Do you prefer sexuality in gaming to be a defining part of a character or something that's only background information?

Do you prefer sexuality in gaming to be a defining part of a character or something that's only background information?

I prefer it not to be mentioned at all unless it actually has some significance to the story. Otherwise it just feels like pandering.

i just wanna play a video game
politics need not belong

Why is /v so triggered by this? I've seen this picture non-stop here. Why are you so offended by lesbians, you SJWs?

>this thread again
nobody wants faggots, niggers, jews or trannies in vidya. Get over it, people only want to play.

I would prefer if you fucked off

Background, not really interested in love life emotional bullshit. Have nothing against eye candy though.

This has nothing to do with the video game.

no sexuality involved whatsover but heavily implied heterosexuality

It should be put in item descriptions because that makes the lore the deepest.

Background. As long as the character is interesting if I ignore the sexuality of it, I'm fine.

Also, boys > girls

the game also needs invincibility rolling

youve all been masturbating to porn of her fucking the other characters

now its an issue?

Pretty much this.

Blizzard stated around release that they didn't want to get into character relationships and sexuality

They should've kept it that way instead of caving

literally don't care, just don't be a fag about it

It depends on the game. If it's a multi-player game who gives a shit. Nothing that actually happens in the game is canon. At that point you're not playing video games, you're reading comics and you belong on Sup Forums with the autists.

Unless it's a dating sim, what does sexuality have to do with gameplay? Shoehorning it in for no reason other than to appear progressive and inclusive is just as stupid as heavily focusing on a character's enjoyment of pizza in a game where you fight space aliens and don't eat anything.

That's not canon btw

Just like in real life it should be background information, not a defining characteristic

Sexuality should be a fan discussion only unless its a game focused on romance.

>tracer is dating a tranny

So is does that mean she's straight for gay?

Its almost like people dont care if your gay unless you fucking jam it down someones throat. They in a very subtle way told people she was gay when most people like me never even knew they had a comic, they didn't change the background of the menu to just a picture of her with the saying SHES GAY. so people don't really mind

>no female (male) characters

>1+ characters are female (male)
part of the main story

I'd rather have developers staying as far away from politics as possible.

There's absolute no reason for them to ever be pushing an agenda, but if they are going to do it, they must come clear about it and publicly state that they are distributing heavily biased political material within their products.

It's only fair. If they are going to endorse someone by promoting an ideology, they should let it VERY clear to everyone that they are doing so. Allowing those who wish not to support this type of practice to be aware of them beforehand, in case they don't want to purchase products from a company whose practices does not align with the client's morals.

If they want to turn this into a political matter, then they HAVE to be honest about it.

No one cares about people's sexuality.

I prefer it to not be mentioned at all.

Homosexuals make up an extreme minority of the population, any story that can be made with a homosexual likely can be done heterosexually as well, which means it appeals to a larger audience.
Including a homosexual character and story means you are deliberately pandering to a minority, and only a minority of that minority will be aware of it and only a fraction of that minority will buy into it, while you will be alienating a larger portion of potential buyers through it than you would be baiting a portion of potential buyers.

It's a bad move from a business standpoint and at best it's a neutral move from an ethical standpoint because what you're doing is basically creating propaganda.

Consider this :
>don't talk about any character's sexuality and leave it up to fans to speculate
>no controversy is made around the topic, you still get money, your fans decide how far they want to go with it

>introduce character's sexuality
>controversy around the topic, lose an overall net of potential buyers and lose players
>what lead to this is forgotten in a year by everyone but you still suffer from the loss longterm

Now I looked into the comic, an apparently it's the same deal as Mankind Divide's "aug lives matter" where the artist who was commissioned for the work added it in and Montreal basically said "sure, kids like that right? whatever." so the blame very likely rests far more onto the shoulders of the deviantart faggot, with Blizzard only being the enabler of it by okaying it.
Once again hipster artist faggots and tumblr are to blame for more saturation of their liberal progressive crap in entertainment.
They are not fit to be a part of our society and they cannot survive without it; an extermination would be a mercy kill to them.