Well, I was having fun up until now

Well, I was having fun up until now.

i feel ya pain sempai, 14 insight?

Is level 85 too low?

The only boss I gave up on. I just couldn't kill him


I played the main game first until the wet nurse, didn't kill her. then started the DLC

Beat him second try.

You just have to stay close at an angle that's awkward for the boss to get you. Like all the bosses in the game.

Don't give up. Continue fighting him until you get that muscle memory. I had the same problem, but strong will prevails.

Nope, still can't beat him. Can get to his second form but he has a stunlocking combo that fucks me up everytime. I think I'm underleveled too.


Get used to its murder shriek. It'll be seared into your brain forever.


Have you fought Laurence?

More like


>BB better than DS
I know you need to justify your PS4 but geez

Yeah, and beat him on my second try. I didn't have any problem up until now.

1st form is easy to parry
2nd form always ends up a shitfest of seeing who dishes out more damage, I usually manage to win by scoring a very unexpected parry in the last fucking seconds

Probably my favorite boss fight of the whole game with be how HAM you and him go.

I beat Ludwig on my third try. The theme was great but I'm confused why people found him hard.

BB doesn't shit the bed halfway through the game tho

>close at an angle that's awkward for the boss to get you
Yeah, that sure works for a boss with shitload of 360 degree moves, aoe explosions and jumps that can cover half of the fucking arena.
You sure you're not just making shit up mate?

DeS > BB = DaS > DaS3 >>> DaS2

Fight him in the water.
The Lightning Scream strikes Kos and radiates outward.
If you don't consider it cheating, try watching a video of someone beating him. Some of his attacks give you a nice opportunity for a charged attack to the back.

Dark Souls 1 babbies being crybabies and hyperdefensive about their beloved game. What else is new.

Go in more aggressively, you shouldn't play this boss in the perfect mindset, some attacks are fine to get hit by if you can get few in yourself.

not OP but personally, I hate the one where he throws shit all over the place in his 2nd form
they deal a fuckton of damage and you can barely avoid them

I don't even like Dark Souls, but the fucking enemy design in this game. Goddamn, I have to hand it to From.

> TFW annihilated him on the first try

BB babbies being crybabies and hyperdefensive about their only beloved game on their system. What else is new.

they're all fun and good games why do you cunts insist and being angry about people not liking one of them as much as you

Boss's not that bad, actually. Since the thing's humanoid, you can clearly see how it moves. Spend a few runs focusing on the Orphan and studying its animations. Fight becomes a cakewalk after that.

Honestly don't understand why everyone complains about this guy Ludwig is harder. At least you can parry orphan and hes not some massive thing that thrashes around.

Orphan is a nimbler, stronger thing that thrashes around. Has more HP and is harder to stagger.

BB is the best souls game, subhuman PC nerd

I'm about to give up. The password is kosm Give me a hand.