When did GameFAQs die?

I am primarily a retro gamer now, and up until a few years ago, the boards on older gens for GameFAQs all had active posts. Now even boards for games from last gen are virtually dead.

What happened? Is there a place where all those people interested in older gen stuff went, or did they all finally just retire from gaming?

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Gamefaqs died when Cjayc removed his home address from the site so you could no longer send him FAQ's on Floppy disc. It died further when he removed his Fax Machine number.

I am talking about the message boards on older gens (even as recent as last gen) becoming ghost towns.

It died when you had to log in thirty times before posting things.

Friendo, have you even taken a look around Sup Forums in the last few years? Nobody talks about retro games anymore, and /vr/ is basically dead outside of maybe three or four generals.

GameFAQs didn't die. Retro gaming died. Hipsters came in, bought out all the stock, jacked up the prices, and now nobody wants anything to do with it.

Also doesn't help that retro games look like shit on non-CRT displays and if you honestly think otherwise, you might need glasses

I mean, we all love these games but there's only so much you can talk about when you've been talking about the games for 10-20 years.. not to mention there are no more secrets or anything to discuss

>Hipsters came in, bought out all the stock, jacked up the prices, and now nobody wants anything to do with it.
Don't forget the fact that nobody under the age of 20 wants to touch something before the age of 3D.

Hell, everyone's favourite Zelda game turned from Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask to Wind Waker/Twilight Princess so gradually that I didn't even notice until I saw that people were unironically spouting that Twilight Princess is the best in the series and that the HD port would fix it. Now the hip thing is to hate Ocarina of Time because some bisexual manchild who makes money by screaming at video games on the internet with someone who unironically named his band "Ninja Sex Party" told them it was a bad game.

You know, the single highest rated video game of all time that was never trumped in the 20 years it's been available? That one?

Times are changing, user

>Getting banned from LUE in 2002

Good times. Boy, in retrospect Gamefaqs message board culture was retarded.

>Gamefaqs message board culture was retarded
The Brawl boards before release were even more cancerous than Sup Forums. I have no idea how they managed to do it, but they did it.

They're still pretty based

>Don't forget the fact that nobody under the age of 20 wants to touch something before the age of 3D.
Complete bullshit. I have cousins ranging from late teens to early twenties, and they love their NES and SNES.

Consider the following:



>Clickbait le funny reaction video
>Evidence of anything

Because they totally would include the mundane reactions, right?

because threads are locked automatically after 3 months (maybe 1 month?) without posts. pretty retarded idea for older games that aren't going to have a lot of activity

GameFAQs died when they changed my fucking Username from the one I was using for years.
The merge with Gamespot seen my name as something else and GameFAQs seen my original name.
So I was getting called by two different names.
Fuck GameFAQs.

It would be sad if that's the case. So HD TVs have pretty much killed retro gaming?

I would think with stuff like the Virtual Console and PS1/PS2 classics people could play games from prior generations (legally) more easily than ever.

>under 20

I'm 23 and I can't STAND playing 2d retro bullshit like super metroid or megaman X or gba. It's just so bad looking. Especially since I hate having black bars on my monitor so it's stretched out which makes it worse. Let's face it, old retro hipster shit games before the 3d era came around is outdated visually and mechanically like turn based jrpgs.

Merge with gamespot is when the site died.

But the boards died like a decade ago dude.

The Virtual Console wasn't smart enough until the Wii U to change to a 4:3 aspect ratio if you were playing on an HDTV, and the PS3 can't output a 240p resolution for PSX games (not that it matters since you can force 480p if you're using proper cables to connect the PS3 to your TV that should be able to display 480p resolutions since it's 2016).

Nothing aside from emulators take integer scaling into account though, which happens to be the biggest factor in why old 240p sprite based content looks like trash on HDTVs:



LUE is still great

How many people are even left on that board? Like, five?

Nobody uses regular forums anymore, except for spreading homebrew and hacking methods. People moved to Reddit and Facebook.

>Hell, everyone's favourite Zelda game turned from Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask to Wind Waker

There is nothing wrong with that

TP isn't that great, but SS is awesome

Plus, you had to play OoT and MM when they came out or before you played WW, TP, or SS or you would be spoiled already.

I remember getting 2-3 year subscriptions of Maxim from LUE posters

>playing on emulators
>being bad at emulators
>missing out some of the best games ever made because of "muh graphics"
You are the worst and you deserve to die
I bet you're not even 23


I still go on Thursdays for Nintendo's eShop releases. Someone usually posts them at 8am or earlier

Feelz like this realize how much of a loser I am both online and offline. I don't have an account on either Reddit or Normiebook.

Trust me, you're not missing out on anything. Everything that ends up on Reddit is a repost, and everything that ends up on Facebook is a repost of something from Reddit

And everyone is fighting for imaginary internet points

It's pretty fucking amazing to think that Brawl in the Family actually emerged from GameFAQs' Brawl boards.

That would explain a lot.

Its just the fact that online communities are now all evaporating from the "old" internet. With the advent of social media, the only place left where people still seek anonymity is Sup Forums, and I get the feeling that even this place is now skewing older (just see how much bitter people now seem compared to 2011).