>self-moderating board
why isn't there a DBS sticky yet, instead mods let the board be trashed up by 10 threads at once?
Why is this allowed?
I realize it's nothing of historic proportions like Yotsuba getting an anime, but come on Sup Forums you can do better than this.
Self-moderating board
stop trashing it up with even more useless threads
kys dbshitter
The simple reason are spics. Spics should be shot on sight
Tons of people on Sup Forums don't know what actually is and isn't shonen so even if that happened there would still be retards causing issues because they don't know the categorization.
Go to /qa/ tell the mods .
well, too bad sage isn't visible anymore
it was only a peaceful reminder to get your shit together
just banned dbs threads
This needs to happen now this too much.
/ag/ would be a good idea though.
1000+ bump limit for good measure.
no, you need to abolish /vp/ because they are the special treatment franchise here, and convert this whole shitfest into /pa/ - popular animation/anime
so stuff like ''Big 3'' or anything of popularity like Pokemon doesn't trash up other boards.
also sage
Go tell the mods on IRC to do something, or just hide and report.
God I hope they ban anything Dragon Ball related in the future.
No "just". Push all of the shit into a containment board, all of it.
It's going to be the most retarded board anyway so Hiro can datamine the fuck out of it in peace.
not all of us live in murrica
You say the shonen board will be the stupid one but I guarantee you there would be series that aren't shonen told to go there just because people don't like them.
Are you this new to not even know what n/a/ruto day was?
But don't worry Hiro will create another useless board like /his/ that could've been contained on Sup Forums, he may even create another unlisted board, you never know but thankfully at least /trash/ keeps most furries away.
Everyone need to report the threads this shit need to stop now.
I don't give a shit. The jannies and the mods can get off their asses and enforce the new rules for a month or two until every ape understands it.
There's 62 threads filtered on my catalog. Sixty fucking two.
>>self-moderating board
Hasn't been the case since moot banned self-moderating naruto out.
It happened before and those spics tried to destroy Sup Forums so mods stopped.
Yeah I have a little over 50 threads. My point still stands though. No point in separating the boards by demographic if nobody understands what decides the demographics. I doubt all the mods would even understand. You'd get OPM threads being told to go to the shonen board despite not being shonen. And anime doesn't even generally apply with those demographics. So do you judge an anime adaptation by what the manga's demographic was? What if it's an original anime? Do you seriously trust Sup Forums to do the deciding?
Dragon ball is never getting banned.
Just IP ban mexico. I would wager that spics are the majority posters in dragonball threads as well as every other garbage shonenshit.
You would make the same thread if they would have did a chained general
Yes I do trust it. I'd rather have a few misfires than having half of my catalog gone.
By your logic you also welcome rec threads with open hands and advise tell anyone to not watch BNP unlees they like traps and gay porn.
You missed my point, I don't give a damn if DBS if kept in one thread because I like it a lot like many others. Being a moron that you can't type some keywords in catalog search is another question. Creating this thread instead of posting it in already existing DBS (one of 20) threads would just get the problem washed off by hype-posts done at rate 20 per minute.
Fair enough, going to /qa/ would be an option only if they wouldn't be a shell of their former self and my thread wouldn't get frogposted to shit.
So you're saying we should have generals then?
fuck off faggot.
>By your logic you also welcome rec threads with open hands and advise tell anyone to not watch BNP unlees they like traps and gay porn.
What the fuck do you think my logic is? All I meant to say was that self-moderation got neutered the moment moot decided to ban naruto spam. Now we're not allowed to tell any cancerous fanbases to fuck off. Rec threads are different because they are explicitly against the rules now.
Nah dude, I post on /jp/ mainly and chained generals are given, sometimes some 2hu gets few more threads than others, but in the end only 1 of them survives while rest are dead until 404.
Even back when we still had generals dragonballbronies would have 2-3+ generals simultaneously.
Hiro can't datamine shit if he bans it.
It should be an established fact that spics love dragonball and shonenshit now. No need to further datamine this.
That's not what datamining is for you cretin.
Hiro can't sell their info so that his friends shove taco ads all over the spics' phones if he doesn't datamine them.
I also posted this
You are allowed to do anything you want, unless you think it's ok to take it in the ass. Users make the site, not the few jannys or mods. Their part is to keep shit clean i.e. people posting straight out porn in SFW boards. And now more then ever, since Hiro and moot have completely different characters.
How about instead of making a shonen board anons can make their own boards and form their own communities on them. That way you don't have to worry about ever seeing a post about a series that you don't like.
>those spics tried to destroy Sup Forums so mods stopped
Giving up the fight is no fucking way to win. Destroy them and, when they come back, destroy them again. Forever, or until they stop. Destroy, and destroy, and destroy, then begin again.
Sup Forums has been due for a *true* purge since, perhaps, 2012. We're 6 years overdue here. It's time to sacrifice a month or two of a usable Sup Forums for a few years of health and longevity. Fucking. Raze. This. Board.
>You are allowed to do anything you want
You weren't on Sup Forums when naruto spam was banned, were you? I don't think you have any idea how glorious self moderation used to be.
If you like same product as person X do you think the owner of the shop will close entry to the shop so he'll be even poorer just because you dislike person X? As long as you buy it, but that guy smells like shit to you the shop owner doesn't give a fuck.
I did because I got banned few times for asking for a source like the newfag I was (on a easily to find source as I found out later), sadly I can't humor you with the screencap.
ITT : post 2010 faggots.
At least you have a functioning catalog you inbred mongrels, you have never seen true crapfloods.
People still get banned for that today, you're not helping your case. The fact is that if moot wasn't a massive faggot then Sup Forums wouldn't be overrun by crossboard shonenshitters right now.
Posters are regulars in the end and there is this nice feature in settings allowing you to filter by filename, I doubt many (if any) people change their filenames every time they post or ever. Phoneposters? just filter
whichever one it was, also keep in mind the discussion won't be as dynamic but quality will improve greatly. it's even easier when those people are annoying tripfags.
Also known as "the problem goes away if I ignore it amirite"
>you have never seen true crapfloods
Which is why I say that this board's current majority must be destroyed. They seriously believe that 'multiple threads' is some sort of new phenomenon. Kill Sup Forums with lights, with flash, with un-mutable sound for several months. Permanently ban anyone and everyone who posts anything that is not Sup Forums and/or anything that is not of significant quality. And, when they evade the ban, permanently ban them again.
Those who do not understand what Sup Forums is will not come back when it is done. But, if they do, simply do it again.
In this case it's right. Unless you think trading a dozen DBS threads for a dozen Violet Evergarden and Franxx threads is an actual solution.
I still need to work on my cropped stuff searching, and he wasn't a faggot, he simply wanted more traffic on his website. Pretty normal if you look from money perspective, he was young and idealistic at one point too. But now you got fuckton of tools to filter shit not to your liking out.
>trading a dozen DBS threads for a dozen Violet Evergarden and Franxx threads
Are you retarded? There's no quota for how many threads need to be made or whatever. If every dragonball nigger suddenly died then Sup Forums would simply see less post activity. There wouldn't be some automatic force that creates other threads to fill in some gap or whatever the shit you think.
Super threads Might get ban after this
It's called self-moderation you dumb fuck
Get off the computer and take a break from the internet a while, you take this stuff far too seriously, if you think mods will do anything I don't know what to say
What eyes don't see heart doesn't feel.
It's not like someone is literally dumping a huge smelly (practically) turd right in front of me. If each thread of DBS right now had a tripfag OP I wouldn't be making this thread.
So the threads would just not exist instead of being hidden. Still not really any better a solution than just hiding them. If you don't want to replace the DBS threads with threads about other things then what is the issue in just hiding/filtering them?
As much as I like DB, I'm all in for that. They are mostly crossies from Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums the biggest clusterfuck of shitposting Sup Forums ever witnessed.
>you take this stuff far too seriously
Then you haven't been here for long. Because, in the past, that was often the solution. You are free to look into it.
Get the fuck out. Now.
>filters are self moderation
No it's called ignoring the problem, you subhuman nigger.
Now if we can just kill everyone if you, that would be absolute heaven
As much I like DB, I'm all in for that. Those thread are mostly Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums crossies, the biggest clusterfuck of shitposting Sup Forums has witnessed.
We're eternally stuck in a limbo between "serious business" and ""serious business"". Sup Forums is neither fun nor does it have quality discussion, all we get is people whining about each other and stupid meta threads like this one.
I wish AoRF would show up and give the mods his cheesy special but he's probably long gone now.
Explain the problem.
That may be the only solution.
I wonder if you'd feel that way when the threads you browse start to have frogposting cuck/soyposters who speak spic half the time.
>lol if i ignore the tumor then it'll just stay there and not spread
It's always the newfags who believe ignoring does anything, considering that there have been many times over the history of this website that has shown that ignoring does not fix the problem.
The threads aren't necessarily the problem, the posters are. They will not stay contained in their containment threads and will spread.
You didn't understand what I mean't, it's that we've had this thread 1000 times and mods aren't gonna do anything. I don't know what you get out of this anymore, other than the placebo that making meta threads and screaming about icky icky new people getting into your sekrit klub that has always been revered.
Low quality posters from other boards/sites coming to Sup Forums and acting like they own the place, which if left unchecked will invite even more of them until the majority of the board is rendered unusable unless you're a subhuman spic redditor who'll fit right in.
>We're eternally stuck in a limbo between "serious business" and ""serious business"". Sup Forums is neither fun nor does it have quality discussion
Which is why I suggested flash, music, and funbanning.
why are whitebois so insecure
>we've had this thread 1000 times and mods aren't gonna do anything. I don't know what you get out of this anymore
It's called 'hope'. It doesn't matter if it takes ten million iterations of "this thread"; if it succeeds, it is worth it.
The majority of the board is already unusable for me since it's all about seasonal garbage that I'm not watching and if you want to make a thread about something not running in Shonen Jump or not seasonal it'll die with zero posts.
Do you know what hurts the most? Talking, but being ignored completely. Should arguments that simply disregard one's views or discussion, only to propel the thread on flamewars DISAPPEAR (and that's you vs the shitposters), they will crawl the fuck back where they came from and seek comfort in some family friendly Dragon Ball forum.
who hurt you,user? why do you want to kill so much? seek help
I like dragon ball too but this shit is too much. I have plans for doing threads with new manga Sup Forums didn't see yet but I can't do that if they keep spamming super threads.