Dragon Ball Super

This frame is better than showing Uub. EoS>EoZ because there is no Uub. I can finally treat EoS as the end until more comes.

Attached: SuperEnd.png (1920x1080, 2.4M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, I'm really happy they didn't do that shitty EoZ finale with Uub. No one cares about that poo in loo shit.

>copy iconic shot from the original series except in worse

This website is for 18+.

Nah, Goku vs Uub will be the first ep for Dragon Ball Ultra next year

Confirmed, after the movie
"Dragon Ball Ultra: The new jobbing adventures of Goku"


You people are fucking retarded.

>people hate a character that has done literally nothing just because he's brown

>people hate a character that has done literally nothing
That's why

Yes fuck that nigger

that scene doesn't work with ssj hair
static hair looks like shit


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Fuck off, pedro.


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Reminder that not even jobhan wanted to do the fusion with uub

is this loss?

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am i supposed to understand why this scene shows them using inferior forms?

Is the manga going to keep going past the anime or it'll be put on hiatus until the movie comes out?

How the fuck can UUB be relevant at this point in time?

>dragon ball ended with cha la head cha la playing

im happy

Uub will get God ki because he's pure of heart.

Reminder that Gero’s research and incentive to build 17 stemmed from his service in the Red Ribbon Army.

Bow to your real savior.

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Is Freeza can reach god level by training for 4 months why can't someone starting with Kid Buu's power train and reach even further heights?

Holy shit.

The manga only has about 8-9 chapters until the movie comes up, will it really catch up in that time?

reminder general red would have been nothing without his right hand man

say hello to the savior of all universes.

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It will keep on

GT is not even canon so who cares.

>what is an homage to one of the most iconic and recognizable moments in Dragon Ball history
You fucking brainlet.

Fit Buu was stronger than SSB Goku, and that was 1 month.

Nice headcanon.

dragon ball has standards so low that people get happy about anything that isn't a shit festival

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Goku can only achieve UI when in dire circumstance. Vegeta on the other hand is a mystery.

Toriyama specifically stated "zutto" as in indefinitely/forever so yes expect the manga to continue on until further notice.

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We are all just happy the quality improved a lot at the end, the ending and last couple of eps are on par with any other arc.

dumb hitler poster

What would a post-super GT look like? At the very least, mega buff the shadow dragons

Anyone kinda hoping we get a Broly arc when it comes back? That or Janemba, I'd be happy with either becoming canon.


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someone should add supers' poses to this pic

>kale vs broly
>it just ends with them hooking up and fucking
I would be okay with this.

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Nah, they need to do the anime by anime comparison.

Absolutely. Keep your disgusting subhuman hands off of my pure aryan anime.


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>Give Trunks blue hair
>Don't let him become Super Saiyan Blue
What the fuck were they thinking


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>chinese goku

super saiyan rose caulifla when

>pan landed a blow on vegeta
Based best girl.

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Not soon enough.

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Can she or Kale or Cabba become a Super Saiyan God? Is there enough Saiyans to perform the ritual?

A reminder that 17 asked for all deleted universes to come back. He didn't specify that only the universes deleted in the tourney come back

Vegeta got it without the ritual so I'm pretty sure they can do the same thing if they train hard enough.

GT and Dragonball Evolution universes are back babyyyy

Close enough.

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Does this mean Vegeta is now stronger than Goku?

have a wallpaper my nigga, but that was dissapointing

we all saiyans now boy, just because theyre from different universes doesnt mean cabba/cali will never get friendly with atleast 2 other super saiyans from u7, besides whats to say out of all the remaining saiyans left in her uni she cant find or train 2 more herself

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Can we all agree that the best parts of Super is during the ToP whenever Whis or Beerus would compliment or show respect to someone from their team? They started off just fucking around on earth pretending to just keep them around for food and they ended up becoming legit friends with these people.

So what is up with this guy? Am I the only one who sees he's wearing Freeza armor?

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>EoS>EoZ because there is no Uub.
They mentioned Uub twice.

goku is chinese

Whoever did that fucked up the eyes, they're supposed to be grey not pink.

Quite a bit of people noticed it. Now that we know Frieza is alive now and rebuilding his empire, maybe he's decided to go Saiyan hunting. I mean someone's gotta replace Vegeta.

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Good point.

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How plausible would it be for Frieza to say something like, "I won't cause any more trouble in this universe" to Goku, only to mean that super literally and go around conquering all the weaker, shittier universes?

What's this from?

jesus you take your ssg rose seriously

God manga Black was such shit

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His smile was protected... That was all I needed from Super in the end.

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Toriyama probably forgot again.

Thank you to everyone who checked this subreddit after every episode. I loved the fan art, the speculation, the memes and making fun of the characters, and all the ohohohohos.

It has been a pleasure watching each episode and thinking “let’s see what Reddit thinks of that.” Thanks for making Super such a great experience - I really felt like a kid again with this series every week!

No, my autism just gets triggered when I see errors like that regardless of the character.

People think they can't because Yamoshi spirit is U6 only but Yamoshi's spirit giving SSG was only mentioned by Toriyama for the ritual so maybe only the ritual is U7 and any saiyan can go SSG with proper training (like Vegeta).

Yeah why not, who cares about the ritual, just train enough

Saiyan Arc:
>Vegeta was a brute, no technique, no strategy. He relied entirely on his inborn strength and his combat style revolved around overpowering his enemies through pure displays of strength. Also, explosions. He exploded things a lot.
>Goku's fighting style was all over the place. Sometimes he emphasized tactics, other times he was a technician. His first fight against Vegeta was mostly just desperation move after desperation move, forcing his body past his limits as he overused Kaio Fist over and over just to keep up. It was probably one of his worse showings as a result. As a carry-over from when he was a child, Goku is overall far less reliant on ki attacks than most of his enemies, preferring to reserve Kamehamehas for strategical purposes, to counter his enemy's own powerful ki attacks, or as a trump card. In general, he'll use ki attacks maybe once or twice per fight, and for the most part prefers getting up close and personal.

Namek Arc:
>His experiences on Earth did a lot of good for him, as he became more skillful in his techniques and combat style. Beyond just learning how to sense ki, his overall fighting style became more refined and he employed clever strategies in order to outsmart his enemies in order to being vastly outgunned and outnumbered. That said, he also became far more liberal in his usage of beamspam, becoming overly reliant on blowing the shit out of everything when he felt he was in a bad situation. He'd also become far too reliant on his species' trait of becoming stronger after recovering from heavy damage, a habit he'd grow out of after this arc.
>Goku had become much more calm and controlled in this arc. Toriyama had finally solidified Goku's fighting style after becoming an adult. He primarily employs a "wait and see" approach to battle, starting off slow and seeing what his opponent can do and countering as the fight goes on. Unlike Vegeta, Goku never shows his full hand from the beginning and only uses the bare minimum amount of energy to win his fights. This does end up biting him in the ass a few times, though.

Cell Arc:
>Vegeta's brute force tactics make a triumphant return as he continues to rely excessively on pure power to overwhelm his opponents. Gone are his clever tactics from the Namek Arc. His fighting style has pretty much entirely become either "play around with his opponent" or "blow them the fuck up". That is, when he's not jobbing, anyway.
>Goku hasn't changed much, though it's hard to really gauge how much his fighting style changed seeing as how he never seriously expected to beat Cell. But he's become even more calm than before.

The ending was still shit, there are unanswered questions such as who killed Jiren friends and what was his wish

Wasn't yamoshi from u7? Also caulifla wants to get ss3 first and I don't think kale will be needing ssg since she has her berserker/lss/whatever the fuck you guys want to call it form.


Dragonball Super is fucking amazing

i want bills cock

Controversial opinion incoming

I fucking loved Super

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i miss bills

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i wanna be bill's slut!

no fucking way

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who is best db girl and why is it my lord bills?

as always the english dub is the worst one of all

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>super saiyan soy

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based dub wins again

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t. black

>We never got to see Chaddroid 17's trophy wife.
Why live

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>that disgusting blue
I still can't believe this happened. You dragonballfags really eat up anything out of Toriyama's ass.

>such as who killed Jiren friends
There is the movie.
And the ending isn't bad considering the quality of the show, it's probably the best "happy ending" it could have

Blonde is fine. Red is fine. Silver is fine.

Blue is terrible.

We already know who that is though.

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>this powerful Saiyan works for Frieza

Not sure where Frieza found him but damn.

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I'm so happy super is finally over. Sup Forums will become a bit better again without you spics.

>literally wears the same thing

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The manga still exists, cuck.

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We saw her in Dragon Ball though.

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So do they, like, forgive Freeza or something? I mean, this ain't like Vegeta or Piccolo. Piccolo Jr. never really caused much damage, and he seems to be treated as distinct from King Piccolo too. Vegeta, at least from the Earthlings' perspective, didn't even do that much. Nappa was the one who killed everyone. Vegeta didn't take a single life in his initial arc. I mean, I'm sure he killed a shitload of people before then, and there were all those Namekians he killed as well, but none of those really matter to the main crew. Androin 17 and 18 never killed anyone either in this timeline.

But isn't Freeza different? Even Goku found him unforgivable, and Goku usually forgives everyone.