Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to dev a game.
Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend
>mfw Schwig's new patreon is already at ~$1000 in under 24 hours of its public announcement
Not to mention he hasn't even advertised it or anything yet. Meanwhile H-Bomb is going to go jobless now and just incessantly bitch and moan about everything.
Needed more monster men desu
Great news then! Schwig has you covered with his "new" RPG! All you have to do is donate to him, and you'll get plenty of hot monster boy action on females.
I'm just going to sit back and laugh as he either fails miserably or actually makes a game and enrages the BS team.
Frankly I was sick of the farm thing and I'm glad it might get turned into an RPG.
Never gonna donate though, kek, i'll just wait for the backer leaks.
The combination of being incredibly cheap to get access to the game's alpha state and that the content isn't part of an overly saturated market means no matter how shitty the person is people will back it because to them they don't lose.
A full $966? Willikers, that's almost exactly nowhere near as much as he was getting while working on Breeding Season
As someone who knows Schwig and has spoken to him about the concept beforehand, he wants to make a game like Vitamin Quest. As in, you have a few town hubs, followed by wild areas that you have to go in to to get to other towns and finish quests. From there, you can get raped, grind for exp/gear, and so on. In towns, you can also fuck for money or to raise friendship/affection status with certain NPC's.
He got that in around 18 hours. It took Breeding Seaon around 5 years to reach what it had before. I personally think he should have stayed on the gravy train, but whatever I guess.
>inb4 they drop everything again
Not to mention Schwig's version is a transparent scam if I've ever seen one. He has no team, he had no programmer, all he has is his drawings and ideas.
And with that alone, he's gonna milk the living FUCK out of all the retarded furries that are flocking to his game.
H-bomb may be considering suicide.