how are you going to last 5 months off of Sup Forums, Sup Forums?
Persona 5
Other urls found in this thread:
Focusing on school, and my backlog. (jk im prob gonna get spoiled and cry about it for 1 month and then forget about the game and then live my life till it comes out)
Going to bathe in spoilers for 5 months.
I won't. I have no hope for this game's story.
>Implying I'm leaving
I want to be spoiled because I need to know if based Nyarly makes a return. Seems likely considering Necronomicon.
No need, pre-ordered the Jap version. Hopefully shipping/customs won't be hell.
Don't do this to yourselves. It's not too late
I get spoiling shit on Sup Forums, but why not spoil on reddit, gamefaqs, neofag etc instead? You get so much more asshurt through the inbox or whatever those use. I've never seen a screencap on Sup Forums where someone spoils them and shares the reaction
It was already spoiled for me
pretty sure everywhere else you would get banned if you spoiled something
I'll assume every "spoiler" is fake since I have no way proving its real.
just need to filter images really
I mean eventually one of them will get repeated so often that you'll have to know it's real at that point.
You mean that shit about mc betraying himself and his friends?
sounds like the biggest pile of shit ever
I'm going to hit my backlog hard.
The first 6 months of the game has already been spoiled by all the Atlus trailers.
They have moderators who will remove those spoilers and ban your account. Sure, you'll still get a few people, but it doesn't last as long.
I don't really fucking care about the game anymore tbqfh it won't be anywhere near as good as Nocturne anyway.
Can I learn nip in 10 days?
You can't run but you cannot hide.
I hope you enjoy the 20 threads per day with spoilers. And going to other boards isn't going save you.
DQ7, PoE, PW, plus 900 in the backlog should keep me busy.
>You can't run but you cannot hide.
Oh give me a break.
I'm probably coming back once the game bullshits me with It's piss awful status effects and hama/mudo fuckery.
Yea I did it in like 7 so it's not really that bad. Grammar was probably the hardest part
Grammer is a bitch and a lot of it is context
Sup Forums is full or normies that can't use filters. Spoiler is pretty damn easy. Also mods can't ban phonefags.
Gonna wait 1-2 days to see if the same spoiler posted today will be posted again.
If that happens, or if other types of spoilers are posted, its time to abandon ship.
Do people who read the Harry Potter and Game of Thrones Books enjoy the movies and shows any less. Plus this is a game series where the coop/slink stories and world building is way more interesting that the main plot that moves at a snails pace.
It's fake user, no one has even posted pics of early copies anywhere as far as I know on the internet. No reviews out. Plus, it's a long ass game too, so it would take a while for most people to even get to the end.
How long does it take for JP games to leak anyway?
I'm going to get spoiled and I don't really care.
In the meantime, I'll pass the time by finishing all endings in Catherine, buy P4 Dancing and then October arrives and I'll have Dragon Quest Builders, Last Guardian and World of Final Fantasy all in the same month to hold me off.
I can't cite a game where a spoiler "ruined" the experience for me, but I always wonder what it would've been like if I didn't know it was coming
What's the best way to filter spoiler threads?
They do when the visual adaptation fucks over the source material to be in a state of nigh unrecognizability...
But I agree with what you were going for I think.
Reading a spoiler or even a guide isn't the same as living the experience.
You can't user. Get out while you can
Doesn't the special edition come with the ost? I'm going to listen to the soundtrack a bunch.
>Ryuji dies.mp4
Enjoy the soundtrack user
>mfw I will spoil all the dumb sonyggers on internet forums
This is what you get for not porting it to PC/STEAM, Atlus.
I was reading about the system that's replacing the social link last night, and the bonuses it brings seems pretty cool, but it may mean i'll end putting up with characters i'm not interested in to get a nice boost
this re-captcha shit is getting old
How does the new system work?
pretty much the same but you get a bonus in battle
How do you live with yourself?
I'm planning to focus on my studies and make an effort to improve my social life. Maybe I might even become a happier, decent member of society and not need to go to this site again. I mean I've been a new fag for 7 months so it's I still have time to cut off the addiction. But I am going to really miss the lewd posting.
nice bait
I'm pretty fucking happy because I'm getting a complete copy of Pokemon Platinum for cheap soon, and then DQVII comes out around the same time P5 drops in Japan. Plus I have school to keep me busy plus Sun and Moon in November
I will be leaving this site for a few months, but I'm sure I'll drop in on certain boards since you can't ever truly leave
>I'm not leaving!
>I'll just avoid the Persona threads!
This is the same fucking site where people went through the most elaborate measures to spoil Adachi being the killer from pictures, gifs, webms now, plus namefags.
>personafags think they can leave Sup Forums.
You faggots also keep shitting on every SMT thread on Sup Forums.
I've been here since 2006. I'll never be able to leave.
it's about the journey and not the destination
>That moment when you realize you like both SMT and Persona but people act like you can't like both
>its either black or white
how about you leave this place for forever you dumbfuck
By playing pokemon sun and FFXV, maybe catching up on my animus and fapping furiously to pokegirls
I have no problem with persona, I hate the autistic ass fanbase that just played P3 or 4.
Also no #FE thread keeps alive because that shit.
>posts Umaru
>is retarded
Checks out.
Grammar is literally the easiest part of learning Japanese, besides hiragana and katakana, it's as basic as putting の after something to so possession. It's really basic, the toughest part is learning the kanji.
But I was serious... I didn't know this place was truly devoid of hope
>plebs almost dying because of spoilers of a mediocre game in a mediocre series
feels good not being an eop man, getting the ps4 LE because why the fuck not, but i kinda feel sorry for you peasants
You can't ever leave. I've tried twice.
fuck off
Pray for Atlus USA's damnation
Considering the cocktease that was Arena? It's likely they want him to come back. I don't get why. He was good in 2 but only in 2, it's like Handsome Jack. He's fun and good in what he was in, but people keep trying to force the faggot everywhere.
alright later guys see you in like 5 months.
Very first day i'm going to read all the spoilers when they come out and not care
I'm convinced the plot will be unbearably shit after the anime showed how and why the MCs operate. It's literal SMT 2 tier lawfag bullshit.
see you tomorrow
Is it an ip ban or like a account ban? You can just keep making accounts if it's the latter. If it's the former then you can use various public wifi spots, but at that point you could probably do something better with your time.
I've got like five layers of blocking going on that I have no idea how to remove.
I'm going gone.
Two more weeks of Sup Forums, bros. I'll really miss you guys, but I need my Persona fix. It's been almost a decade.
problem chaosfag?
but that is not the only use of の
wait what, what is this
SO why is China getting a same day release while everyone else has to wait? Is it an attempt to prevent a knockoff?
persona 5 day breakers ep 00 released.
there are torrents.
Kill yourself lawfag. Your sins will never be forgiven.
just found them on nyaa
I think that was a mistake by PlayAsia China's release is next year
Oh, my bad. Thanks for clearing that up
>Atlus spoiling their own game
Fucking kek.
>put filters up
>someone starts an op with a clear ending boss fight or scene with the only line being "LOL"
realistically there's no avoiding anything
I want to leave and only come back for things like the NX reveal, AGDQ, or the game awards, but those threads are probably going to be hotspots for spoilers.
>Atlus and AtlusUSA not giving a single fuck about the west
literally nothing new
>Joining the military
>Still not in bootcamp
How do I get a couple month ban on Sup Forums?
Porn is only like a 5 day ban right?
Can I just request a ban?
Not even other boards are safe
>mfw I got spoiled of P4 killer in a fucking /ck/ thread
You will have internet in AIT. Basic only lasts two months man,
Basic but then shipped off to training for my job right after.
Besides being off Sup Forums for 2 months with Basic will let it be easy to not come on here either.
My plan is
>hide all youtube comments
>read no comments on any gaming site
>delete all Persona stuff from youtube search engine
>block my weeb friends on facebook
Anything else I should do?
You won'\t be coming here at all unless you have nice Drill Sergeants that let you use your phone once a month. Good luck pvt.
There's still Sup Forums. Good luck resisting the urge.
I'd also throw your cellphone out the window.
5 months!
Im gonna import it and try my best to play it with the limited Japanese knowledge that I possess.
If I fuck up I'll wait for the undub or the English release but I'm hoping Atlus doesn't fuck up again and actually does dual audio already.
>You won'\t be coming here at all unless you have nice Drill Sergeants that let you use your phone once a month.
That sounds good to me. I don't want to be here.
That let you use your phone in basic? Never heard of that.
Or you just talking about job training?
The game has gone gold right?
Couldn't people start posting spoilers as early as next week?
>I'd also throw your cellphone out the window.
Wait why?
nah, atlus puts too much money into their english VAs to give you a "choice" for english or japanese
Probably going to kill myself
There's no escape unless you don't get on the internet at all and live life as a hermit for 5 months.
Basic last 3 phases. You can use your phone once in each phase but your command can take that privilege away. I don't know where you are going but if it's a non combat MOS you won't get it too hard.
>nah, atlus puts too much money into their english VAs
Aren't the union VAs still on strike? So wouldn't that mean they aren't spending as much on the English dub then they would normally?
user, the game comes out next week. Better leave this weekend at the latest, that's what I'm doing.
>Couldn't people start posting spoilers as early as next week?
Game is releasing next week in japan, so can get it as early as this week. That guy who always streams early copies might even have it already.
I still remember him teasing us the pv that came with DAN, the smug son of a bitch.
Alright I guess I will post porn next week and shitpost and ask mods to ban me for a couple months.
Oh didn't know that.
Doing Air Force and Basic is texas. That's all I know atm.