>Sonic has never been good
Is he right?
Sonic has never been good
Other urls found in this thread:
I've never liked it but that doesn't mean it isn't good or well-liked
Where do the chins end?
His ballsack
Absolutely not, but they weren't as good as some would tell you
Arin is the LAST person I'd take an opinion from
It was always good, just overrated.
Egoraptor is a faggot and you're a faggot for even knowing his opinion on this by the way.
>what the fuck! I'm just waggling the remote not playing attention! this game is trash!
>what the fuck! I can't get past these bad guys and I keep getting hurt! this game is trash!
If pic related had been released as a new Sega IP instead of Sonic, everything else remaining identical, people would love it, and you'd see it all over threads of "hidden gems/games only you played/enjoyed"
He goes out of his way to make Sonic games look worse than they actually are; going out of his way to trigger glitches/exploits that one would never run into by accident.
>why can't I go fast? this is sonic!
maybe because you're holding down the A button and right dickhead.
Sonic was a shitty Mario knock-off with one gimmick that the action scrolled faster than Mario. Back on 16 bit consoles, that was a mildly fun gimmick.
As a character, he isn't any better than Bubsy, and nothing about the franchise has been anything but shit since the original game.