that GT is the superior DBZ sequel in every conceivable way.
>superior artstyle
>superior designs
>superior animation
>better OST
>better fights
>better storylines and villains
>better and more Z accurate characterizations
>better SSJ transformations
>better girls, including prime age schoolgirls rather than nothing but old hags as in Super
>feels less pointless than Super does
>way less stupid asspulls
>serious feel and atmosphere, actually resolves some character storylines
>MUCH better ending
GT > Super
Other urls found in this thread:
Shut up, Paco.
Nostalgiafags need to fuck off
>Alejandro actually believes this
Only Pedros and Abominacions will deny it.
If it was so good why it got canceled?
Super just got cancelles, didn't you see todays' rushed ending?
>What is the new movie?
>what is the GT movie?
Pan was definiely hot as fuck, though.
cum inside Pan
Spics are the majority of superfags, what else is new?
wew salty bunch
where do i buy this
Just order a custom one and use that
>no plans of continuation
Yes. DBGT is better. And im not mexican.
Only thing I care about GT was Piccolo's sacrifice, anything else was garbage and I'd rather rewatch Super's worst arcs.
I agree. Super is fucking trash worse then GT.
It's time
GT movie came out before it got cancelled.
Anyone who says Super is better is only saying it because of the memes it made. Outside of that, it’s terrible
None of the arcs have any connection to the other except for a very thin connection between U6 and Goku Black involving Zeno and Godtube. GT had interconnected arcs all the way to the end, with Baby starting right in the middle of the first arc being a prime example.
GT has an objectively superior art style with designs coming from prime Toriyama. You can’t deny that technology and antagonists look better in GT than Super. Super has Toriyama’s new art style, which is far from as good.
GT animation isn’t good, but it’s better than Super most of the time and is consistent. Super has jarring changes from
Good animation to dogshit animation between and in episodes. Also, cell animation > computer animation.
Most of the arcs in Super are bad. The first two are inferior recaps, the third is the worst tournament arc in DB, the fourth is ironically an arc derived from Sapinard FanFiction (and is only good in the manga), and the fifth is hot garbage that doesn’t get interesting till 109 and doesn’t get good till 123 or so.
GT has a terrible start with some good parts (like Para Para and the robot planet), the second arc is pretty damn good, the third arc is mediocre but short enough that it doesn’t matter, and the fourth is fun, and caps off the series well (better than Super ever could and better than Z). The movie is an extension to the ending that wasn’t really needed but is nice to have.
Characters are hard to do. Vegeta is better in Super, but GT Trunks is better than Kid and Super-Future Trunks. I’ll give it to Super because it introduced Mai.
The story in both is shit, but GT has better cause and effect and a better ending.
So, in short, GT is objectively better.
So that's all you got or?