Is it good?

Is it good?

no. Casual game now.

Pirates have been warning you that it was shit for a while now.

Wrong, spin-off best-off. It's still challenging and after over 5000 hours in all games, every mh is casual. Excessability =/= casuality

This. Playing on the NA version right now and theres barely any one playing.

Could have been the best, but old gen nostalgia pandering has taken over all other departments.

These old areas are so fucking shitty and poorly designed it cannot be overstated.

>Adept skill dodges every thing
Git gud.


And there's what, like 5 new monsters? I'll admit the new ones are coop but I'm so fucking sick ofTestucabras

>lets casually ignore all the other new shit the game did
>despite every new MH game previously being shit in terms of new content

no don't get it

we don't need more shitters online

you realize evasion +3 existed in 4u right

7, I think
big 4, maccao, owl, and dragon thing

7 quality new monsters is alright, considering all the other new shit & systems in the game.
What I do not like are the choices of old monsters put in. Many shitty old monsters that should have been replaced or completely overhauled to bring them up to modern MH standard.

No one is ignoring what new things they brought. I'm simply complaining about the lack of new monsters. Not everything has to be an argument, user.


If you play Guild like a normal mh Main line game it's still challenging. But you can't expect the same from an Spin Off as from mainline games. They have other stuff instead.
Yes some areas are oversaturated.
Yes the styles take some to all difficult out if you know what to do.
Yes there are a little bit too many gathering quests.
BUT it's a celebration title. After like 10 mainline versions and 4 gens youwant to revisit some of the old places and show the raths your narutoskills. Or gather in prowlermode with more fun than annoyance than ever.

Yes. Only 4 babbies disagree. I didn't think it would be possible to be more annoying than a Tri babby, but they found a way

Also there's already an MH thread up, it's just hard to tell because the OP used cropped porn

It's Monster Hunter, so no.

>fight Nargacuga for the first time
>fucks off to different areas every second minute

Is he always like this? Shit's annoying.

They rehash each gen several times, I dont think anyone wants to revisit the old shit again.

I liked it.
The styles and arts are cool, yes they make the game easier but they also add some variety to the game.

The only thing that sucks about the game is that it doesnt have Dalamadur which is my favorite hunt.

evasion +3 =/= Adept dodge

You dumb

the dalamadur fight sucks ass, what do you like about it?

your claim was that adept makes things too easy

backstepping in 4u with evasion +3 and dash juice makes you invincible

I like the gameplay variety, but it honestly somehow just feels more shallow than 4U and actually made me go back to that game and do some more 140 GQs. Worth it if you're a huge MHfag and want to try out styles and hunter arts, otherwise wait for 5th gen

wow a skill you have to invest over a skill you just get off the bat lol

Shitter detected.

Since it's mh it's always the same, so nostalgia with some Anime topping is good enough. After 300h of mh4 I hated the ledges and the verticality, even more than underwater.

a skill you get that takes away moves you have

MH isn't even a hard series, adept isn't good in most situations because it slows down your hunt time since it takes away moves

>mfw they brought back gen 1 garbage instead of the upgraded gen 3 monsters

>tfw no mhgenerations on vita

>not good
ahhaha shitter.

>the dalamadur fight sucks ass, what do you like about it?
Its unique.

It has a worse framerate, arguably worse visuals, and less content than 4u.

Too many crutches like adept and a fourth cart skills. Should never have been brought over because now we have shitters who actually think this is the way the series should be.


I bet you're one of those retards who goes adept GS

Am I a Tribabby for thinking gen 3 had by far the best monsters in the series? Like goddamn, they were all so cool, fun to fight, and minimal on stupid bullshit like gen 1.
tfw no barioth

I bet you need 4 people to fight a monster lol.

>Adept GS

If they keep the styles that's the first thing getting a buff. It's fucking useless.

>tfw no any games on vita

I missed you

You're not the only one. Capcom did a really fantastic job with 3rd gen imo, Iove all the fights.

I like playing as a cat.

If anything, bringing 4U over but not vanilla 4 was a mistake because now all the 3U and 4U babbies mistakenly believe that that amount of content is par for the course for an MH game rather than the result of a full price expansion.

First thing I kick. Useless shit.

that amount of content SHOULD be the standard though. either release new monsters/ weapons/ areas as DLC, or spend more dev time on every game to give it that amount of content. No excuse for these half-full in between games when they cost full price.

calm down try hard loosen that fedora

People actually don't like this game?

It's fucking more Monster Hunter goodness. Stop bitching about all this petty shit and go kill some monsters!

>use cat
>not try hard
another dumbass.

Is MH4U better?

Now that Exhaust overrides Rage, monsters end up running to go eat more often

>It's fucking more Monster Hunter
Which is why it's fucking awful.

It's not a spin-off. It's an anniversary edition. There IS a difference.

Most people disliked a good portion of the MH4 maps, with the Hollow being the most offensive of them. The redone and new maps they've done since have been pretty good.

I liked Ancestral Steppe well enough and the Frozen Plateau was okay. Both versions of The Hollow could suck a big, fat dick though.

Heaven's Mount was cool, and Primal Forest was okay.

The biggest problem with the Jurassic Frontier is those three lower areas, for which you need to go through three others to access.

Out of curiosity, what the fuck happened to shortcuts between Tri and 4U? Why do starting zones, or at least areas near them, no longer have shortcuts to other areas? Why is it only that the areas that take the longest to get to have a one-way exit to the areas that take almost the least amount of time to reach?

MH4U was the best Monster Hunter. Just consider this an expansion to it.

MH4U is a more complete game.

MH4G is a great excuse for vets to grind more. Also some magnificent improvements that REALLY shouldn't have taken this long, like holding A to gather, and some wacked out stuff that is never coming back, the hunter arts and c@mode specifically.

It's not shit. At all.

You want shit? Go play MH1 on PS2. Go play Freedom 1. Go play Dos.

>pretty much only used SnS
>decide to go CB because I want a bigger sword and shield
>tfw being a pussy with axe mode

I'm used to being fast as fuck and needling the monster to death, but I actually have to think about whether I have time to do an attack now. Especially those A attacks.

4U had a shortcut in the jungle area

Woops not MH4G, I just mean MHG

no gen 3 had the best monsters overall

unfortunately it gave us the cancer that is lagombi plaguing every game since 3u

outside of lance, E+3 doesn't compare to adept dodging.

It works well with Adept for that reason. Being able to run at monsters after dodging makes up for the slow movement speed along with the insane range.

Capcom won't suddenly start doing that considering they own the trademark for physical game expansions or something like that.

I fucking hated all of 4's maps, personally.

I'm glad mounting stayed around but I'm not sure how I feel about styles/arts still.
I'm pretty sure I'm against them.

lagombi can stay in forever because the female set is the best

>being so bad you feel the need to min-max

There's a few things that I think would be neat additions to a weapon's normal moveset, but obviously they'd need to be toned down if they weren't running on a meter anymore.

I'd be happy if Gen 5 tossed out most of the Gen 1 and 2 monsters in favour of the cooler Gen 3 and 4 monsters. With the exception of some mainstays like Rathianlos and Gen 2 Elder Dragons. But I'm seriously tired of fighting all those Gen 1 monsters with the same damn body type.

I'm indifferent, but let's be real here, capcom could have done much worse things in trying to mix things up. It's pretty harmless all things considered.

Well you could always just trade parts for it and make the armour that way, something like the wycoon in mh4.

100% agreed with this

raths and elders can stay

dromes, khezu, yian need to all fuck off and replaced with aggis, giginox, quru

only one im mixed and don't mind if either get in is narga/barioth

How to fix styles/arts:
Make monsters hard again

Mounting has gotten harder to do, right? In 4U I could land jump attacks pretty much just by doing a ledge attack and hitting it wherever, but now it seems like I really have to aim for the top of it.

Mm, nah. This is about standard. In terms of actually new monsters, this is exactly the same as Portable 3rd, not counting subspecies. Tri had twice this, but it also took a heavy hit in terms of other content to do so, including entire weapon types. 4 had just a little more than this in terms of new monsters, but also had two entirely new weapon types and a whole host of improvements to old weapons.

Yian Garuga can stay though, mostly based on that awesome roar. I'd also like to see Ceadeus make a comeback, maybe with a Jhen styled fight on the ocean. I just want his themesong back.

>locked 30fps


swimming never ever

I wish they'd fix up the controls and bring it back, the fights were a nice change

yes, assuming you aren't going with 2 or so aerial, getting even 2 mounts takes work. Topples seem to not last as long as well.

In 4U the very first jump attack would let you mount. Now I have to do it 3 or 4 times until I get to mount the first time.

It's been casual since FU, you just got good

I think all old monsters can stay... as long as they get hefty redesigns or overhauls. Modify their skeletons and movesets. Bring them into the modern age.

It's not even like they'd need to change that much, you know? Improve swimming speed, slightly enlarge weapons just a little bit for marginally greater reach (like 5-10%), make distance-closing moves cross more water, add one of these things to underwater dodges: i-frames, speed, distance.

Pull the camera out just a tiny bit, and angle it upwards just a tiny bit so depth perception is less of an issue.

I think this game is pretty fun.
Not as good as 4, but still pretty interesting.
Still very early in the game, though.

I'd suggest sticking with the basic weapon style until you at least know the weapon before jumping into a style for a weapon you're not used to

No! FU is the most hardcore game of all time and the best MH! It's the Dark Soulds of Monster Hunter!

I know you don't mean it but some people actually believe this

>monsters don't build status resistance


Compare the damage you get in endgame gear in FU compared to the damage you take in endgame gear in 4u.

There's lots of monsters than can one shot in FU even with the best shit. Not so in 4U.

It's safe to say SNS is getting fucked over next game, right?

>tfw your favourite monster got in

I hate him. But i love his lance.


Anyone know why I can't craft certain items even though I have always the items according to the Internet?
Trying to craft Glavenus Coat

I doubt it. Maybe the oils won't last as long. Maybe they'll nerf the amount of exhaust that comes from an exhaust phial.

Balancing isn't really the same as fucking over.

This is a spin-off, right? I'll just stick to 4 until they release a proper new game then.

>Unironically liking the worst monster of the 4th gen and possibly the worst monster of all time


Its almost fucking certain that Gun Lance will get nerfed in the next game.
My Negro.

Both are good, yes. Zamtrios is also cool.

It's an anniversary edition. People call it a spin-off because it's just been parroted so often that they can't tell the difference, even though it's not correct.

It's mostly an experimental entry though, admittedly, but it's still very much a mainline game.

If you stick with guild style though, it's pretty much the same as usual.

It's like a portable 4th.

Doesn't mean anything in the long run and it just a fun side story.

Anyone wanna go some rounds in 4U?

Oh... like the other times they've balanced weapons

maybe. what you hunting?

Why does capcom have such a hateboner for the GL?

They did a good job this time around buffing weapons that needed it and sacking weapons that were overused in the last game.

Yes. Like other times. Every weapon goes through a series of nerfs, buffs, new moves, and tweaked moveset paths with every iteration.

Just because the balance isn't perfect, or they mess up, doesn't mean they're just trying to fuck a weapon over.