Is Fuuka an ISFP?

Is Fuuka an ISFP?

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Do you believe in horoscopes too OP?

I once worked at a place that made all employees take that shit test so we could relate better to each other.

Bitch deserves to be raped by a dozen niggers

Who would be an INFP personality? I got this result in several of these tests without knowing what it really meant.

Fuuka is an INFP.
Someone that has a big heart and wants the best for everyone.

I think the difference between Yukiko and Fukka is the difference between ISFP and INFP

Fuuka's dub voice blew. Jap Fuuka is fucking dank.

Basically, you're very empathetic and driven to do the right thing for others often more than for yourself.

>I got this result in several of these tests without knowing what it really meant.

It doesn't mean anything. It is just like a horoscope.