New preview trailer's out and also some art of the three new characters
Thunderbolt fantasy thread
>the one sword that couldn't possibly be handled as a glove puppet
At least we're safe knowing Shoufu will never wield something so impure, and Suwabeception won't happen.
I love this show but as a leg man it depresses me occasionally
Another smug bird?!
The new girl is hot, can't wait to see her in the show
i hope they post official art of her on their twitter like they do with the other girls, pic related
It's time for some puppet boobs
This guy's design translated particularly well.
October, according to the video in OP.
Thank you for reminding me of that jiggling sniper.
All he wanted was some duck dick. And he was denied that.
>>the one sword that couldn't possibly be handled as a glove puppet
>At least we're safe knowing Shoufu will never wield something so impure, and Suwabeception won't happen.
What are you on about? They already showed usage of the katana in a special short. They can use katanas if they want.
Here she is, without her usual hairdresse
I hope cutest Fantasy gets a cameo.
>Not just jacking off to the dolls
She'll be back for S2 definitely.
Her story ended.
And Urobuchi is not one to re-visit what was finished.
Listen cunt don't destroy my hopes.
Reality hurts.
TM Revolution
What is the time lapse between the 1st and 2nd season?
I find that the puppets generally look better than the art they're based on.
I'm guessing sexy scorpion girl and smug priest guy are going to be the villains of the new season?
That's what they appear to be , yes
More Japanese style & theme puppets girls
I tried watching TF. What's with the choreography? Are all those complicated moves necessary jist to swing a sword and shoot a gun?
>Are all those complicated moves necessary jist to swing a sword and shoot a gun?
Well, that the main appeal of the glove puppets show, the audience wanted to see cool fighting and nice crafting puppet characters
That make sense in hindsight, until you got to that beheading scene
Only if it's shown that she's preggers/already have a kid with lancer.
Do you not watch wuxia/ chink martial arts film or something? The fights are meant to have a dance-like quality to them.
The older generation puppet girls from the 80's and 90's while not as detail as the girls now, are actually not bad to look at
This one is very pretty
New photo shoot
More new photo
There are guys too
I hope we get more advanced puppetry this season
Do you have the other fight senses from the film ?
I can see why Touken Ranbu computerate with Pili well. Pili's original character already looks like they are from Touken Ranbu
All the other fight ones have already been posted.
He's going to get troll and fuck up by duck like Phoenix
Here is her gif
Same character, in Hong Kong manga
>S2 is happening this October
Whelp i'm officially hyped for essentially the undisputed AOTY. I swear Urobutcher you better not fuck this up.
This man is clearly asking to get meme'd by vape duck.
Finally got time to watch the movie. I thought it was a recap but it's about my edgy assassin? Fuck yes
also how can anime even compete
The recap is the 2nd part
It's great, trust me
Oh, it's Titty Sniper. I thought you meant it was Keigai for a minute there.
...She honestly looks more like Betsutengai.
They belong to different factions though, right?
Glasses seem to be an imperial, while scorpion is from some renegade wuxia gang.
Was Liè Mèi secretly a target of sexual fantasy and affection by many Genkishu goons ? Like many of them secretly fantasize about her, like fat Shāng
>She honestly looks more like Betsutengai.
I was just going to said if Betsutengai ever get genderband, he(she) will probably look just like that.......
also I actually hate this guy now. What the fuck is he doing
How can he be so perfect?
He's a monk who doesn't need stupid swords
Now you get why bird fucking despised the duck.
This is extra funny after the movie.
DVD cover
Look at those shoulder pads
Jesus christ she is beautiful. Sauce?
Fukkin druids, man
They will be keeping the same staff, right?
>Slut sword for the next April Fools
Cannot wait.