Thoughts on Winston?

Thoughts on Winston?

Great, but not too viable in current tank meta.

he a good boy. he dindu nuffin.

Weak hero made even weaker by every team having 3 or more tanks

He actually works very well with Zarya

was good but gets crushed by the current meta

>tfw cried during his trailer

He's a big guy

Tanky assassin archetype that is severely hindered by tank meta.

He needs a meta shift to be viable. He's perfectly balanced as a hero.

r u Crispin Freeman?

Nope I just thought it was sad how lonely he was

Also cried during Bastion's trailer too

same people who cry that he's up cried that zarya was useless
who's laughing now shitdicks

I fucking hate this stupid meme monkey everyone who plays him is always fucking trash at overwatch and only pick him because "hahaha so funny harambe meme hahahahaha its a monkey guys aint that wacky" and then they proceed to just hop into the other team and die and then complain about everyone else when everyone else is just trying to play the fucking game and have a good one then this one cunt is all "muh monkey buisness" and all this shit. Pisses me off. Fucking meme gun game piece of shit.

For fuck sake Blizzard, how fucking incompetent and retarded do you have to be to not revert his nerf which was only done because you were stupid enough to think you could balance around hero stacking.

You know what they say...

No aim no brain Winston main

I think it would be a good idea

Man, don't ever watch The Iron Giant

I want to fuck his monkey hole with a banana and lick peanut butter off his balls.

He competes directly with since they have similar roles and shes better.

Useless if the enemy team has a Symmetra

Tracers canon lover

>muh lezbean meme

Even bull dykes submit to BGC

They should have different roles since Winston can track down mobile targets more easily than D.Va can. The problem is he's just too weak overall, and his skillset is useless in a tank meta.

He's a great counter choice to characters that aren't used much in the current meta, so gold fools who think the meta applies to them 24/7 will call him shit.

His barrier takes too long to recharge. At very least, it should be recharging as soon as he drops it.


>zap enemy with whole clip
>they never die
>jump behind enemy lines to distract
>get killed instantly
>put up barrier
>it's gone in seconds with long ass recharge
>use ult
>slap the enemy around while they take no damage

Obviously an ironic shitpost

But gorillas have like, 1 inch dicks. The only way you could think they're big is if-

Oh, right, sorry user.

Are you that sensitive that you needed to point this out? 99% of Sup Forums is ironic shitposts and this is the one you need to make everybody aware of? We're just laughing at it, regardless of authenticity. Don't make things weird.

hit a nerve? so you're genuinely upset about Tracer being a fag and are worried about the representation of people like you?

They really should buff him again. They only nerfed him in the first place when double Winston was the meta, but now you can't even select multiple heroes in QP, there's no reason to keep him the way he is.

Winston isn't a real gorilla

He got one of the better skins for this event.

Is this bait? Winston years through her turrets. She can attack through his shield, but a good Winston can fuck up a symmetra

You can't take focus fire outside your shield, you're supposed to use your jump take-off and landing to do damage, and your ult is for saving yourself from death, moving people off the point and off cliffs, and making it impossible for the enemy team to coordinate itself in the face of your team's assault. Your gun is entirely supplementary, except that it can take out Pharah if you leap up to her.

Just learn the fucking class. I'm not saying he's good, but it takes 30 seconds to read his details and infer his usage.


He's supposed to be her hard counter but he's too weak to counter anything save for like a D.Va without her Mech, a McCree on cooldown, or MAYBE a Widowmaker

>buffing another tank
FUCK no, people said Dva was shit when she really wasnt and look what happened

I still shit on all the snipers with him, but that might just be because they're retards

That's because D.VA is just better winston since she got buffed so hard

I can't believe they added a homosexual character to their game. Sad!

That's because you're low ELO, good Winston players can still be effective and impactful

Falseflag, Trump is accepting and approves of LGBT people as said so by his actions and words.

Accept that you lost Hill shill and that you were on the wrong side of history

Why are you so low energy? Neither the President nor the Vice-President want this in their American made games. Very Sad!

I think he could use a secondary fire mode for situations when he's engaging multiple characters at once

Blizzard should make him stronger and make weaker. He's the main character, for fucks sake.

I want him to be my chunky monkey daddy.

Nothing wrong with him, everybody else is just too powerful

He's already the noob character of the game, and Tracer is the main character.

Sometimes I'll switch to Winston and completely turn around a game. But he's never a threat to me, even when I'm on Genji, so *shrug*

Soldier 76 is actually as stated by Blizzard the main character of the game

Tracer is SJW pandering garbage now. Winston has the best backstory.
Blizzard better not turn 76 into a faggot too.

Oh, cool. It's just that Winston was trying to get everyone back together, would make more sense for him to be the main character.

If she's not the main character, then why did they put her on the cover? Idiot.

I'm willing to bet that that's because he's Metzen's pet character. Now that he's retired I doubt that'll keep up for long

They changed literally nothing about the character other than show her kissing a girl. She either always was pandering, or she wasn't. Which is it?

le monkey face

winston is the most fun but he's also pretty much the hardest character to be effective with

all you have to fucking do is make it so he can throw his barrier

His offense is fine but his barrier is too weak to protect his team or even himself for more than two seconds.


I like playing him, but in this meta, he's not that good.

Hasn't had a good buff in a while, and since hero stacking is effectively gone, he should be buffed to accommodate that.

Rather than buff his damage, his Barrier should be strengthened.
>Lower cooldown, 10 seconds is fine
>More HP
>maybe even remove the cooldown pause
>also maybe replace the skill during Ulti rather it just do nothing

She's the mascot

Soldier from TF2 is the main character in the lore but he isn't on the cover of that game. It's Heavy

76 was the first character they made, he's the hinge of the Overwatch universe and the former leader of Overwatch. He's also the most picked hero in matchmaking as stated by Blizz. He had the last short before the launch of the game (the most meaningful) and his likeness was used for the Collectors Edition bronze statue

He's the main character dude though I'd place Winston and Tracer at a close second

She wasn't, now she is. There was no indication of her being a lesbian at all, but MUH DIVERSITY demands it.

You were just looking for someone to bitch at, weren't you? Goddamn dude, project somewhere else.

TF2 doesn't have a main character because each character was equally weighted, and TF2 is superior to Overwatch.

>barrier dies in 2 seconds
>symmetra does 5x the dps as his tickle gun with more range
>very little armor
>50% of every team is tanks, which he is useless against

>a fucking gorilla
>can only jump every 6 seconds

he has such shit damage output he can only just counter Genji, it's pathetic

>each character was equally weighted
Tell that to Engineer and Sniper
But granted, it's been a while since I've kept up with the game so maybe they changed that

His kit is so good that, despite his bubble needing a buff, he had good usage until recently. I think people are starting to realize that Winston and D.Va share a relationship similar to that of McCree and Soldier 76. If one rises, the other falls.

Blizzard has been sitting on a 200 HP increase to his bubble and a cooldown decrease because they know Winston will dominate once that happens. Then people will remember Winston can continue attacking multiple targets in his effective range while behind his shield and while jumping, things D.Va can't do, and she'll drop.

He's a scientist.

He's a great hero for deranking

[citation needed]

If you're talking about the movies then I thought that all the characters had their share of screen time, although I barely ever played the game so I don't know or care.

Needs his reload removed

Okay not what I meant, in the comics Soldier is given a huge amount of screen time relative to other characters such as Sniper and Demoman

Lower the cool down on his jump or shield and he'll be fine.

I wish he was good but he isn't. He's fun and I wish I could play him more.

Why doesn't he invent something to make him better then?

>le ebin harambe meem

>Left Click
Stays as-is

>[New] Right Click
Focuses all beams on a single target, dealing more damage

>Added Alternative Fire
>After two seconds of consecutive damage dealing, Winston gains a burst charge. Winston can fire a burst charge that doesn't interrupt regular fire and deals 30 damage to each enemy currently connected to his beam. One one burst charge can be maintained at a time, and must be re-acquired after firing.

I don't get why they make comics for these games in the first place, when nobody likes to read them and would prefer a video instead.

It's like losing touch with a close friend

How tragic


Becuae videos are expensive as shit to make and animate? This shit doesn't just come out nowhere and it's not like their selling videos either so you aren't making any return on them so why would they?

He's really good at killing snipers, healers, and genjis, but he's still to situational to fit on a team most of the time. The long cooldown on his bubble prevents him from being an effective solo tank, and most of the time his ult is only good at keeping him alive and doesn't accomplish much else. Maybe if he got a damage buff he'd be fine.

Of course he's the most picked! He's the Ryu of Overwatch!

No he's the guile of Overwatch, Tracer is the Ryu

You don't need to aim with his weapon, which makes him the hardest kind of class to balance.

If you try to make his damage viable against skilled players who can aim really well then he'll absolutely dominate pub play against people who don't have near perfect aim and vice versa.

Look at what happened with Symmetra when they buffed her primary fire.

>Reinhardt taking back his spot as #1

Winston shouldn't have to reload, or at the very least have more ammo before needing to reload

Seemingly enough people know how to make them to post their own on YouTube, they could have enlisted some of them to produce official videos instead and then only rehired the voice actors.


I dont like playing characters who deal no damage.

So horny teenage boys buy it, family.

This is the only correct way to balance him perfectly
Every other ability he has is perfect
If you change the shield he becomes too annoying
The clip is so small its a challenge to kill any on e other than tracer in a single "burst"

Winston's beam does 60 DPS, that is more than enough to kill squishies, and his gun can target more than one character at a time.

Guile is hard to play as. 76 is simple and fun.

Winston is not meant to do damage. He's meant to jump in, cause chaos, and clean up people who are nearly dead. What he needs is more mobility.
>reduce leap cooldown to 4 seasons
>reduce shield cooldown to eight seconds or make it start cooling down as soon as he places it instead of when it breaks
>give his shield 200 more health
>let him melee while shooting
This would literally fix Winston.

this, every time it king of the hill I go Winston and my friend goes zar zar.
fun time.

>4 seasons

That's one hell of a cooldown
