ITT : Queen of reaction faces
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Queen of smugs.
Aqua-sama has more and better reactions.
Attached: AquaSmug04.jpg (1280x720, 101K)
That's not Chitose.
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Why does she seem like she has a completely different personality in each image?
So cute and sexy at same time
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Get away from her you disgusting incest fags
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It's like you guys don't even watch anime
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I refuse to believe Aqua get's drunk and doesn't receives anal sex every night
>anal sex
That's specific and requires explanation
With that range of expression she should have been a normal actor instead of a VA.
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She's a goddess, she must stay a virgin. But she's also a slut at the same time
>pen spinning
>cute girl
I need to watch this show!
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Oh silly Sup Forums.
How quickly you forget!
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