What went wrong?

What went wrong?




Its a niche game, with a niche market. They have never tried to be AAA titles just trying to keep their fans happy trying, but not always succeeding


>Assault trooper rushes for meld
>Some sectoid and a bad snekman appeared
>Get snifu in position
>Snekman spat poison
>Ass man got pinned by sectoids
>Snifu misses
>Can't move assault
>Snek fire plasma Assault panicked, ran and got kek'd by overwatched ayys.

#1 Glitchy as fuck. PC version was so bad I had to get it on console.

#2 Very difficult to anticipate hit stats before committing to a movement. Sometimes I'd move a square behind the enemy and only have 80% chance of hitting him.

#3 Criticals overpowered.

Other than those three things it was pretty much goty for me.

>rushed for meld
baddie detected
deserved everything

The average XCOM fan. Pure retardation

timed matches instead of more aggressive ai


Not much, it was a good game that needed mods to make it a great game


Powerful counter-argument

No TUs

>original XCOM
>you can destroy anything you want!
>and shoot anywhere you want !
>and shoot fuckload of soldiers to expend!

>you can't destroy everything
>you can't shoot anywhere
>ROFL 6 people squads

Had to rush around the map, less tactical gameplay more see enemy kill enemy. The mod gave it some decent replay value though.

What? Nothing.

60 dollar game with poor performance

Picture should be X2. Awful performance that makes me wish to refund the game if I could.

Nothing, EU, EW and Xcom 2 are all great games. This is one of the best modern reboots to date.

I know this is Sup Forums and you are supposed to be a contrarian fuck to fit in, but actually, even most of Sup Forums liked the reboot.

I loved it, have 130 hours in it.

I actually like XCOM 2 even more than EU, but as this dude said it might be a contender for worst optimized game ever created, if we're going by looks to performance.

Not much. The tactical part was fun as fuck and they really managed to capture the feeling of struggling against a greater foe.

I would say that they should have kept more of the strategy and micromanagement parts of the original and tried to make it feel less like a board game. It isn't UFO Defense, but it's still pretty good. Emphasis on "Not UFO Defense".

While we're on the subject, how big of a failure will Xenonauts 2 be?

6 man squads meant death was too punishing instead of something you just expected to happen every mission

Nothing, its a pretty good game.

What went wrong with this one, though?

The sequel is geared towards appeasing tryhards and mechanic abusers. RNG was noticeably not random and becomes abuseable with savescumming.

The first game was bretty gud outside of aliens always getting a free turn on encounter. RNG was actually pretty random here.

I really want to love this game but the fact that you can only have one base, can only do one mission at a time and the fucking stupid two movement flags are pissing me off.

>aliens always getting a free turn on encounter
>this 4 year old meme again

Art design, music and gameplay.
Everything except starting gear looks like ass and the dlcs don't help.
The new soundtrack is bland and generic.
Gameplay is binary as fuck and you never get into firefights. Its just annihilating a pod when you trigger it.

Hopefully, not.

While Xenonauts was good, it lacked the charm the original UFOD had. There was just something... Missing about it that really spoiled the whole thing.

Too little micromanagement, maybe. Too streamlined. Too proper. Too serious.

Nothing apart from stupid amount of bugs and really easy end-game.

Unless you're some kind of jaded NEET elitist who cannot fathom things being different. If you can't stand a more streamlined game and want to play classic XCOM, play the fucking classic XCOM.

replacing aryan waifu with shitty bootleg ayysian.

>While Xenonauts was good

I'm a big fan of the original x com but I honestly don't like the way xenonauts looks like a MS paint game.

maybe I'm missing out

The gameplay is fine, Xenonauts is a bit glitchy at times but you need a good stomach to swallow this butt-ugly game. I have never seen a blander looking game

It was good. It had better graphics, more content, and less jank than the original X-Com. And yet, somehow there's just something missing about it that turns me off.

I am also a huge fan of the original X-Com. Xenonauts has better graphics, the original has graphics that genuinely do look like they were made in MS Paint. Pic related.

The guy on the left looks like a bona fide retard.

> We aren't supposed to give retards Heavy Cannons, you know

RNG based combat. I know some people love that shit but i quite when my heavy gunner was 2 feet away and missed every shot. also grenades are wonderful i wish enemies would throw more of these

What the fuck else are they going to base combat around

only legit strategy is to use snipers on overwatch.

you can't flank because you just end up aggroing more enemies so basically lure them out into killbox.

perks, classes, killstreaks and dank memes

what else do you base a game around user?

>It had better graphics, more content, and less jank than the original X-Com.

>Rushes for meld

lots of games do have % to miss but i felt like XCOM the RNG plays too heavily into the combat.

just my opinion but if i did a good job of getting good position on an enemy it makes me rage quit when every shot is missed and the enemy just lobs a fucking grenade next turn

Your ability to play it well.

needs more memes

Mostly the art direction. But that did also go very very wrong.

>holding a shotgun pointed at team mates face

dat trigger discipline only in XCOM games where killing teammates is perfectly fine as long as you complete a mission

Long war should be in game as difficulty setting/feature not a mod.


It was a good game. It could have been an EVEN BETTER game, but that's what mods are for.

It's true, and it was the worst part of the original.
>want to sneak into a room and clear it
>the second you set eyes on an ayylmao they all get to take a turn to get to cover

Yeah after I finished the game 4 times I realised that I had been having artificial fun all along so I refunded it

When base is invaded, the layout isn't the base you built. :(((

I felt like the music was reminiscent of TFTD at times. Most of the time it was forgettable background noise. Maybe that's a good thing?

>only legit strategy is to use snipers on overwatch.

Jesus christ how bad are you

A lot of the second wave options like Red Fog, Aiming Angles, and another couple that made the game a lot better shouldn't have had to have been unlocked.

Retarded heavy focus on RNG mechanics.
No physics system like in Silent Storm.

>pods, everything about them as a mechanic
>no panic for aliens outside of psychic abilities
>overwatching for half an hour until enemy pods stumble onto you one by one is the most efficient tactic in the game, emphasised even harder in Long War
>breaking line of sight makes aliums go full retard
>air game, made even worse by long war
The game is still pretty fun all things considering, no one is perfect.

shit performance

Is it even optimized yet? That's what I've been waiting on.

Varies by person.

no its not, maybe if youve got a really high end card itll run fine, but ive got a 660ti which should be more than enough for an xcom game yet it stutters like fuck all the time. i managed to play it through once and wanted to replay it using mods but i just cant be bothered cause it runs so bad.

So if I was between the minimum and recommended specs, my game would run like ass? I've been hearing even people with much better setups than me having problems.

tfw every game in this series is so close to perfection and yet so far away

XCOM 2 pisses me off far more than XCOM 1 ever did.

But you don't want to get in a firefight, you want to minimize the odds of something going wrong, especially when your soldiers are fragile as they are.

Reminder that 2 is better that Enemy Unknown

What's your card and processor?

It really isn't.

E8400 and a GTX 690

Fucking captcha. Meant a 680

not even fuckin close. biggest disappointment of 2016 for me. i put in HUNDREDs of hours into EW. I've done one campaign in 2. it's stale, unfun and incredibly bugg. i don't think they've even admitted that cover mechanics are bugged, i'm constantly getting shot through walls/floors outside of LoS and i'm sick of this shit

>i'm constantly getting shot through walls/floors
That's a feature.

We can't really tell you, it's all over the place. It runs fine for me with an i5 4460 and a 750 ti.

I would think that the game would run just fine with that setup.

I have a 390, and it works just fine for me, if a little hot.

>sneak all the way to objective and grab it
>good job commander now kill everyone

>Sneak around the map
>Notice how pods just start following in my footsteps, waiting for me to come out of concealment

DLCs feel more like a joke than the mods do and were made with no regard for balance, giving you super weapons right out of the gate, making a stupidly hard mid game thanks to cheaty face bosses, and then making the late game absurdly easy thanks to super armor you get out of the mid game bosses.