What games have the best horsies?

What games have the best horsies?

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Callus in TLOU is bro tier.

Also, Ponyta and Rapidash.

>Inb4 Barneyfag

Corruption of Champions


What does Barney have to do with horses in video games?

Anyway, for me, it's Barbie Horse Adventures. The best horse adventure.

this thread is going to end in a horse pussy being posted, but skyrim and red dead

Red dead redemption is still GOAT for horses


Shadow of the Colossus still has the best videogame horse mechanics


black desert online

This. Although Witcher series is a close second. I'd give Metal Gear 5 an honorable mention

I know this is a horse's hoof, but what's the deal with it?

It's a horses foot DE-HOOVED.

Fuuuuck imagine if this was all your toenails

That's a baby horse hoof. They're weird and alien like that during the foal's first months.

will it grow back like fingernails?


Imagine your whole foot being skinned.

Technically, yes, but you'd have to basically put the horse in a coma for years before it could grow back enough to be usable.

The hoof was removed. That's the foot without the hoof. Horse is dead. Don't worry. :^)

I can not remember horses a great deal in 1/2, but in 3, the horses just felt like cars, not animals. D-Horse is good though.

You lie.

A foal's hooves look worse.

I never understood the concept of foundering in horses. This pic clears all that up,

Mount and blade


Not really my thing, but at least it's still going. that's neat.


what games allow me to BE a horse and engage in horse activities

Horse Game.

Corruption of Champions.

Crusader Kings 2

goat simulator

Is that so they don't tear and damage the mother during pregnancy and birth?

Seems that way, still looks fucking disgusting though.


what games model their horses on old breeds not tainted by Arabian lanklet blood?

probably mountain blade

That's just so they don't rip apart the mum on the way out. Foals walk right out of the womb