The look on his face. I can't stop laughing.
The look on his face. I can't stop laughing
Vegeta calling Goku Goku is more surprising.
That was Krillin talking.
The face of one getting cucked.
Cucked hard
Is something wrong, Vegeta-San?
Darling in the Franxx's got nothing on this level of NTR.
kek i laughed too hard
Just when I thought Gohan was undisputable KEKLORD of Super, Vegeta clutches it at the very end .
No Frieza-sama forgive me!
>He slaughtered my father.
>He wiped out my race and planet.
>He made me his bitch for years.
>He killed me.
>He came back and blew me up alongside another planet.
>He came back AGAIN.
>He outlasted me to the end.
>He, Kakarott and a fucking Machine saved this universe.
>He is back out there, ready to fuck me again.
Being Vegeta is suffering.
Closest we ever will get to NTR
So the Frieza teamup seems really absurd once you factor in Goku's backstory
Don't forget
>He is probably going to replace me as the biggest Heel-Face turner of the group if given the chance
so much NTR today
No, he is the next Piccolo. He has to worry to get his spot stolen, Vegeta will always remain our dear punching bag.
>green hand patting your back
>Piccolo: now you know how it feels like
>another hand patting Piccolo's back
>Tenshinhan: yeah
>another hand patting Tenshinhan
>Yamcha: at least your waifu was stolen by an alien midget that tried to kill us all
Was looking for a thread about this. Vegeta looked like he just got NTR'd by his rival
>Frieza kills his mom, dad, and (most of) the rest of the Saiyans
>tortures and kills Vegeta, which obviously disturbs Goku
>blows up his best friend in front of him
>threatens to murder his son
>the most iconic moment in the series - Goku ascending to Super Saiyan - was sparked by his fury at Frieza
>Frieza comes back, blows up Goku's home, killing everyone on earth except a select few
>Goku realizes his mistake in showing Frieza mercy and thanks to Whis is able to set things right
>lol never mind all is forgiven Frieza's his butt buddy now
Is Goku a sociopath in Super or something?
To be fair Vegeta was guilty of almost all of those same things
>Goku beats the final boss with an original SS form instead of one of the current deviant art recolors
Yawn, every time.
The only thing on there Vegeta is guilty of is threatening to murder Gohan, did you actually read the post?
needs an animated version for full effect
>people unironically like the "bad guy is now good guy" trope for the millionth time
>when it happened to both frieza and jiren in the same episode
it was shit desu
Vegetafags BTFO
It was really cool.
Fuck you.
Krillin knows how it feels. And Zenos. And King Kai that is still ded and Goku didnt revived him yet when now he can ask Whis to do that but wont
>Vegeta could for years tag team with Goku
>just do it for a bit in ToP after losing half team
>Freeza does it after meeting Goku like 5 times on his life
Piccolo was always better rival and had a much better fighting style and techniques, but whatever.
Even though the ToP itself was a trainwreck, hell the fights in general in Super were a trainwreck, I still enjoyed how the characters and some plot points were handled, and this episode really exemplified this. I'm gonna miss this shitty fucking series.
Why doesnt Vegeta just wish back the saiyans so he can get rid of his butthurt caused by freiza.
I hope Dragon ball comes back I'll miss it
>Muh past
This is why you lost, Jiren.
it will for sure! more than likely next year.
Jobgeta is over.
>Is Goku a sociopath
shouldn't that be obvious by now?
I know but I hope goku rest a little bit
Vegeta's gonna job to Yamoshi so Goku and Freeza can have another cool tag team battle
Vegeta is such a cuck he literally takes goku back and does the same pose when they first met, trying desperately not to be left for Frieza.
>fightsexual cuckening
>befriends and teams up with Piccolo
>befriends and teams up with Vegeta
>befriends and teams up with Buu
Seems consistent to me.
Gohan and Vegeta arc when? Maybe Vegeta can help his son Gohan unlock his full power.
I haven't caught up with Super but is 17 officially best boy now?
Jiren was never a bad guy.
Jiren wasn't really a bad guy he just had a different philosophy and since hes not Goku his philosophy was wrong.
Nope and the fact he did all that he did just shows one of the core flaws with Super. No consistency or logic went into the show.
Explain please.
Post yfw Goku and Frieza team up against Jiren.
>Is Goku a sociopath in Super or something?
He's always been a sociopath.
They were meant for each other.
>Is Goku a sociopath
You'd be one too when nothing in existence has any finite worth what-so-ever.
Now that the super dragon nuts can undo absolutely any damage imaginable who really gives a shit about the safety of friends and family?
Power levels nigga. You don't have to like them but they were established in Z. Frieza underwent vigorous training and achieved a new form to power up. What did 17 do? Nothing. Meanwhile Piccolo has never stopped training, but did he get to do cool stuff and be on par or greater than SSB? Nope. 17 was pushed hard not because hes strong but because they just felt like it even though it makes no sense with what they told us. Why is 17 so freaking powerful but 18 is not nearly as strong? She probably trained more than him. It's just bad and I hope we never see 17 again after this.
Gohan with Vegeta's battle armor and Piccolo's weighted cape
Because he's a man, user.
>Jiren wants to get stronger to kill the guy who killed his family
>Goku teaming up with the guy that killed his family and destroyed his planet.
>You don't have to like them but they were established in Z
Holy shit how can people still miss the point of powerlevels even 20 years later. The only thing Z established regarding powerlevels was that they were fucking bullshit. Frieza's men lost because they relied on bogus power measurement systems, and immediately after his arc we're introduced to enemies whose power literally can't be measured just to drive the point home.
There are too many factors involved in a fight, anybody can lose if they get distracted and anybody can win if they play their cards right and aren't yamcha, this is shown time an again but each time faggots like you interpret it as "t-they're being inconsistent with muh powerlevels!"
The whole point is that Android 17 has been doing effectively nothing but training 24/7 since coming back to life. Everyone else needs sleep or has a cushy life where they only train every so often.
he even killed his family and destroyed his planet twice
>Why doesn't the series follow my headcanon
First of all, Z went out of its way to show that power levels have always meant diddly-shit. Second, how do you know that 17 didn't train as hard as Freeza? Thirdly, 18 is always portrayed as not interested in anything that doesn't put money in her pocket.
You know what's funny?
Immediately after the tournament, Vegeta takes Goku out for some alone time.
I felt the same way, my initial reaction was wanting vegeta to be down there, but switching it up with frieza was worth the hype and lolz.
>lost because they relied on bogus power measurement systems
No, it was because their enemies could suppress/increase their power levels, making the scouter useless. Power levels itself weren't wrong.
The person with the higher power level always won against the one with the lower power level at the end, that didn't change.
>No, it was because their enemies could suppress/increase their power levels, making the scouter useless.
How does this contradict powerlevels being bullshit?
>The person with the higher power level always won against the one with the lower power level at the end, that didn't change.
Except for all those times the series was supposedly inconsistent with the powerlevels (or more like inconsistent with your headcanon).
Okay, so explain something to me Sup Forums.
>Vegeta never went Ultra Instinct
>Still got close to it and went past SSB, by doing SSB2 or whatever the hell that slightly different shade of SSB was
>For some reason, he thinks he needs to compete against a Goku that can no longer go Ultra Instinct, even though they were roughly in the same playing-field while both of them only had SSB, and now he has SSB2 (or whatever it's called)
Am I missing something, or is Vegeta so cucked that even when he's canonically stronger than Goku, somehow he has to remain weaker by merit of forgetting that he has that power?
The reasoning is still stupid.
>A-Androids can't blow themselves up without a bomb!
>17 literally tells right that very episode that he could have, and just got lucky
Vegeta is a cuck, he's on the same level of Gohan in disappointment. Then again he shouldn't feel too bad, Goku is a fight slut, he'll cozy up to anyone who can scrtach that itch, Remember Hit? Then he dropped Hit for Jiren and now has to go back to Freiza since he can't see Hit or Jiren whenever he wants.
Vegeta BTFO'd a God of Destruction.
Vegeta doesn't want to lose goku to Frieza...(it's too late)
Jiren took a shot at the stands when Goku's friendship powers were getting to him too much.
>former villain teams up with the MC to take on a bigger threat
is there a better or more glorious trope than this? ill never get tired of it
>Except for all those times the series was supposedly inconsistent with the powerlevels (or more like inconsistent with your headcanon).
Strict tiers do exist and it's silly to think they don't. Among the same tier, take two professional boxers. One might be stronger and faster than the other but they won't automatically win. The technique or endurance of the weaker boxer might win out, or maybe just luck gives them victory that bridges the gap.
But among different tiers the discrepancy is pretty clear, a child for example should essentially never be able to defeat a professional adult, they'd be lucky to hurt them at all.
17 is an example of that problem. Let's say for the sake of argument 17 can get stronger through training and got significantly more powerful. When he was introduced, 17 was significantly stronger than Super Sayian, but weaker than Super Sayian 2. It's within reason to say 17 could catch up to SS2 with time. It's a stretch to say he could reach SS3. But it's insane to say he could trade blows with SSB period during his return episode, even if he loses in the end. That's when powerlevels are just being thrown out the window for no reason.
17 has his own strengths, he has unlimited stamina and undetectable Ki, but the show is too busy showing people as really strong to focus that, so instead of pointing those features out, his intro episode has him trading blows with SSB Goku because that's the only cool thing they can think of at the time.
the entire concept of androids doesnt make any sense since the android saga, the idea that a human scientist could create androids stronger than the emperor of the universe just with data from a robot fly is preposterous
No I agree.
19 and 20 work because they siphon ki, that's a decent reason that they could catch up to the main characters.
Cell is made from the genetic material of the main characters, that's a decent enough reason too.
But 17 and 18 are just.... some how both powered by perpetual motion and are just more durable than super sayians... just somehow through science.
Top 10 best fighters should form become guardians of multiverse. Each granted ability to resist aging but not immortality, ability to surpass limit with training without using dballs/time chambers.
goku built up a team of former villains strong enough to defeat 7 other universes. mother fucker knows what he's doing and who he lets into his crew. Jiren's basically a Z fighter now
The luck he was referring to was that Jiren and Goku would not haphazardly destroy the field he was hiding on, search for him, or reveal him.
So, is Hit now the new cuck since friendship ended with Hit, now Jiren is my best friend?
Resist aging is such a minor power its not even worth mentioning.
Theh should hunt another Phoenix and become ageless like roshi
Fuck off Geekdom
not really though
Genos is just THAT good. Also technically, 17 and 18 are mechanical like Cell, highly engineered biological tissue. The term Android is only used because genos used to make androids.
i really want to know how retarded powerful cell could have become. He has the immense potential of the sayians, the androids, and freeza. All stacked and untapped.
Vegeta got even more cucked than Gohan
Why are the white fans so terrible? Constantly going about their theories and actually taking it seriously.
don't go there
When you think about it, two of some of the most dangerous people that have ever tried to kill Goku have turned out to be better father figures to his children than he ever did. How is it that the literal reincarnation of the alien tyrant he killed and the royal heir to a species of blood thirsty warriors turned out to be better people than the guy who was actually raised to be a good person?
On an unrelated note, anyone have an idea of how much salt is being poured out over the fact that Goku wasnt considered the winner of the ToP? What happened to all the faggots screaming about how it's his show?
>cute thread
>tfw even Frieza can cooperate better than you
reminder Vegeta never gave a fuck about saiyans and his comrades
He could legit restore planet Vegeta, his father and race with the Dragonballs. Somehow he doesn't do it, while Goku restored earth like 3 times already.
Because fuck logic.
Nigga's going to be the Piccolo to his Bra