Aight umaru fags, real question time. Why does anyone unironically like this shit

aight umaru fags, real question time. Why does anyone unironically like this shit

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Other urls found in this thread: wear bikini at all and wear ugly one /

there's a little umaru in us all

I just like this one gif where she runs for computer to shitpost as fuck. Never seen the animu though.

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Not-chibi Umaru is cute, at least

this show makes me want to cut my nuts off

umaru is trash. people who like this show should off themselves

but that one gif is cool, yes?

i don't care about anime gifs

source on gif?

I like Ebina :----DDDD

I wanna be in a little umaru

i like good animes

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watch nick toons like a real man

Umaru-chan is a show that takes you back to the good times when you were young, had no worries and just enjoyed life. A lot of people who had a good childhood can relate to Umaru. Now you're a wageslave (or even worse: a NEET) and you can relate to her older brother a bit.

It's just a cute anime where you can sit back, relax and enjoy without having to worry about harem shit like best girl, a plot, character development, pseudointellectual psychology or philosophy, forced drama or other stuff that pisses you off when watching most anime.

Both of these are correct.

all the reasons why I don't watch shit like this

you mean to tell me an anime about a manipulative 2-faced cunt is relatable? man you fags really do turn your brain off

Don't tell me you didn't manipulate your parents to buy shit

Can't, most of them are sexual harassers.

I wish I had an older brother like Taihei


You call him homosex because he wants brother?

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yeah by crying like a typical 6 yo, not by being a complete insufferable bitch 24/7 at the age of 16

yes he is homo

Umaru lost both of her parent and saw their dismembered bodies after the accident. She spent all night in a destroyed car surrounded by human meat and blood and no one came until the morning. She deserves to behave like that, that's her coping mechanism.


>Umaru lost both of her parent and saw their dismembered bodies after the accident. She spent all night in a destroyed car surrounded by human meat and blood and no one came until the morning. She deserves to behave like that, that's her coping mechanism.

imagine being the fag who got passed episode 1

Because it's a great show and basically you're fucking stupid

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Pedro, stop calling everyone fags left and right.

>too deep for you faggot


>you're stupid because you don't like my anime

your show is trash deal with it

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Are you angry?

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no im just coping with the fact that i saw my parents dismembered bodies in a car accident and was left alone until the next day

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kill yourself please for the betterment of man kind

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no u

Fuck off Reddit fag.

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I've heard that some people dropped Umaru because they thought she was too bratty, they were a small percentage, but they exist

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Umaru thread!

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Will Surge do

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I wanna jerk off in front of syphilis while she gives me that look

umaru abuse shitposting saved umaru

Better question: Why does anyone unironically watch anime?

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>acts like a 5 year old
>eats junk food all day
>against all odds, got another season and proved everyone wrong
She is Donald Trump of anime.

I only liked the gachi Opening.

>tiny hands

there are a lot of better loli out of here
a bratty imouto that is a slacker at home but has a facade of perfection is realistic

its cute

your pasta is stale

It warms my heart and gives me comfy feels.

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She cannot wear bikini at all and wear ugly one pieced swimsuit instead despite being main one faps with it.

It's just a comfy show, Kirie reminds me of Tomoko too

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Post bullies

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Fuck off wear bikini at all and wear ugly one /

Fuck off

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Post lewds

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hahaha, here we go :D

Fuck off

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oh come on, the shitposting gif is fucking tits :D

>It's just a cute anime where you can sit back, relax and not think of anything while nothing happens
You have a bad sense of humor

Guess me wanna kill myself was correct after all

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>There's a little shit inside everybody

Couldn't agree more.


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t. sat chan