Medaka Box

「Best character right here」

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Don't tell me you actually like Medaka.

Literally me

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More like only good chara

Kumagawa should have been the protagonist

Hard working girls are best

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I do

This one's on my backlog for a while now and i just finished reading HiScore Girl, i',ve been planning to read this one. What should i expect? Or rather, 「What am i in for?」

Good Loser Kumagawa Spinoff

That's not Zenkichi

Finished it recently.
Worth reading just for best boy, though I liked shiranui too.

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Since when are you under the illusion he isn't, ichigo?

He honestly should've left after the Minus arc or either have him be a recurring character instead. I partially agree that he's best boy but he took so much away from the other characters.

>he took so much away from the other characters





So he was supposed to be stupid and weak and lazy from his speech, but he isn't any of those things and he is also attractive. What was his problem?

>What was his problem?
"Minus" are always the loser in that world, either being abused, don't have friends, weakling, unrespectable no matter what they did. So he want every superhuman like Medaka and the other "plus" to feel all the pain that "Minus" felt.
In actuality, he just want to win against the best person in the world, since he was the worst loser among the "Minuses"
In more actuality he's actually in search for skill holder that can take down his student's council vice prez since she's fucking suicidal and fucking OP
Which also the reason of his "problem", to stop her for killing herself he sealed her with "Bookmaker" which degrade anyone to Kumagawa's level. and to strengthen this seal he had to became the worst and most unhappy person in the world.

Everything he did is misleading and when you thought you know the reason, there's actually another real reason behind it. Hence why I love this character so much.

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