Let's discuss this little gem, our hopes and fantasies for a sequel, our biggest gripes, whatever. I just made it to downtown.
>favorite location
>favorite clan
>favorite character
>your developer of choice for the sequel
Let's discuss this little gem, our hopes and fantasies for a sequel, our biggest gripes, whatever. I just made it to downtown.
>favorite location
>favorite clan
>favorite character
>your developer of choice for the sequel
My favorite is your mom when I develop her box
Lecriox did nothing wrong.
And chunk is best human, get fugged
Fat Larry is better.
My fiancé likes Malkavian
How much dialog is different when you play as one of those?
>based larry
I like him too, but he doesnt get much dialogue compare to chunk
I may not have agreed with Smiling Jack, but Lecroix was a fucking madman who would have torched LA to get back at the eldars for treating him like a bitch.
Fuck him, though the sheriff was alright
All of it
Celerity best discipline
Friendly reminder that all alone ending is the best one since you can kill the chink and frog and flip off nines
Top kek.
theoretically, the only studio who could do this game justice and make a proper sequel is Obsidian, but they're balls deep in developing Tyranny and PoE2. No way in hell will they be able to juggle 3 major projects at once.
Paradox is collecting opinions and feedback about VtM lately. After they bought WoD there were rumours of TV series, games and other media planned, i.e. someone employed there said something about a multimedia franchise. I'd settle for a HBO quality TV series instead of a game, honestly, because it'd be near impossible to recreate the feeling of VtM:B.
What are the chances Paradox can deliver at least a passable game? They've been a horrible publisher except for Pillars of Eternity.
Why not have them do 3 at once? They don't know how to test their shit anyways and at least we'll get three games before they close down
didn't they publish mount and blade?
Hello LA, you're up way past your bedtime, aren't you
Hope you've slipped into something comfortable, I know I have
>the taxi driver (aka cain)
>anyone but CCP
Proper sequel never bro, good games are ded.
>taxi driver
Nah it a malkavian thinking he is
Fucking hell, games don't get much more comfortable than this.
My dream for a sequel would be that every single clan would have different dialog options, not only malk and nossie and additionaly have clan exclusive content en masse.
Deb of Night is kindred.
>Tfw you put all your starting points into seduction
>Tfw you've beaten the game before but the mansion still scares the shit out of you.
I love how subversive that section is. You're an undead vampire shooting bloody fireballs from your fingertips and healing shotgun wounds to the chest like they're pimples, but somehow you're shitting your pants in a haunted mansion.
I wonder if those digital picture frames can play videos. It would be cool to have something like this on my desk.
Ikkitousen has a game?
>game doesn't work without 50 unofficial patches
>v praises it as best game
Lol fucking retards, it's so bad the devs didn't even want to fix it
You can go to one website and download the latest version which compiles all the unofficial patches into one game.
Also, Morrowind, one of the most praised PC games of all time pretty much needs a giant unofficial patch to work. So checkmate, faggot.
>I just made it to downtown.
You have finished the game at least once, right? Otherwise you'll get nearly every mission spoiled for you in a Sup Forums thread.
Where can I download VTMB?
I bought it on steam for 4.99. If you don't think VTMB provides at least five dollars of entertainment than off yourself.
You shouldn't be giving Activision money.
The whole point of not buying the game is not that it's not worth its price, quite the contrary. It's that the developers don't exist to take your money, so it goes to Activision, the publisher that is responsible for churning out the game in its unfinished state. So it's a "bad guys profit" scenario.
Literally any torrent site, get the GOG version.
>third world night club
From left to right:
Toreador, Gangrel, Nosferatu
Got one for Toreador, friend?
Thanks mate.
top kek
it's 20eur user, if it's 5eur i'd buy it instantly but seems too much for me
I have for all clans, and from various editions. Just hit me up if anyone wants something. I also have character examples like
>he sided with LaCroix
>he really thought LaCroix would share the power of an Antediluvian
>he really thought the Camarilla we're interested in maintaining order
Underrated post.
Sounds like you got a non fully retarded fiancé.
But if you an Alpha-tier fiancé then they should only play this.
What the fuck?
A VtM:B thread and no one has posted this:
That's it, I'm out.
Thanks, this is pretty good. I'm currently playing for the second time, though I got stuck in the sewers my first time and couldn't get out. It was vanilla, so I never beat it. I went Toreador both times, so these things are helping me learn a little as this was my introduction to WOD stuff.
>Nickname: Degenerates
I installed this and quit in minutes. Dated.
I dated your mum.
Underrated post.
Convince me to play it. I played the tutorial and after that I followed that guy into that vampire house, but I could not continue this game, it was just too uninteresting.
Am I supposed to fall in love with it instantly or is a certain playtime required?
I'll convince you to go fuck yourself but as for the game: if you don't like then don't play it.
Sound good?
Once you get to Santa Monica it gets immensely better than the somewhat lengthy tutorial. The game has a lot going for it - a deep numbers based stat and progression system that lets you build your character however you want from one of several different clans, for example. It has a deep roleplaying aspect, with lots of dialogue, alternate ways to complete quests and interact with people, things to do in the world to immerse and pull you in. It builds a fantastic world that's interesting to explore and learn more about.
If these are things that don't appeal to you then you may not like the game.
shitty meme game
Yeah but what if it's like Seinfeld? The beginning fucking sucks, but if you stick with it, you'll be rewarded.
Just give me something
That sounds great, it's just that the beginning was so dull. The dated graphics didn't help
A man chooses; a slave obeys.
Sometimes you just have to take a risk.
Like fucking a grill bareback; feelsgoodman but you risk having a bastard.
Be sure to download the latest patch. I just googled it and found the latest version that includes everything patched up until now, and it was from earlier this year. Also, here's a handy starter guide. Check it out or don't, it's your call.
you didn't even play the first mission m8, give it a chance, explore the world, talk to people, do side quests and if you still don't like it you can drop it.
will do
At least let me switch between the parts
Where do I acquire blood IRL without much fuzz?
Is it bad I haven't finished this game? I'm a pussy and got really spooked at the haunted house. It was some of the best spooky atmosphere I ever felt.
Get the fuck out Vandal.
No blood for you, no more.
this shit is fucking horrible, why everyone on this fucking board sucks its dick so hard
Question. Why won't this hot bitch lemme fug?
I don't know, what the game does right has been explained and discussed countless times. Why don't you tell us why you dislike it? Can you do that without memes or insults like "it's bad"?
I remember playing the hotel when I was 16, it was scary as shit. First time I played it was at night and after my first experience with it I always played it during daylight to minimize my fear. Good times.
The rest of the game has two or three more spooky areas but not as much as the hotel, so you will be fine if you continue.
Have you looked in the mirror dude?
Goddamn oozing stinking sewer rat.
Depends on your preference. What kinds of games do you like? Genre? What are your favorite games?
>>favorite location
I like the music
>>favorite clan
(pic related)
>>favorite character
Smiling Jack
>>your developer of choice for the sequel
they have a lot of the original writers, so they would probably do a great job
lore-wise or game-wise?
My nigga. Playing as Vampire Max Payne is 10/10
>>favorite location
>>favorite clan
Brujah, Tremere
>>favorite character
The lone wolf, the man on the couch, white morpheus
>>your developer of choice for the sequel
Looks great but
Does no one else love the chinatown theme?
Heh, I just realized it's almost time for the yearly playthrough.
Does anyone have a proper Count Orlock Nossie build? I want to go full obfuscate and animals, but since Orlock is old, he is total shit at hacking and he also doesn't fight with his fists.
Also, why does no Count Orlock coat mod exist as heavy gear? I hate the gimp outfits.
>I hate the gimp outfits.
same, they look horrible except for the last one
I always play naked as Nosferatu male all the way to the end t b h
fuck off
Open it
kys nigger
I do.
Also I love the hub itself with its quests and NPCs.
Maybe we should do a play-by-forum kind of thing, guys? Does /tg/ do that kind of stuff? PnP VtM with Sup Forums would be chaotic but fun.
I played this game so fucking much, right now I can't be bothered to start a new playthrough
What are some other games that can fill the void?
Dude have you even played an RPG before? How can you quit after 15 minutes? Everyone knows RPGs take around 10 hours to actually pick up steam, and tend to last upwards of 50 hours. Try to have an attention span guy
At the moment you're better off becoming a vampire yourself, because there's absolutely nothing like it on the market.
This is the only thing I've found on Steam, can't say anything about the quality yet.
I always see these threads but I never bother to even learn what this game is all about.