I love Tracer!
I love Tracer!
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw I have no intention of buying or playing this game
>Still have a huge crush on Tracer
feels strange man
Look at dem eye sockets.
pls no bully
>short hair
>no tits
>no ass
Its like you are purposely trying to tell everyone you like little boys.
I kept the Overwatch Tracer standee from Gamestop
>if you don't like women who match my personal sexual ideal you are a gay pedophile
basically Sup Forums in a nutshell
She has caused some cute cosplay
this is mei tier
too bad she's a shit dps.
>I want to post Tracer
>My whole folder is lewds
Lmao faggot
>Nintendo defense force
>Has huge crush on tracer
You must be very conflicted
>wake up
>see pic related as text from Tracer
how should I respond?
Post a pic of your set up! I mean your moms living room.
I want to marry Tracer.
Tracer killed a Yankee today
why is tracer duckfacing on 2fort?
Did you get her statue, too?
She doesn't love you
Tracer is the cutest
I'm going to marry widow maker !
dlete this
You do know what happened to her first husband, right?
>xis love of Tracer has to be confined to a single console
waifufag pls
What's wrong with freckles?
I have no idea why, but it's usually a sign the bitch has been blacked
Time shenanigans.
Zarya best girl
Tracer is a lewd boy
What's it like having shit taste?
Post favourite art.
How is it?
Read the filename.
Mei is bae
I want to be that toilet! I want her to take a steaming hot dumb in my mouth~