This character is useless

This character is useless

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You are useless if you can't stomp with TB

He has one of the strongest and longest range guns and he's hard to hit. The turret can be extremely useful if you don't place it like a moron and keep switching up its positioning.

>not pairing up with symmetra
sub3k shitters need to leave

Whenever I see this character in a filename I always think I'm going to see some big, juicy booty.

I'm always disappointed.

>below-silver tier speaks his mind
Literally autistic.

I can only imagine how he is vs console players.

I bet you unironically think Roadhog is op

Implying he's not

Place your turrets like its metal gear solid. Hidden covered areas


>Copy TF2's engineer down to the turret smacking leveling
>Forget to give him a dispenser
>Only way to gain metal is to wait for other people to die

What were they thinking?

>Having aim assit on hit scan
Even as a ps4 player i know this nigga is retarded.

There are no OP characters in Overwatch
There are only underpowered ones
The current state of D.Va, Road, Soldier and Reinhard is perfect

t. Ana main


if he had a dispenser or some other utility he'd be a lot better but I guess people would just bitch about him being able to turtle

Torb is a very situational character. Some maps he is completely useless on, but there are some that depending on where you put the turrent can wreck entire teams.

molten core + nanoboost = enemy team wipe

well they did nerf his turret damage on consoles only

You don't use the metal to upgrade the turret though

Why play him when you could play Bastion and BE the sentry?

its true

>not OP

Come on, the first game I played with D.Va I got 30 elims. Defense Matrix fucks everything in the game that's not Zarya or Roadhog, and she shreds 200 HP characters.


spam fucking m2 and just shit on everything. torb is so good.

>Symmetra shield generator + Torb armor packs

I hope you like that 400 health Symmetra

He's sorta useless in the current tank meta
Rein/Dva/Zarya make his turret useless, he's a very hookable target and Ana can snipe his turret from afar easy

He's still a pub stomper if the enemy has 4 offense.

Ha no
t.3956 main


You can fuck right off.
You deserve every misfortune that occurs in your short miserable life.

I hope you get violent diarrhea. The kind that leaves you with assburn, and you have to take a long shower instead of wiping.

So she is counterable by 3 tanks out of 5 in a game where you are supposed to at least have 2, but the current meta suggest you use 3. Looks pretty solid to me, if I do say so myself.

She completely fucks pharah over tho. You can hope that the enemy has a bad soldier or a bad mccree when you pick that bitch, but it's completely impossible to win over

>So she is counterable by 3 tanks out of 5
Not even true
She can beat zarya in 1v1 when Zarya doesn't have high charge
she murders winston
Can easily escape and even kill Reinhardt depending on the situation
Hog is the only one who can handle her consistently.

>literally mcree with bullet drop and no flash bang but no damage fall off and instead spawns a 7th player for your team
>periodically raises your teams effective HP
>Shot gun deals even more damage than his single so he covers long and short range and his turret counters agility evasion
>ultimate doubles his DPS and HP and also the 7th player you created basically increasing his overall output to the 2nd power
>turret is on a 6 (SIX!!) second cooldown so you can drop and forget
>dropping turret and then walking away from it will literally win you any 1v1 since your opponent has to either attack you or the turret taking bonus damage or psuedo stun if he goes after the turret, basically ultra flashbang

Are u gay op

They ended up nerfing him by second patch on consoles because his turrets were too hard to hit from corners to keep you out of his turrets line of sight, so they reduced turret damage to buy you more time to hit it.

I don't even think Hog kills her consistently anymore unless she and her team are completely braindead

Woah there, you want a character doing multiple things? I don't think most players will be able to understand something like that, which gives an unfair advantage to those who do

MAYBE as an ultimate, maybe

I assumed Reinhard in that case. She can 1v1 almost everyone, including Roadhog (she can almost negate his E while he heals), but when a tank has support she is in a big trouble. She can manage dps, but she can't manage both DPS and a tank

>meta that makes people drop this game is perfect
I guess your right then it can die off quicker

That's not what I've said nor what I've implied

I love playing offensive Torb on payload maps. You slap a turret on the bomb cart and ride it home. Bonus points for dropping a mess of armor around the cart to convince your team to protect you.

>dropping turret and then walking away from it will literally win you any 1v1
I have never been in a situation where this worked. Your turret takes a few seconds to build and all the enemy has to do is casually punch it or waste one shot destroying it before they go after you.

Yes but in that sitnation why wouldn't have back up too? There is almost always a ana glued to her mecas ass.

wow so it's literally a flash bang

>tfw björn's head is at the exact same height level of widow, tracer and mercy's ass
best hero indeed

>His head is right dead center where everyone shoots tanks
My only problem is he gets headshot wayy to often

>70 damage non-hitscan M1.
>Strong M2 with insane falloff slow fire rate and long reload.
>No mobility or utility.
>A big round ball that's easy to hit with spread weapons.
>Useless fucking turret.

Everyone in the game counters Torb, even Symmetra.

>Metal is used for shields.
>Torb passively generates metal.
>Implying they don't want you actually involved in the game instead of just sitting on your turret, smacking the shit out of it, with a dispenser right next to you.

>no utility

So...creating armor for everyone on your team is not considered a utility?

I should mention that most characters can hit you and the turret you just dropped at the same time, and they still have complete freedom of movement.
At the least, it's worthless just dropping it on someone. At the most, it's a death timer that gives them adequate time to kill you before nonchalantly destroying it next.

>Everyone in the game counters Torb,
Torb sym has been used in recent tourenments and a lot of master/grand masteres games recently the kings coming back baby, HARD WORK PAYS OFF


But why would I want to play him on offense when I have 100 better characters for that?

Keeping you sentry/setup alive on a big push against the entire team is the reason why I loved TF2's engie so much.

>hard to hit
>fat little fucker, half his body is his head/critzone

He's one of the easiest characters in the game to kill next to zenyatta

>TF2 engine.
>Not just some asshole sitting in a corner, beating himself off, while more competent players get the job done.

Offense Torb is OP. Slap his turret down on the payload, have Rein stand in front of it or D.Va, and watch teams get melted because they're usually too dumb to switch. And his armor pack creation keeps your team mates alive, especially if you're on defense with a Sym.

maybe, but he's fun

>I never played engie
>I think that smacking your sentry in a corner is the skill ceiling of such character

A good Torb is a nightmare, man.

thats whats happening since there is no counter to it

He has no utility to defend himself, and compared to Sym's shield generator his armor is pretty worthless.

Because typical Overwatch shitters are the same as Tournament players.

>Torb the weakest character
>when Junkrat exists

OP a shit.

>comparing and ult to a passive
>armor doesn't defend himself
>gives more eHP than shield in a single pool
>actual ultimate more than doubles HP in armor which could be nearly triple eHP

are u srs

>our tanks are roadhog and zarya so we have no defense against the soldier shitting on everyone
>our pharah shoots at everyone BUT the sym and mei that are melting all of us
>ana saves her nano boost until the end of the match when it's too fucking late, and not even for a push but when we attempted a push and half the team died
This game can be an incredibly frustrating experience sometimes

if you have enough scrap stocked up you can spam it on yourself you can tank through a lot of damage. he can also kill people trying to get up in his face faster than a sym with no charge.

Junk is gay

until he kills u, then he's OP and needs a nerf. right?

What were you playing?


Torbjorn isn't even a problem anymore. Everyone finally wished up. Now the problem is those losers who don't leave their turret's side and it's really difficult to destroy it if you're alone and he's healing it at the same time

It really sucks seeing a ton of Overwatch stuff posted everywhere online only to know I can't play because every time I play a game I get disconnected within two minutes and can't play :((

I find him really strong since the buff

Is Overwatch the only game where you run into this problem?

Yeah, I've seen Torb's pop ult and just run up to people and right click them all to death while constantly refilling himself with armor.

It's actually kinda nuts

Yeah :(

I've tried a bit too.
I uninstalled and reinstalled, I've reset my network settings, flushed my dns, defragged the PC and called blizzard technical for help but nothing has worked. Right now I'm running a full scan on my PC for malware even though I doubt that'd be the cause. The person I spoke to over the phone said it might be that though and recommended a full scan. So aggravating!

Just finished my semester and looking to play a bit and unlock a few skins but I can't!




Might be an issue with your router, try resetting it to factory specs and then update it. A friend of mine is having similar problems.

>set turret somewhere obvious
>place myself opposite of it
>people hard focus turret, right mb them down from behind


>Sym/Torb Strat
>750 Hp D. Va
>Any year

Na, you're useless OP. Armor packs are too good..

as a widow main, i agree, his head is so easy to hit because hes so short its almost like shooting at center mass

>widow main
Stop taking up a slot that could've been filled by someone that would actually help the team and kill yourself already

>TF2 engineer without frontier justice, pistol, or mini-sentry
For what purpose ?