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>Emily Rogers


FUCK YOU corporate Nintendo.

There's no way in hell I'm picking up a Switch at launch now you cocksucking autists. Literally how are you so bad at managing time.


It was never officially announced to be a launch title.

You fucking retards kept parroting it until it became fact on this shitty board.

Andre says in the video they had heard similar things in their circles already. Same people that confirmed shrines to them in BotW before E3.

Wow, the game that only had one trailer, no varied dungeon footage, and virtually no information on the story is getting delayed? Really gets the noggin joggin'.


This game better be the next fucking OoT

Shill elsewhere.

>emily rogers

Arguably, Breath Of The Wild would have been released THIS year - the 30th anniversary of Zelda - as Nintendo originally claimed it would be.

Nintendo will cite excuses for the delay but the reality is that they know a Zelda title is a system seller and they wanted to port it over to their next console. It sure didn't hurt the Wii's launch, Twilight Princess was sold 1:1 with each console at launch if I remember correctly.

It seems like a sure bet that BOTW will be available at launch. If not, God help Nintendo.

But it was never announced as a launch title, you fucking nignog faggola.

Is anyone really surprised? They've delayed this game for so long, I wouldn't be surprised if it even gets delayed to the next gen of consoles.

>Emily "Even a broken clock is right twice a day" Rogers

Yeah remember when she was right about Paper Mario? Totally true guise.

Shut the fuck up, fucking retard.

Yeah, and the WIi U stopped production two weeks ago.

Open world was a mistake.

Why the hell did they fall for it?

>it was never officially announced
You FUCKING idiots, the whole point of it coming to both is to SELL SYSTEMS. Without it at launch what's the fucking point?!

>runs smoother on switch
YEAH NO FUCKING SHIT. Tired of these rumors. Nobody cares. Jan 17.

Of course it's going to get fucking delayed you macaroons. Nintendo hasn't put anything out on it since E3. Compare SS and TP; we AT LEAST saw Zelda, the helper character, secondary game mechanics, alternate weapons and story details in the pre release material. That's more than BotW has if it's supposedly coming out at Switch launch in March.

They never confirmed it as a launch title.

And it will sell systems, months later to help keep up momentum from launch. Again, if they were 100% sure it would be a launch title they would have said it. They didn't.

Just a rumor. With that said, I could easily see Nintendo delaying it again. Since at least 2010 it's been fuckup after fuckup with them.

>emily "female link and full voice acting" rogers

If it's not a launch title, the Switch will not survive the backlash.


good. I'd rather it be good and a bit late than shit and forced out ahead of time.

Why are faggots so pissed about something getting delayed?

This. Switch is doomed without the reason to buy it.

To be fair, it does have voice acting, just not full voice acting. Broken clock, etc.

This is looking to be the Wii U all over again.

How is this a bad thing? If the game is not ready, its not ready

I dont want a rushed ass game


3 fucking god damn years and it's not like they've been fucking working hard on other things.
we won't even get a decent launch lineup now
what a fucking joke nintendo's turning into this gen, and now the next.

There will be a 3D Mario instead if Zelda is not there. They will not launch without a top tier exclusive

reminder that another rumor from a trusted leaker stated the 3d mario will be a launch title

at least we'll have mother 3 to look forward to! right guys?


Fucking shut the hell up. It's been in development for five fucking years already. FULL years. That's not rushed, that's lax as fuck

Miyamoto said they aren't even talking Mario until E3 2017 at the earliest.


I wonder if the wii u will still get some games until it comes. Because if not, then there will be one entire year with no fucking games

Bullshit. Source?

>why are people mad about a game that should have been on the system Nintendo gave up on, likely the only game they bought the Wii U for, being delayed for several years with barely any updates on its progress

McFucking kill yourself.

Its still coming up on Wii U

You are just mad that you cant play the game on this moment, boo hoo for you

Many other games out there while you wait friendo :^)

wii u already stopped production. wouldn't be surprised if they just canned the wii u version

How do you delay something that wasnt given a lauch day?

Theyve literally only said "2017" since E3.

>he still hasnt emulated it
>he would actually pay the 15 dollars for the Virtual Console ROM


Most of them have been open world though?

If this isn't a launch title, Switch is DOA.

You got it, chief.

>"Maybe next E3 we'll be able to share something."

Early 2018

"because new bugs were discovered when testing the localization."

this game is a fucking joke.

>Andre says in the video they had heard similar things in their circles

What does that mean, how do they get inside info?

However they get it, they don't like talking about who gives it to them. Either because it isn't fully reliable or it could get someone in trouble.

This. People give me shit for saying this, but it's exactly what they did with TP and the Wii. Why is it suddenly different here?

If BotW truly is delayed then Nintendo damn well better have a main series Mario game up their sleeve because nothing else is going to push the Switch at launch.

>Zelda 1 the first good open world game
>Make Zelda BotW an omage to the first
>homg they fell for the MEME

Welp, they need that new Zelda on switch then.

WiiU got fucking nintendoland and New super shovelware brothers and people was right to ignore it.

What other company would be capable of fucking up so horribly though? Only Nintendo. It's destiny.

If worst comes to worst, they can always release Mother 3 or some other highly demanded never localized old game that would cost next to nothing to put out and use that as a carrot to dangle over their fans, just like they did with Earthbound and Mother 1 for the Wii U.

Good thing I don't want Zeldarim and only want a switch for Monster Hunter and Animal Crossing

>was right about the Switch in almost every way


>tfw fell for the wii u meme

not on wii u

you faggots complain about everything, it's probably just the chip shortage, it will be fixed as soon as the port strike ends.

Also, so funny, the VA english bullshit only plebs want may be the reason for the delay.

Zelda is pretty much the king of doing open world right though. Why would the give that up?

fuck shitty ass systems with shitty ass controllers ruining the only good game series nintendo has left

New Super Mario Bros U is the best 2D Mario since Super Mario World.


If they delay the Wii U release to encourage people to buy the Switch version I'm not buying it at all.

I'm still mad about TP.

>implying thats what ruined the franchise

I'll give you a hint. His name starts with "A" and ends with "nouma".

That's not how you spell Miyamoto.

Dude went senile after the N64 and has ruined anything he's touched.


So fucking what? That would give us time to see if the Switch is actually worth buying or not.

Ocarina and Majora's had frame issues when you attacked too many mobs at once, to be honest I never considered it a detriment to the experience. If Breath is the same way on Wii U I probably won't care.

They better not gimp the WiiU version.

Didn't they also say Breath of the Wild would release in 2016?

"You're gonna buy it anyway"

I was only referring to the launch window of the console, which was terrible. I think the console ended up with an interesting line up of exclusives, compared to the competition.

It's not a "bad" by any means, but it's an undeniably unambitious console launch game. They put it there because they thought it would sell lots with very little cost by them.

But the target casual crowd didn't understand the whole wiiU thing/didn't give a fuck, and the avid veteran just didn't see it as an interesting launch title.

I was just memeing. I never had a Wii so I basically had two lots worth of games to pick from.

>believing their lies

I'll believe it when I see it on store shelves.

They sternly said it was releasing in 2015 on multiple occasions.

Which one? Because she was also wrong about Paper Mario 3DS being a sequel to TTYD as opposed to SPM and coming out in Winter 2011.

>was right about Switch
>kept saying the wrong month for reveal and then deleting the tweets when they were wrong
>just took info from chink factory leakers

Epic meme

Because Emily has such a stellar track record...


Try harder.

>People still give a fuck about Zelda

Why? j-ust fucking why? Zelda arguably only had 3 or 4 great games, the other ones were mediocre as fuck, the funny thing is that Zelda spin-offs are God Tier.


Geez, it's almost like... Nintendo promised that same thing with Twilight Princess then delay the Gamecube version for no reason other than to boost Wii sales.

Well it worked didn't it?

Can't blame Nintendo for making good business decisions.

>was right about the Switch in almost every way
>he doesn't know that she steal info from a popular Nvidia fanboy site and fucking Reddit, then she open its account again to inform about its "sources"

Nah, I don't like it when stuff like that happens. I'll probably pirate when I would have bought a collector's edition otherwise.

>I was born after 2000 the post

Get your underage the fuck off this board.

You're talking about one of the most revered video game series in history from the world's most celebrated developer.

You don't get much of a bigger deal in vidya than a new Zelda game

Come on fags, the last good main Zelda was Majora's, the series has been declining in quality for a while.



>twilight princess
>not good

>Emily "Female Link' Rogers

>good business decisions

Pick one

>Implying that even the shitest Zelda game isn't better than 90% of software available across every medium.

Twilight had a god tier dungeon design but everything else was underwhelming, lots of backtracking.


>Why buy a game, when you can buy the idea of having a game!

Does this guy have autism can he nopt pronounce words?

I'm sure there's some shit in the game that Emily will use as a loophole for her lies. Like you can dress Link in Drag or something.