Why are plushies banned from AGDQ?
Why are plushies banned from AGDQ?
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they'd get filled with drugs
One of the head organizers had a major autism hate boner for 2hu, and Reimu especially, and every year they couldn't stand to see Couch Reimu on the couch all hours of the day, so they got banned altogether so they could get rid of her for good. RIP Couch Reimu.
But really, it's because they were "too distracting to the runners/runs" and because NO FUN ALLOWED.
Normal fags complained they were sex toys.
Sanae a cute
AGDQ rules
1. no Fun
2. trannies and women are allowed and will go over estimate but will always be accepted
3. no 2hu
having a hate boner for autism is normal
>too distracting to the runners/runs
Having fun while playing video games is distracting now? Has the owner always been a douche?
they got more attention than women
You can fill them with adderall or something?
Fuck off weebs
>Trained by Vegeta
>Against Yajirobe
Whats the point? i am fucked
No U.
>trained by turtle
Well, I'm fucking dea-
>to defeat puar
Everything went better than expected.
>Trained by Turtle to fight Videl
Better than expected, women are inferior lol.
Nice data mining.
>Trained by Yamcha
>To fight Cooler
Turtle vs Jobhan, at least give me a challenge
>Trained by Turtle
>to fight Gohan
Sweet. Time to kick his fruity ass and steal his woman.
>trained by Hercule
I don't even care about my opponent at this point
Trained by turtle, fighting bulma. Should be gg
>April 8th
I'm gonna have a good time peeping on chicks and actually learn a thing or two but I don't think I'll stand a chance.
Well the owner has been "sick" for 2 years and hasn't actually organized anything or interacted with the community since, yet he still gets a $100k paycheck every event. And every time someone tries to question other staff members about his whereabouts they threaten to ban that person from future events for harassing him.
Also someone found his Marvel: Ultimate Alliance account which is still active. So, he's apparently too sick to even write a forum post discussing the event, but he has plenty of time to play shitty mobas and post on their forums. Does that answer your question?
>all these julybros
My niggities.
Remember the highlight of last year or the year before where there was some middle aged guy playing a ds?
So it's money washing scheme nowadays
I don't really see why they would ban fun but it's probably because it's ran by complete idiots that think things where people are always serious are more inconspicuous
>trained by hercule to fight chichi
Because they're terrified of offending the money source. 4 years ago, that was us. Now it's the normies.
I should have worded it better, what I meant to say was "a majorly autistic hate boner". But it was a joke so eh who cares.
>Trained by Vegeta
>Have to defeat Trunks
Hory shet i guess i get to become his new son
What a fucking asshole.
Why are all the most entertaining runners black?
Or Spikedvegeta
4.If a tranny or woman wants to run a game that literally isn't made for speedrunning, accept it anyways
So in three years they'll replace all games by generic AAA shooters?
What happens if a tranny wanted to run weeb shit? That's a rule conflict.
ds dad
That's a different sect of normies. The one that GDQ has tapped into is the "I'm not like other girls, I love retro games LOL, the cake is a lie!" variety.
Accept it, but only if it isn't overly-ecchi or triggering.
Otherwise, kindly ask them to play a different game while slipping some extra money in their pockets to convince them.
Bonesaw was good last year, even if his run just made every other run look boring in comparison.
AGDQ's current problem is the lack of couch/crowd interaction outside of people clapping/shouting WOOOOOOOOOOO as if Ric Flair just walked on stage whenever someone beats a game/Donation wars for character/player names.
To be fair i remember several years where many runners would have the dolls sit on their lap and constantly wag them back and forth during runs, i understand that they got rid of them
That happened before youtube.com
>That twitch chat
>All those bans
I'm guessing it was the exact thing they want to 100% make sure never happens again, even though it's the whole reason people watch this thing on twitch.
>trained by Nappa
>fighting ChiChi
gg ez
>AGDQ's current problem is the lack of couch/crowd interaction
This is partially due to the lowered overall level of skill in runners, which in turn attracts less dedicated people to watch them, leading to a snowball effect. People that can give good commentary, or even know enough about what's happening as they see it to react properly dwindle because these people don't want to watch someone go several times over world record with a shit estimate they can't even complete, and the shit runners don't know enough and aren't skilled enough to bring out anything from the crowd. It's turning into glorified lets plays.
AKA the Reddit-browsing, Big Bang Theory-watching, Star Wars-worshipping "chic geeks". I'd prefer speedrunner-tier autism over that shit.
is he even trying? haven't played that game but watched that video for a minute or two and just kept dying and missing jumps on game that's basically a touhou mario clone.
i don't know anything about this agdq, can everyone just try to dress up like woman and "speedrun" random games. wtf.
At this point, they're accepting pretty much every woman and tranny regardless of their skill at videogames because they want to be sponsor-friendly and politically correct.
Sounds like Homestarrunner
You don't need to be fantastic to have a good run
Here, this was one of my favorites. The run isn't great, tons of deaths, but the runner has fun with it and is charismatic enough to get everyone involved
>It's turning into glorified lets plays.
Last summer I think there was a Mario Kart "run" that was essentially just a normal playthrough.
i don't really follow speedrun scene, but one could assume that people who watch that stuff want to actually see people who are good in speedrunning.
Did they ever get any backlash that resulted in them having to go more the SJW route? I've watched old videos with Wrester and some other runners who were good but also cursed a lot
To this day i don't understand what was wrong about the old runs that they felt like they had to change it and have no fun anymore
And he managed to get 11th place.
He's also overweight, is gay, has a vore fetish, and wants to eat other humans.
No major backlash.
But they see people whine on twitter and think that effects their donation money.
eh no one's perfect
To be fair, Mario Cart is basically pure item RNG.
He got 11th because he failed a skip for like four minutes straight.
If you're speed running it's only RNG if you're going for TAS like records where you need mushrooms constantly even in first place.
Wow look a giant snake isn't that incredible wow
That guy with the Reimu looks too normal, I'm triggered.
>today is the anniversary of my wife's son's transition