I can't fucking hold it in anymore. This is the update that fucking broke me. These pieces of shit never deserved to live, and now they deserve to fucking die. I've had it. There is nothing redeeming about anything here. There's only one fucking party member and he looks like shit.
There's no even attempts at jokes, all they fucking do is use ZANY RANDOM XD words like "ma." OOOH ITALIANS ARE SO FUNNY LET'S PUT ONE IN OUR PARTY TOO OOOH it's so fucking trite and petty.
Aside from the meer CONCEPT of this game being dangerous, they aren't even trying. From the sprite edit tileset backgrounds to the shitty sampled music and tryhard story to the god damn name nothing about this is okay, but then this fucking racist dialog comes in written like nothing Itoi would ever fucking dream of writing and seals it. Where has Mother referenced santa or christmas or any ethnic group in such a way let alone such a derogatory way? This game is going to kill the Mother franchise. Nobody will want to play or talk about Earthbound ever again and you know why?
YOU are the one projecting. YOU think they have the talent to make something even worthy of being called a fan game because they have the fucking temerity to declare that they are Itoi's true and rightful successors when who knows how many amateur artists want to make their own Mother 4 and can't because they stole the title. Nintendo can't make a Mother 4 now because they stole the title. If Nintendo made one people would be confused now and try to ask where Travis is. Nothing about this is cool. Nothing about this is smart. Fuck you and anybody ANYBODY who disagrees.
I can't handle the sperg. Is this a new level of shitposting?
Alexander Sanchez
So stating your opinion is shitposting. Okay. Got it, great. Thanks. Fuck you?
If I posted this on Sup Forums three years ago everyone would have agreed with me.
Zachary Ortiz
Nice pasta. Gonna steal this for the future
Carter Parker
Shouldn't you be going to sleep or going to school or something?
Juan Howard
You couldn't have posted this three years ago, since your mom didn't have a tablet in her womb.
Christian Thompson
Nah dude. If you had posted this on Sup Forums three years ago people STILL would have called you a raging autist and you would have claimed that if you had posted this thread three more years before and yada yada yada. Trust me, this level of sperging out will always be made fun of on Sup Forums. It's a fan game dude. Chill your roll.
Gabriel Peterson
Reducing a minority opinion to merely "shitposting" is intellectually dishonest. It's ok if you don't disagree with the opinion. But simply calling someone's opinion "shitposting" is just a convenient way to dismiss the opinion and the posters.
Camden Edwards
No, this is me calling them out for not only stealing the name the NAME of Mother 4 but stealing from Golden Sun, Earthbound, Zelda, Pokemon, they even stole from DISNEY. Real original plot. Humans are putting so much trash in the world it's literally everywhere you go. Real fucking funny.
Since this thread is filled with actual, literal idiots and shills and nothing but, how about this: If the writing is so good, why can I do better?
*Who the heck is it? *Are you trying to arrest me or rob me? *If you're trying to rob me then why haven't you broken in yet?
Jaxson Anderson
I can''ed you a shitposting moron, because level level of passion that comes across in your post seems to be greatly disproportionate to the severity of the matter. Your formatting, and length seems to suggest you're putting a lot of theater behind your post for cheap attention. You don't come across as genuine.
Aaron Fisher
Do you really think that's good writing?
Leo Foster
Are you okay user? Take some deep breaths.
It's just a Number 4.
Jace Smith
Lucas Richardson
HOW CAN YOU FUCKING DEFEND THIS? I'm willing, okay, I am willing to talk about this. I want to understand how anybody can think plagiarism is okay.
Fucking look at this, then look at the gif. It's fucking stolen. You can see it in action two minutes in: youtube.com/watch?v=1ZEmwzLXWQU
William Price
to be fair, this guy is pretty intentionally trying to sound like a sperg. It's a very false flag style post, a "I'll make the other side look retarded" kinda thing. There's no right way to respond to it. In this case, the guy is using one word as if there some rule that the word cannot exist in the universe and as if it's the most important thing in the world in a primarily comical series.
The joke is alright as far as Mother dialog goes. Simple joke playing off the yes or no dialog answer. Nothing revolutionary or hilarious, but pretty typical for a random knocking on a door in mother. Similar joke in Earthbound, the guy who asks you Beatles trivia and you get yes or no for answers.
Christian Jones
>ITT: Autistic child has an outburst.
Jose Phillips
>being this autistic
Jason Brown
Preach it.
Austin Nguyen
I think he's serious. You can't invent this specific, focused kind of stupid.
Jaxson Cox
Nice to see you're still around, Turbomad
Ayden Garcia
Aiden Hernandez
I know, right?
Colton Diaz
Wyatt Rodriguez
It can't be worse than Undertale in this regard.
Blake Parker
I can and have done this level of acting retarded. Fuck, I do it all the time in Steven Universe threads and Sup Forums.
Brandon Garcia
When I say shitposter, I am mostly thinking of OP, who is being an overly belligerent idiot on purpose.
I still think that the name thing is cherrypicking and that the accusations of arrogance on the devs are largely unfounded.
Oliver Gonzalez
Christ, do you really have no idea why no one is taking you seriously? Stop typing like a mentally defunct toddler on a sugar rush for two seconds and maybe someone will bother listening to anything you have to say.
On second thought, your dumbass thread shit the sheets the moment you created it, so maybe you're better off just shutting it down. Maybe swig down a bottle of Nyquil and have yourself a long nap, you tantrum throwing baby.
Isaac Morales
It's this fat autistic fuck from twitter who is always raging about Mother 4, does anyone have the link to his profile?
Jonathan Allen
>Leo's smoking will cost the party hidden fees
That's fucking cool. I wonder if he'll quit by the end of the game.
Aiden Powell
>mfw all this false-flagging >mfw nothing can and will stop me from playing MOTHER 4
Nolan Brown
I'm replaying earthbound right now and this writing is wacky as shit
Jordan Torres
You want me to type like I'm civil? Fine. I'll submit to that double standard. Nobody has answered me though. Why is it okay for them to steal from so many different sources?
Why is it okay for them to put anime shit like this ... in their game? Why is it okay for them to reference Family Guy in this gif?
Ayden Perez
show us your fat face, bitch
Jose Peterson
ITT: Autism in action.
Asher Kelly
>mfw you're stupid >so stupid
Jose Hernandez
I'll humor you.
"I don't see what Family Guy reference you are referring to user, please enlighten me"
James Bennett
"Fat" he says. Lol.
Angel Reed
Sure, people like OP exist. But the poll shows that around 1/3 if people frequenting these threads thin Mother 4's name would be best if it was changed. It's a minority, but a large minority. Like, if a thread has 100 posters, then that makes 33 posters against the name. I don't think it's fair to name 33 people shitposters, just because there's a couple obnoxious guys making a show out of the opinion you disagree with.
I gave my thoughtful civil opinion in the previous thread, and only got attention from a person who agreed with me, and tow whack-a-doos. Where were you to argue my points? Too distracted by "shitposters", it seems.
Aiden Long
Wow even worse. You're black :^)
Colton Ross
Wooden sense of humor. Maybe it's not word for word, but it's a verbatim line Peter would use with the quadruple amputee sea captain.
Michael Sanchez
Hunter Cruz
So this is the power...OF AUTISM!
Adrian Murphy
holy shit
Juan Brown
Yep, Persona 4 sure did invent this little semiotic symbol which has been used in comics, cartoons, and games for decades.
Isaiah Taylor
>these are the people who want Mother 4 devs to change the name
Isaac Myers
>Maybe it's not word for word, but it's a verbatim line >not word for word >verbatim
Ryan Cruz
Eh. Its a stretch.
Mason Hill
>game gets finished >yfw the devs announce Mother 5
Colton Cox
>Dumbass joke that anyone could make without even having watched Family Guy >Somehow a reference Please tell me you're just b8ing me, there's no way someone could be this stupid.
Nicholas Cruz
It all makes sense now.
Matthew Torres
Revenge of the superior limb based combat guy
Jason Miller
Git gud lol
Aaron Torres
>Family guy invented the wooden pun
Samuel Anderson
James Brooks
What is that dialogue trying to say? Did they hire t3h penguin of d00m to write that?
Jaxon Hill
>tfw if Itoi decides that he wanna make a 4th game Nintendo will shut this down .
Naming your fangame something else is a good idea
Grayson Robinson
I forgot the word practically. Way to ignore my post.
I didn't see this before. Is there a fucking problem? It executes the joke, the same joke, the same kind of joke, better with less text.
Eli Perez
Let me spell it out for you because you're a retard. A guy is trying to make a joke, and gets embarrassed when it doesn't work. I guaranfuckingtee you that the other option has him saying something like "It wasn't a good joke anyway"
Bentley Brooks
How did I () ignore your post at all? Unless you're talking about , which even then I kinda answered anyways with my post.
Also, regarding , but what did you mean when you mentioned "anime shit"?
James Price
I won't play that piece of crap not even if they pay me to do it. Change the "4" and I might attempt to try it.
Asher Harris
I quoted the wrong person but since you're defending Mother 4 too then here, you're also blind. What other anime shit besides the Japanese style shitty writing and tryhard deviant art tier crap do you need? It's. Right. Here.
It started showing up in America after Final Fantasy 7 and every time it's shown up in a non-Japanese game it was made by somebody who jacks off to anime games and posts it on Newgrounds.
Gabriel Myers
Oliver Martinez
this is good a good thre
Jace Peterson
>fanmade sequel to a JAPANESE series >gets buttmad when japanese shit appears in it
Jack Ramirez
Using ellipsis alone to indicate meaningful silence is older than dirt. Jesus christ, your autism is overwhelming. You seriously think minor convenience details like this or puns are evidence of a game 'stealing' from something else? Is this bait or are you mentally challenged?
Blake White
I think someone needs to to brush up on their semiotics.
Cooper Watson
I have to admit, I can't here to be mad at you r shit posting as s, but you're creative at this. You pay a good delusional man.
Jason Smith
Blake Adams
>Maybe it's not word for word >but it's a verbatim line
Nolan Robinson
To maintain a copyright, a company has to pursue any infringers. Nintendo is not pursuing this, they don't care, the name must be fine
Asher Cruz
Not defending him, but >I forgot the word practically.
Jayden Rodriguez
I wasn't pretending to be more than one person
Kevin Young
> this game is going to kill the mother franchise
Its a fan game. It could be amazing and most people would never know about it. If it sucks it'll just be forgotten.
Kayden Rivera
What the fuck is even going on
Grayson Thompson
>not word for word >verbatim
Aiden Perry
Because when I think of a company that would revive and/or do an old fan-favorite IP justice, it's fucking Nintendo
Hudson Brooks
lmao this guy is like the physical incarnation of Starmen.net's entire awful community.
People have been spending 3 years making a Mother 4 fangame? I had no fucking clue nor would I ever fucking care about this shit, it's not even worth acknowledging the existence of some shit made by some amateur hacks instead of Itoi.
only a person from that site could possibly think this topic is relevant.
Hunter Ramirez
This is what I don't get. This game is obviously getting a lot of hype. Why wouldn't the developers just pull a Mighty No. 9 and release an obvious clone but be able to go legit and make money?
Chase Price
I really don't like Mother 4, but holy shit, this post.
Alexander Rodriguez
OP's insane ramblings aside, I am baffled by the mess of dialogue in this gif. The other samples in this thread aren't as bad (though a bit stale), but this one is a fucking catastrophe. I had to watch it like four times before understanding what the character was trying to say, and even now I'm not sure I get it.
Actually, it reminds me a lot of OP's post.
Jaxson Reed
Except starmen.net loves this game.
Literally no one outside of Sup Forums is making a stink about the name. Not even the dedicated Mother fan forum.
Easton Campbell
Because they just wanted to make a fan game to share with other fans, and they sacrificed their ability to monetize the game even if they wanted to.
Wyatt Johnson
Usually dedicated fan forums are mostly filled with retards and autists anyway.
Zachary Foster
Your opinion is fine but the way you're acting makes it impossible for anyone to take you seriously.
Gabriel Robinson
I guess I stand corrected about about their opinion.
I still doubt the relevance of the project, especially to Sup Forums. I've been browsing Sup Forums every day for almost 10 years and this thread is the first time I've seen anyone bitch about this game, let alone the fact that it's already 3 years in progress. >implying Sup Forums cares about shitting on anything that doesn't have a kikestarter or steam greenlight
Levi Turner
>Why wouldn't the developers just pull a Mighty No. 9 and release an obvious clone but be able to go legit and make money? Because Mother-inspired and Mother sequel are two very different monsters. Derivative shit like Knuckle Sandwich showcases the folly of being "inspired" by the series, as no matter what happens during development, you subconsciously are still making the Mother game you secretly wish you were making, and end up with something so forced and wacky that it loops-around to being tryhard as fuck, due to the fact that in order to make things look like anything BUT a Mother ripoff, you ended up with something showcasing an artificial style that's not even remotely endearing
A Mother 3 sequel basically cuts out that middleman, and instead goes for what everyone wants: a REAL Mother game, or the closest we can get, without having to play through god-awful clones that may as well have "from the Phil Fish clone that played Mother 3" as the Kickstarter tagline. Instead of pulling lore out of their asses, the Mother 4 team at least has pre-existing games to work with when it comes to worldbuilding
The only people who think Mother 4 is Hitler's nigger AIDS are Starmen rejects who still daydream about Samtron sucking their dick while posting on Sup Forums
Isaac Perry
I think the game looks fantastic, but that dialogue actually is kinda shitty.
Gavin Evans
Did you never play Earthbound? It's the same shitty underage humor
It's why only faggots like Mother games, they all suck dick and have horrid gameplay
>le exploding 1hp tree face
Ian Wood
hey OP, i'm not as angry as you, but i just wanted you to know that i deeply appreciate your anger
Jace Diaz
Sounds like you're pulling shit out of your ass.
Ryan Green
I am, for the sole purpose of making you eat my shit, so you can then shit my shit, so the Mother 4 salt crew can also eat your shit which is made of my shit that you just ate
Grayson Butler
You sound awfully defensive for no apparent reason.
Caleb Jenkins
And I'm still not as big a faggot as those complaining over a free sequel to an abandoned IP that the borderline-anarcho creator wants to set free
Jordan Ramirez
I'm not sure, user.
You seem like a pretty huge faggot.
Gabriel Morgan
So after reading all these posts and some others I've come to the conclusion that this is sarcastic shit posting every complaint from OP is either subjective stuff like "x isn't funny" or "I could do y better" (let me specify here that I'm not debating whether you could or couldn't, just that it's subjective). Or, it's the OP misconstrueding common colloquialisms that have been around for decades as "stealing." Which is literally hilarious. OP cannot be much older than 18, if that, to not understand these expressions are older than the first thing they saw them in.
Bentley Carter
This is some amazing stealth marketing OP how much are they paying you?
Lucas Robinson
>Samtron is that the qt grill who did some youtube videos about obscure games like ikaruga?
Logan Rodriguez