Has anyone else grown tired of videogames?


I started playing in the 80s, so I've pretty much seen the whole evolution in the gamiBack then, we had a lot of new experiences pretty much every year because the industry was so new.

Today, we only have the same repeated FPS and sports games, plus the super high budget Hollywood titles with a focus on storylines and mediocre gameplay masked by said storyline.

Today, the only games I buy are the ones based on sex appeal. OK, Splatoon was good to because it felt fresh. But Mario, Zelda, CoD, FIFA, Pokémon and more are milked to death and they don't provide new experiences anymore.

Anyone else who feels the same?

These aren't funny

I agree. Us older people have experienced everything games have to offer.

BTW, her ass needs a gym.

no. I'm tired of numales.

I still enjoy games but I find the ones I keep playing are old as fuck.

Hate to sound like a grandpa but this new generation of kids are fucking retarded. They won't play anything that takes more than a couple hours to learn. They won't play anything that isn't multiplayer. They won't play anything without unlocks, DLC, and microtransactions so they can show their friends on Facebook and shit how much better and pimped out their character is compared to other people.

I don't even think half these fucking morons play games to have fun anymore. It's just a big dick waving contest to have loot that other people don't have, or "outplaying" people in games that have a skill gap the depth of a fucking puddle.

My favorite series are Metroid and shit similar to that, games that have atmosphere, tough bosses, exploration and worlds to get lost in. They don't make games like that anymore though. It's a fucking travesty. Everything is multiplayer games with achievements and medals out the wazoo on every fucking kill or thing you do and hats and skins and other dumb shit behind paywalls / grindfests because it's the only way to keep this fucking internet addicted ADD generation interested for longer than 5 seconds.

So TL;DR yes I still game but I have to keep sifting through games made in the 90's and early 2000's before facebook, microtransactions and smartphones literally destroyed the hobby I love.

Fucking 2016, huh

>I started playing in the 80s
No you did not.

Do you think the industry can surprise us with VR?

Her ass needs a gym? Why?

What is numales?

Nope. Born in 1986, been playing games since I was 2 or 3. Games were just as samey and derivative back then. And while I'm not a fan of some of the trends the industry has adopted, I still get plenty of enjoyment out of games.

It's the new generation taking over

I started to, but then I played Ace Combat 5 and I've never felt more alive.

Very well written post. I think what happened was that there's is now an excessive amount of entertainment that is easyily available.

Back in the 80s, you had a game which took 30 minutes to finish, and then you had to wait three months for the next game.

Today, kids play a game for five minutes, and if they don't find it immediately fun, they throw it away and download another title.

Music industry shares the same problem BTW. We have too much entertainment that is too easily available.

I didn't start gaming until late 90s but I feel in the past few years most of the old magic has flown out the window. Maybe it's because I'm growing up but I also think it's because how gamer culture has evolved and how a lot of games are designed in a certain way these days. They cater to a very wide audience, they for the most part play and feel very familiar and they don't try new things anymore.

The rise of the indie somewhat helped but the AAA games are still the same and I've stopped buying them almost entirely.

What comes to my gaming I mostly play multiplayer and spend my time on games that are grindy as fuck and huge timesinks. Singleplayer or story driven games don't interest me and I get bored of them very quickly.

I'll be 30 this year. I don't really enjoy many new games anymore; the last one in memory was Undertale. I find that I often revert back to the old games I played in my childhood (recently Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger).
This is analogous to people listening to classic rock, even if there is new music that they might like, your gonna go back to what you know is good. I think it's a part of getting older,

This has GOT to be the most overrated piece of ass on Sup Forums

Prove me wrong.
You can't fucking do

You should start by explaining why it's overrated. Then we can reply.

It's from some obscure PS2 game that isn't even about ass. It's just posted all the time.

Fuck off, Vanessafag.

We KNOW it's you.

You couldn't be more wrong. It's a GameCube game that is all about her ass.

And what has the quality of game to do with her buttocks anyway? Her ass is sexy as fuck.

>posts the most overrated piece of meme japanimation

I like the ass but you posted umaru, so I'm also okay with you

I've been playing games since I can remember, starting with alley cat. I remember one of my aunts telling me that I'll grow out of video games when I'm older when she handed me a copy of PC gamer I asked her to pick up for me. I told her that ain't going to happen.

Now, I've found other hobbies to waste my money, time and effort on. I'll still play video games, but not as much as I did when I was a kid.

I like video games, but I find that most video games require a social life outside of it to be any fun. That is, you need friends who play games to enjoy the game. Rather than create games that encourage friendship and community, devs except us to just come in with 3 or 4 other people and co-op. ASSFAGGOTS, FPS, MMOs are built on that prerequisite.

I grew tired of modern video games. Playing Dirty Bomb casually with a friend of mine, but that's it. The only thing which still keeps me motivated is modding and playing the good old Baldurs Gate Trilogy.

It's the instant gratification age.

You can get any TV show it movie you want in 5 seconds, stream any song instantly, pay for end game stuff in any game and get it without actually ever even playing.

Nothing takes effort these days.

What game is it and how is it about her ass? I doubt it.

Her ass literally helps you out with the enemies timing.

>Us older people have experienced everything games have to offer.
I'm making a wild guess here. You are 20 years old.

Nice to see some rush posting

>It's a thinly veiled "This generation ruined video games" thread again
I feel it's because it costs so much more to make a game with the current graphical standards most games try to compensate for the cost by netting a bigger audience, in turn diluting their game to fit that wider audience. It's not like this generation is full of autistismos who encourage terrible games to be made.


>What is numales?
The kind of bitch that starts a thread like this.

Her ass is the main focus throughout the adventure. She shakes it a lot and it's always in the center of attention.

So you made a comment about the game without even knowing what the game is?

For shame.

Now that's an arse. Looks like she grew a booty and forgot to properly exercise it.

yes video games suck these days.

that's why we're here shitposting instead of playing games

we're all looking for something to rekindle our interest in games, but instead it's actually more entertaining to argue pc vs console or amd vs nvidia

games suck these days

let's face it.

what's the last good game you played? me? i can't remember

(actually it was DaS1)

but still . . .

For those that are struggling, try an old game you loved, try a new genre and more importantly:get some god damned exercise. Cardio.

You guys either need to try out different genres or experiment with different hobbies. I read novels, watch anime, write poems, code shit, all in addition to playing vidya, which happens to be the only hobby that requires money.

Stop feeling sorry for yourselves

I am, and I also barely have time for them. Most fail to grab my attention, have too many tutorials and side quests aside from those boring pseudo symphonic soundtracks.

I play mostly indies, when I have the time, but I'm also tired of roguelikes. But they usually lend themselves to smaller game sessions.

But stuff like Y2K still makes me interested.

no it doesnt

Yes it does. Her ass is famous for not being firm.

Hmm. OP I always think im getting tired of games... im just not excited for the new ones anymore. But the thing is I can go back and play ... let's say... Chrono Trigger for hours on end. So it's not that im getting tired of them, it's just that everything is so homogenized now. Nothing really stands apart.

THAT being said I've poured hours into Overwatch. I think the game has style, and fantastic characters that distinguish itself from the games that come out today. The game has ... for lack of a better word, charm.

So maybe I am getting tired of games, but just most modern games. Gaming itself I still love as much as I used to.

Overwatch is a garbage TF2 remake with female characters designed to be dog whistles for pornographic content creators despite Blizzard pretending to publicly disavow their material.

The Blizzard of today is fucking garbage, Blizzard North was the only studio that had any soul/heart.

Why does Tracer's ass look more squishy than OP girl's ass, despite being obviously smaller?

I kinda have, I find myself either at the shooting range or doing other things than playing video games now.

I voted at random just to fuck up your poll.

Also hit the gym, catch up with the many games that without a doubt you haven't tried yet, and also git gud at those games you do enjoy. You sad grandpa.

Tracer's shader material has more specular, resembles those mid-size balls your mom asked you not to fuck with at the supermarket.

Vanessa was in a last gen game that I'm sure would have gone balls deep on pornifying her ass with modern tech.

No, games are still good. The only people who make threads like these are people who feel like they need to put games behind them in order to make themselves believe they are a legitimate adult. But the truth is that even if you stop playing video games and adopt a more socially acceptable hobby, you'll still be a manchild.

External factors and life try hard to take videogames away from me, its harder to keep playing like before but when i find some good time to play i realize i am still able to have fun and get immersed like before, even if it's only for short periods of time.

Tracer's butt looks perfectly normal, the other one looks like a bloated piece of orca whale fat.

what games?

seriously asking

and don't give me some VN bullshit

EU, HoI, V2, risk of rain, dragon's dogma, Stellaris in about few months after they fix ai and bugs.

Take a look at the libraries of current gen handhelds if you want examples of good recent games

I'd look into indie games a little more closely, or "indie games" as it were. The bulk of them are garbage, but by and large the most refreshing experiences I've had in the past 5 years have all been from smaller titles like Risk of Rain and Isaac and such. AAA titles are usually a safe bet, but ultimately mediocre and will always just be more of the same, generally.

w...what's V2?

I really don't care for most newer games. I'm so out of touch with the newer gen consoles like the ps4 and xbone.

Only new AAA games I played were GTAV and MGSV on release date and nothing else. I have fun playing games like vanquish, no one lives forever, nier and so on but I just stop playing in the middle of it.

The moment I started getting into game mechanics, analyzing them and stuff I jumped straight out of my game depression.

Never had more fun playing games.

For me its the exact opposite. I have to keep myself from paying too much attention to technical details in non-strategy games or else I get too distant and calculating.

Victoria II, a grand strategy game

>tfw 43 years old

>we only have the same repeated FPS and sports games
So you haven't played anything this year

In this thread we have learned
>the majority of posters on Sup Forums are 30+ year old wageslaves
>They do not play modern games
>They blindly hate on modern games because the games they played when they actually enjoyed their lives are always going to be the best
>They are overly pessimistic for the sake of following board culture

Stop blaming the kids. It's the industry that churns out this shit.

Everyone in this thread just needs to get a Nintendo.

After I started giving a shit about game mechanics, minmaxing came into play. It's sort of problematic where I don't give enough fucks to go all the way but at the same time I can't make decisions in games just for the fun of it because of my minmaxing side. It definitely affected how I play singleplayer games if at all.

And who supports the industry retard? The industry wouldn't exist without consumers buying into it.

The average age of a "gamer" is now over 30

Look I know there are indes and downloads and steam or whatever, but for most major titles, the game industry is like the car industry. The consumer doesn't really have much of a say. Manufacturers, policies, suppliers, distribution chains and corporate culture have a bigger say over what ends up on the shelves than the gamers, and by the time you buy it's too late.

The kids can only buy what's on the shelves in front of them. They don't determine what's there.

The way they've simplified games is omnious.

It seems like the gaming industry is having a severe crisis beneath the surface.

But my favourite youtuber said I had to "vote with my wallet" so it must be true

They say that every generation thinks the next one is the worst, but statistically sometimes it has to be true, don't you think?

user, unlocks are a GOOD thing.

It does more than give you a sense of achievement. It forces you to play the game in a larger variety of ways. Instead of going straight to the gear you are most comfortable with or using the most optimized build you read online have to play around with items or abilities you wouldn't normally use. You might even find some new shit worth looking deeper into.

A lot of the "shittier" gear and items are really really fun to use but you never use them because they don't have the best DPS or whatever. Like using the galil instead of the AK in CS.

It also keeps the game fresher for longer since you are constantly getting new gear and unlocking new playstyles. Again, if you're given every tool straight from the beginning you will always choose the best gear every time rather than mixing it up some. Every other person will do that exact same thing. Unlocks keep the multiplayer a hella lot more varied.

It's all in execution. Done right, unlocks are a great features. Done poorly and you're left with a shitty grindfest of pay2win.

>unlocks are a GOOD thing
>using the most optimized build you read online
>have to play around with items or abilities you wouldn't normally use
>It also keeps the game fresher for longer since you are constantly getting new gear and unlocking new playstyles
>Again, if you're given every tool straight from the beginning you will always choose the best gear every time rather than mixing it up some
>Unlocks keep the multiplayer a hella

holy fucking shit go away you fucking millenial

I'm not tired of video games but I'm tired that it's seen as a waste of time or as a lower hobby.

>I quoted a bunch of stuff but got bored halfway through so I couldn't write a proper retort sorry

Nice blog faggot
Why do you fucks keep complaining that you're finding vidya boring on the fucking vidya board? Just fucking do something else

But we have to convince the normies to hate the videogames too, since they are objectively shit

There's nothing left for them.

I used to like video games, but now I can see that they're becoming leftist mouth pieces to spread their leftist agenda.

Holy shit THIS. Fucking Jews trying to hypnotize us with libcuck beta media. If you unironically play new videogames in the year 2016, you are a gamma nu-male cuckold redditor who needs to fuck off back to their tumblr hugbox

>user, unlocks are a GOOD thing.
Yeah right, and Grizzly Adams had a beard

Can you not?

>Prepubescent cousin claims to be a big gamer, and supposedly super interested in games
>All he ever plays is side advertised sandbox garbage and Minecraft
>Introduce him to Viewtiful Joe
>He doesn't want to keep on playing after the first level despite me putting the difficulty to Kids

Good thing I stopped caring about keeping up with current gaming. I just go back to old stuff I haven't played, and keep building my ability in fighters/score in arcade stuff. It's a lot more satisfying than having expectations in the current trend of vidya.

There are still lots of amazing experiences to be had. Chin up!

You will have to do some digging though. Large publishers will always give you safe and predictable.

Steam actually does a pretty good job of stocking games from small and one man teams. I got CONSORTIUM recently which was so good that I had to stop playing, because I didn't want it to end too soon.

You can also look online for experimental or unordinary games. I recommend Goblet Grotto and Crypt Worlds for starters.

>start working to support gaming hobby
>don't even want to use my money on games anymore

Am I becoming a normie?

so you're too retarded to make a counter argument.

Ah, ok.

This. Find myself still coming back to my. Childhood favourites like Pharaoh, age of empires 1, and the sims 1.

Why do you think we spend all day posting on here instead of playing backlogs?

Is this how underage fags form opinions? They just parrot the hivemind and seek approval.

Alright reject let's hear why they are so bad.

unlocks have existed since video games were a fucking thing, even in single player. They are just handled differently.

You don't start with the shotgun in doom.

You know what fuck it. Explaining this to someone as butt-fuckin retarded as you is literally impossible. You don't even know why you don't like them.

Still playing most games from my later teenage years, really the only new things I've actually enjoyed is the Witcher 3 and Red Orchestra 2.

Mostly I still play things like Empire Earth, Star Wars: Empire at War, Rome: Total War and Project Reality for BF2, all the 1998-2007 era games. I find anything with 3D graphics appealing as long as they are as good as say, Morrowinds.

I love it when I find an old obscure game I use to love but couldn't remember the name.

>mfw good games are harder and harder to come by
im not sure if it's just im getting bored of them, the industry getting stagnant or both.

>Empire Earth

>says kids have ADD
>despite most popular video games are slower, story based or walking simulators
>claims modern games have no depth and are oversimplified
>favorite series games can be beaten in under 3 hours easily
>bitches about kids
>plays game from late 90s and early 2000s

How old are you? at most 20? You have the dumbest, simplest, and more ignorant opinions that are even shit for Sup Forums.

Well, kids generally have a really shitty taste in about anything. Maybe when they grow up they will develop some of it.

everytime I think about quitting I discover new fun, like yesterday I played black ops 1 for the first time and had a blast desu

>call of duty 2
>every weapon has massive recoil and spread so you can't spray like a retard and get kills
>call of duty 12
>every weapon has 0 recoil and 0 spread so you can spray like a retard since they are borderline laser weapons and get 90 kills in 10 minutes
shit's ridiculous

>making shit up
What the fuck are you talking about.

All of the bolt actions had perfect accuracy and weapons like the bar were pretty fucking tight as well.

CoD has always had run and gun multiplayer. Just because you're a nostalgia fag doesn't change reality.