Canon Gay MCs are bad. Either anime needs to stop making them or find a way to prevent the West access to them

Canon Gay MCs are bad. Either anime needs to stop making them or find a way to prevent the West access to them.

YoI is the best argument for my case.
At the moment, a shit ton of Tumblrinas have stumbled onto a new doujin that has triggered them. We are going to have another Toilet doujin scenario where they harass the doujinka and the staff of YoI. This needs to stop.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What doujin

>a shit ton of Tumblrinas have stumbled onto a new doujin that has triggered them

Recently put on myniggermanga.
It is about Victor lucid dreaming and fucking shota Yuuri.

Not OP but I think he means this.
The comments are funny but OP might have a point.


Holy shit I didn't read OP properly and though he was bringing up that guro doujin drama again but fucking hell not this shit again.

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Are you fucking kidding me?
Even when Free was at peak craze in the West, nobody gave a shit about that pedo rape doujin with Makoto.

Why does Yuri on Ice attract these nutjobs when Free didn't?

SJW western fujos need to fuck off. They're ruining it for the rational ones.

Some did get angry but it's was more about shota Makoto getting raped than protecting a 2D fictional character.

For real.

>Canon Gay MCs are bad. Either anime needs to stop making them or find a way to prevent the West access to them.YoI is the best argument for my case.At the moment, a shit ton of Tumblrinas have stumbled onto a new doujin that has triggered them. We are going to have another Toilet doujin scenario where they harass the doujinka and the staff of YoI. This needs to stop.

Well man, I have no sympathy for Tumblrinas but c'mon this is pedophiliac content with a capital P. Yes it's a manga/doujin but it doesn't change the nature of what it is. You have an adult character masturbating/fucking an underage one. It can't be defended on any level. You show this shit to a normal jap and he/she will be just as disgusted as the rest of us. Only pedophiles like this kind of content.

It''s ok if shotacon isn't your kind of thing but don't police others especially when it's fucking fictional.

Why does the Tumblr crowd even like anime? Doesn't it fall under the "problematic" category?

Fuck off.

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Tumblr is blind to their own hypocrisy. We need a genuine Jap to tell them off and tell them that watching anime is cultural appropriation.

It's none of normalfags business what otaku likes to draw in their free time.

Most normies in Japan think anime is for kids and weirdo adults. Fuck off you dumb weeb.

How many canon gay MCs are there? Not including BL.

>It''s ok if shotacon isn't your kind of thing but don't police others especially when it's fucking fictional.

It's not ok.
Adults fucking kids is not ok, not in real life, and not in comic/manga.

Other than Number 6, I think that's it.

So don't read it if it's not your fetish.

Unless CP was used as a reference, there's literally nothing wrong with shota. Fuck off already.

You seem lost and clearly don't belong on Sup Forums.

The truth always hurts my dear pedophiles.

Moralfag please kys.

The truth is you don't really care about actual CP or you'd be out taking care of abused children instead of hanging around an image broad for Chinese cartoons.

>making a thread to talk about the fandom and not the series itself
Why didn't mods already delete this

Okay, one thing positive about this would that the more this retards find out about otaku culture and how the nips don't give a fuck about them, the more turned off they would be and hopefully they would fuck off from anime/manga soon.

Help report it.

>implying the MC needs to be canon gay for the SJW fujos to throw a fit
Some Sup Forums and Sup Forums fujos are crazy enough to whine about pedophilia when the characters are just two or three years apart.

Saga on ice new promo art. If anyone is still interested about the actual show.

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Sup Forums gets triggered over NTR. Does that mean all straight MCs are bad? Who cares what random women on the internet get triggered about.

The issue is here that these people have in the past sent death threats to the doujinka and sent links to the staff and tell them to sue the artist.
That gives a bad rep to the West and reinforces Jap negative views of us.
It's bad all around.

90% of western YoI fans are tumblr, the generals are 90% tumblr so you can do us all a favor and stop making gay threads about your shit show and fuck off.

Hopefully we'll get a better quality pic soon!
Makka is such a photogenic doggo! And piggy is beautiful as always!
movie never ;_;

You deserve a bad rep, you're all fucking garbage. Not that the nips are any better, but fujoshti are already hated en masse over there too. You retards just hide behind your "progressive" arguments, but you're all disgusting and have shit taste.

Why are they posed like that?

Go back to your containment cave(s) and keep discussing which one of oni's horns is perkier and leave the adults alone.

I don't think Sup Forums tries to take down every ntr doujin that they hate, unlike these tumblrfolk. Idgaf if people whine about stuff they hate, but censoring or deleting doujins because of it is going too far.

>leave the adults alone!
>wwaah, my fellow tumblrinas are complaining about a doujin better make a thread about it!

Eat shit fujotrash.

I don't give a single shit if they get mad about something, they stay in their blog and talk to each other and that's fine. But it's when they go harass the creators of the series about a FUCKING FANWORK with you sensible contents, that makes me go berserk.I don't really give a shit about this drama but I hope no one will message Kubo this time.

>your "progressive" arguments
Is English not your native language or something? Or are you retarded?

I hope they do so they will finally realize how retarded their fans are. Not that they themselves are any better.

Confirmed for underage.

user do like me: think that every day we are one day closer to the movie.

Are you a fujoshit? Yes? Your posts are irrelevant.

t. tumblr

Great thread btw.

>gayshit shitshow has shit fans

What did they mean by this?

>among 5-6 people
>some of them are telling the others to stop being mad
Is this really newsworthy?

Where are you seeing this harassment? And I recall that trap artist, Cannabis, being bullied so hard because she made a doujin people didn't like that she stopped doing trap doujins. It's not just dumb fujoshi.

It's only been 5 hours. It took toilet doujin a week on mrm to be noticed by western SJW fujoshits.

It's okay user. Your fave show is flopping and keeps getting worse every episode. But you'll eventually grow up and get better taste. Don't give in to dispair

And was the toilet doujin taken down?

Yes. You can't find it there anymore.

Shiki anime. Natsuo was confirmed gay. Not that mattered (he wasn't the original MC, the story changed from the novels, but the point stands).

Are we? I was honestly hoping for some updates at anime Japan, but all we got was re-used art and the same "movie is in production" bs we've been getting for months. They singlehandedly managed to kill the hype with this crap

>toilet doujin
nani the fuck is that

Fuck man, I expect the first key visual at least, not even a projected released date just something minor.

Yes, because the artist found out and contacted the website to have it taken down.

Goddamn it I love this artist, I hope no one send her death threats or something, I love her art.

The artist found out only because of dipshit Tumblrinas though.

people get off to this shit? they must've had one hell of a childhood

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Me too, I was expecting a release date and the official title of the movie at the very least. If nothing comes out before summer I think we can assume the movie won't come out this year.

Really? Do you have sauce on that confirmation?

I always thought that nigga was gay. Good to see I was right.

I get off on men being raped in front of their wives and I had a normal childhood with loving parents.

Anime needs more canon gay female MCs though.

Attached: [Asenshi] Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - 02 [BD 720p AAC] [32DD9965].mkv_snapshot_10.28_[2018.01.02_ (1280x720, 77K)

I don't have it with me right now, but there was a relationship chart which had the sake arrow toward what his face Tooru, as Tooru to the nurse and Pinky to him. He was also gay in the novel, but he's a minor character who dies and never returns as a special werewolf vampire there (only the monk does). The mcs are the monk and the doctor, plus the vampire loli.

Right? It's gonna be one year soon that the movie was announced, and what have we gotten since then? Nada. I didn't expect the movie to be ready so soon. I know it took them 3 months just to animate Baldy's skate. So if we're gonna get that level of sakuga for a full length movie, it's gonna take time. I can understand than and wouldn't mind the wait. But they need to give us something in the meantime, or there won't be any audience left to see their hardwork. Just look at this thread. Fags are more concerned with discussing tumblrinas and doujins than the actual show...

I didn't want to have too much expectation just in case but they didn't even give a teaser key visual ;_;

From the moment I learnt that Kubo and Sayo were in Milan for worlds, I knew all hope was lost. They're not such neglectful mothers that they would let their baby project have an important announcement without one of them being present, at least.
though they do seem to have other priorities at the moment. Sorry, I'm bitter

>From the moment I learnt that Kubo and Sayo were in Milan for worlds, I knew all hope was lost. They're not such neglectful mothers that they would let their baby project have an important announcement without one of them being present, at least.

Yep, that was the feeling I had too and one of the reason why I kept expectations low. They didn't need to be present if only a poster of the first key visual was going to be displayed at the Avex booth and all Kubo had to do was RT it from the official twitter account. Well, as we can see, we got nothing.

These comments are hilarious

>I want to punch you so bad
Kek. I'm a 6'1 210lbs dark skin spic, I'd rape this whore worse than what happened to Bald in that one doujin.

Kubo recently wrote on her profile that she's working hard on the movie, the fact that she and Yamamoto were in Milan doesn't mean that they're neglecting it. They probably booked the tickets months ago, and took a break from work. This is also strictly related to YOI in a sense, it's not like they went to tropical islands to take scuba diving lessons, which has nothing to do with YOI. My hopes are still high, I will only be disappointed if the movie doesn't live up to the hype and the long waiting.

*if she tried that on me

Nice bait

Sup Forums isn’t a place to vent about fandom vendettas