It's so fucking good, I'd say even better than duke 3d
Why do you guys never talk about this game?
Because Dook is a laughing stock now and the game doesn't have many things to discuss, even though it is a very good platformer.
>Dook is a laughing stock now
I wish this wasn't true.
you can't even have a douk thread without idiots spamming bazinga, the freedom fries thing or just complains about Gearbox.
It's true, though, Douk is very out of touch as a character. He's in dire need of some kind of an update.
Not our fault that he fell into the hands of complete hack-frauds.
DNF never should of released.
how do you update something that was a unique product of it's time period?
But you don't have to needlessly shitpost everything into oblivion.
One thing Dook has which is not a unique product of the time period is his All-American personality. I think something can be done in that angle.
just make a new duke fps/tps where he's on a over-the-top alien apocalypse where he doesn't give a shit about what's happening until his babes are in danger.
The pop-culture references overshadow his super-macho all-american persona
References are a part of Duke's DNA.
Are there any other good duke games?
Zero Hour & Time to Kill
Advance & the gbc one are ok
Yeah but he also has the other traits to show, it kinda pissed me when he didn't give a fuck when his babes were abduced & killed in Forever
>Duke 3D
>Time to Kill
>Zero Hour
>Manhattan Project
>Duke Nukem Advance
oh yeah, the first two duke games are also fun.
Stay away from land of the babes and critical mass
>he didn't give a fuck when his babes were abducted
You clearly don't remember the scene very well, as it was probably the first time Duke legitimately sounded pissed off.
>& killed
This however part was ridiculously out of character. Outside of that one instance however duke has always been shown to be mournful when babes die.
You're right, I mean come on it's the current year. It's just time.
How do I kill the alligator guys without being hit?
Its not better than 3D you faggot
Its a throwback to dick kickems origins and thats why is good.
Grabbag is the greatest vidya theme song ever made.
Where did the name grabbag originate? How did it come to be called that way?
posting favorite version
Duke Nukem 1 and 2 had better level design, desu
Too bad they looked terrible
>those themes during the PS1 intros
Oh god critical mass is probably the worst douk game I've played. At least Forever is playable
Do you guys really hate forever? I thought it was mediocre and there were still some fun parts
>replace heavy metal with nu-metal
>they scrapped this for that shit
Shitty save system desu
Yeah it's definitely got some fun parts, Dukeburger was a fun stage. Plus, bumping the weapon limit to 4 in the pc version definitely helps the game (which doesn't even count trip mines, holodukes, or pipebombs, so in effect you still have a fairly robust loadout). Regen health could of been axed, although the compromise The New Order does would of been fine imo. The thing that I really don't like about the game is that the humor kind of sucks in places, especially towards the end of the game. If Duke just had occasional one liners and didn't spout memes during cutscenes it would of been fine.
It was a dark time, where some of the only good metal hitting the radio at the time was Pantera, and even then, I'd argue quality as a whole dropped off with them after Vulgar Display of Power (although Great Southern Trendkill has some fantastic songs).
A lot of it was just disappointment. One of the best loved 90's FPS games gets an official sequel after some really impressive demos and a shitload of development time, and it turns out to be a bit of a turd. It was nothing like the nifty teasers, instead playing much like a generic modern FPS with a ton of gimmicks, many of them obviously "inspired" by other high profile games of the past few years.
It was the best time for extreme metal though
True. Oh and Jugulator was a good Judas Priest album despite the lack of Halford on vocals.