Why does Todoroki look like he's 30? Goddammit Kubo.
Boku no Hero Academia
More like why does he look like Hei from DtB
>No scar
Kubo had one job
Kishimoto drew a HeroAca character once, now so did Kubo. I kinda want to see Oda. Knowing him, he'll probably draw All Might.
He could've at least gave him the bishonen Hitsugaya look.
Also, this is my sunshine.
This doesn't look like Kubos art. Something is very off.
It's from his twitter
Anyone got an actual scan of Gaara from Hori?
Characters that would make great onaholes:
>All Might (deflated)
>Overhaul (de-armed)
>Ragdoll (dequirked)
You guys seriously need to stop shotposting. You're convincing normies that the series isn't good when it is.
I know you're bored but come on
Damn ochako's thicc
I hope Aizawa loses his eyes or legs so I can abuse him properly, both mentally and physically, since he's now useless
The less normalfags the better you autist.
Anyone valuing the opinions of people posting here was a lost cause anyway
Reddit is that way.
Hahaha pee
Teehee piss
But the series isn't good?
Asking people not to shitpost is only going to invite more shitposting
God I want to shove things into her mouth
This is the state of bnha threads. Mods need to do their job and delete these threads and ban faggot crossboarders/normalfags like this nigger.
But that’s cruel
Things as in a penis?
I think he means candy apples.
Go away satan
>he is a shitposter who pretending he doesn't excessively shitpost these thread
What about candy penises?
I really really really really really really wanna hold Deku's hand.
Then stop being such a massive cuckqueen and do it already Ochako.
I really really really really really really wanna RAPE deku
>mfw eri will get stabbed seven or eight times in this arc
It's called FAT, user, because that's what fat whore is. FAT.
No! Deku is for pure love only!
>N-Not in front of Deku
Speaking of holding Deku’s body parts, why was he barefoot during the cavalry race? That’s kind of gross.
When will this happen so we get a new MC?
By Mirio's candy apple, yes.
He has better.
Why is Anime Zuko holding his hand and not the main girl?
She really seems too be enjoying holding hands with tokoyami whiles holding feed with deku. Some really weird three way going on there.
hori is a fucking terrific artist when he wants to be
that dark shadow the way it pops out at me what is this technique called
Everyday until canon.
Is that the kungfu priest from Fate Zero?
Is this just turning into the Naruto fanbase where we ship every girl with the main dude?
That's literally just Ichigo in Todoroki clothing. It's definitely Kubo
It's been like that for a while now.
He can do whatever the fuck he wants, but don’t lump me with that
>mfw this manga doesn't have ntr
>no omozan prime
What battle shounen does?
>this manga doesn't have ntr
sometimes NTR can be good. See today's episode of Darling.
it's not
none of those so called "by Kubo" are real
NTR is never good you cuckold. Neck yourself.
Fatties don't deserve love.
there's like 5 threads dude control your autismo
Hey, Hey Deku, since I'm training you and all.
Won't you do a little favor for me, close your eyes.
*weird stretching noises*
You can open them now. What's wrong? Why are you running? That's really mean.
*melts deku's legs off*
This is my true form you see, and you're about to be my snack.
Stop that.
She’s going to eat him?
>*melts deku's leg by pissing on it*
What does her true form look like?
I'm imagining a pink xenomorph.
Friendly reminder that __Yrel__ will win the Dekubowl.
Probably similar to this.
>slightly more masculine ichigo
How can kubo be so good, but so shit?
Don’t bully Mina
Everyone was barefoot except Bakugo.
>tongue isn't a smaller Mina
Hori had one job.
Doesn't look like his art though. It looks like a fan copying his style.
This chick.
>that art style
Even the draenei don't deserve this.
But it isn't good? It tries to be a battle shounen, SoL and a harem at the same time. It shouldn't exist.
Shitty thot
No it's not, it's love. If he's crippled he'll never leave me and he'll completely rely on me for everything. I just want to show him how much I love him, by remaining by his side for the rest of his life
But why?
>SoL and a harem at the same time. It shouldn't exist.
Wouldn’t it be nicer if he wanted to stay with you willingly?
>But it isn't good? It tries to be a battle shounen, SoL and a harem at the same time. It shouldn't exist.
>It tries to be a battle shounen, SoL and a harem at the same time
Are sure you’re reading the right manga?
>"Why is she so pink, it's just creepy she looks like some sort of bug with those antennas on top of her head"
>"Doesn't she spew acid like that creature from that one sci-fi movie, how scary"
>"Don't you remember how dangerous that creatures acid was, it's probably for the best we don't go near her"
They're Alliance, so they kind of do.
It would, I guess, but I want to see him hurt and completely dependent on me. I want to be the only thing in his life, the only reason he hasn't killed himself yet because of his useless state
Nope, everyone loves Mina. She is the strongest and the smartest and the cutest.
When was Kubo ever good? Where did this come from and why do people pretend Kubo is good at anything he does? He's a fucking shit mangaka.
Isn't she the second dumbest in 1a and got zero internship offers?
When will we get a group of villains like pic relate?
it's fake. could did not draw that.
Which was bullshit
She’s street smart
>It tries to be a battle shounen, SoL and a harem at the same time.
it's a post-modernist work, user. like assclass, souma, bakuman and scott pilgrim. lots of things at the same time. i like it.
>She’s street smart
good luck getting a job
Why doesn't U.A. just round up every mutant and purge them?
Fix the creatura and el goblino problem in this universe.
pig,toga and gadget girl
That’s very dark
>She’s street smart
Every time I hear that I replace street with not