Are there any games similar to XCOM (turn-based strategy, base building, unit customization)...

Are there any games similar to XCOM (turn-based strategy, base building, unit customization), but without asinine RNG bullshit?

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Jagged Alliance 2

git gud

The fuck are you even asking nigga?

>turn-based games
>without RNG

Tall order. Valkyria Chronicles allows you to control your units as they fire, so your aim actually matters.

>similar to XCOM
Really makes you think

Just FYI, right now XCOM 2 is included in the Humble Monthly for 12 bucks, and on February you'll get 5 more games.

Personally I won't buy it, because right now I don't miss XCOM, but it's a good deal.

>RNG bullshit

Save for those 1% hits, the RNG in X-Com is fine. Now the glitches, the glitches are frustrating.

git gud

Basically two different franchises. UFO Defense, TftD, and Apocalypse play completely differently compared to nuXCOM.

>Posts modern XCOM
>Say original

>RNG bullshit

People who bitch about RNG in games tend to be bad at managing/conceptualizing risks and percentages and shouldn't be playing turn based strategy games to begin with.

Pretty sure xenonauts and ufo:after* have similar "asinine rng bullshit"
Silent Storm, Power Of Law, E5, JA2 lack base building

>99% hit chance for a 5-hit combo
>Miss 5 times
Yes, I massively mis-managed that.

Kinda comes with the territory, doesn't it?

>git gud
There's no git gud to be had when enemies can see and crit your units through fucking full-cover walls.

I've played and enjoyed plenty of TBS games. XCOM is the first where I feel that the RNG is just being plain bullshit.

The first xcom was fine
xcom 2 is just unfun.

>People who bitch about RNG in games tend to be bad at managing/conceptualizing risks and percentages and shouldn't be playing turn based strategy games to begin with.
It's pretty simple: Take as few RNG rolls as possible. Reveal as few tiles as possible, while moving to the objective.
There is no strategy involved in XCOM.

fuck off tabo you german pos

Xcom actually has retarded rng tho

I don't think there is any single tacsim game which fucked up with RNG as much as Neo-Xcom. I swear they must have hired people who design slot machines or something.

That being said, without some RNG this genre would be incredibly predictable and boring.

You learn this the hard way playing Blood Bowl, even though its RNG is really shit (it already has a pattern of rolls that sequentialy happen one after another)

But once you have enough tech, it's much easier to stomp the aliens rushing the map and taking risks.

You're like asking for a car without the wheels.

>full cover
Full cover is only 40 defense you fucking idiot. Now if the enemy is say Thin Man he has like 80 aim

So when shooting he has a straight up 40% chance to hit

Dont rely on full cover idiot

Massive Chalice

Okay, lets look at this from a sectoids point of view. Now, to be fair, I haven't played vanilla in a long time, so my information comes from long war cover and aiming stats. Now, a sectoids aim is at least 60 (assuming you aren't playing on bitch difficulty), and high cover gives you 45 defense. That gives a secoid a 15% chance to hit, or 3/20. In other words, 1 out of every 7 shots should be a hit. Again, this is not counting situational height bonuses, aiming angles second wave options, higher difficulty, and many other factors.

Now, if you're talking about a shot hitting you while you were completely behind a wall, not just high cover, but at least 1 tile away from the edge of the high cover, then that's a sight-line glitch, which is complete bullshit.

>95% chance to hit
>Quick load
>95℅ chance to hit
>Critical hit

What RNG? ;^)

If you want to ditch the RNG bullshit, then the only thing you can do is transition to playing RTwP tactical games. The best two games in the genre are 7.62 High Caliber and Marauder, but beware, they are made by Russians and are challenging as fuck, it's just that the challenge comes from the need to be godlike at micro and tactical thinking, not from RNG bullshit.


Invisible Inc is a neat stealth focused take on that kind of strategy game that doesn't have any RNG in the combat although the campaign is randomly generated everytime you play.

No base building, but you can customize the characters with upgrades that carry through different runs. Like most Klei games it does its own thing in a neat way.

>don't rely on hiding behind a fucking wall to not get hit
Fucking stoopid.

Actually HIDING behind a wall is legit. Its called BREAK LOS


Did they mod that seeded bulshit from xcom 2?

Well my unit was behind a corner wall, which provided full cover. And the Thin Man shot from an angle at which he would have no LOS. And he still hit.

Except that doesn't work unless you enable it.

>playing bootleg X-COM

>that part where he shoots the rocket
Did he not realize the Sectoids weren't highlighted when he aimed it?

Who watches these screamers?

Seconding this.

It's kinda short, but otherwise it's a pretty good strategy game and warrants a lot of replay.

>Are there any games similar to XCOM (turn-based strategy, base building, unit customization), but without asinine RNG bullshit?

No base building, but it's hands down one of the best SRPGs to date.

Please never post again.

>asinine RNG bullshit
retard detected.

>losing against sectoids

I-it's RNG, I swear!

>streamer can't understand z axis

Thinking in 3 dimensions can be hard ;^)

>Hit: 0%
>Block: 100%
DSP go away

The issue is the bullets being blocked by the non existent wall after it was destroyed. That shit never happened in the first XCOM.


Fuck i love this game.

Nothing like shooting AI who are smart as fuck and RAPING THEM with their own weapons.

Start off with fucking WW 2 weaponry. Get into Asssault rifles, RPGS and crazy modern shit.


i understand its not perfect to play it at first. Once you learn all the mechanics its much MUCH funner.

LOL i hate the new xcom its fucking retarded.

Only two! actions. Really? it fucking SUCKS DICK! in the original one. I can breach ufo see alien Take 1 single shot if i miss i have enough TU to run away.

In this its either. LOL you miss now hes dead. Or you move again and the ailiens can move much farther flank you and than shoot with 90 % chance to hit.

I seriously do not even want to torrent the new one.

Just play OPENXCOM with FINAL mod pack. For ultimate fun.

If your not a queet.

Thanks guys! It's gonna be a fun weekend!

>burst fire into structure
>first bullet destroys structure
>the rest of the bullets hit an invisible wall where the structure was

Old xcom sounds pretty casual.

lol i did that all the time
>quick save
>quick load
>quick load
>quick load
>wow im so good

Can't tell shit with all that flickering.


Ill tell you right now. If you really do play 7.62

Just remember to properly shoot enemies fast before your ass gets capped. You must order your soldiers to READY their weapons. and than AIM at any point. That way they walk while looking down their sights or optic, or hip fire.

That saved my ass so many times.

Never tried this mod. Looks fun. just not really into pirates.

So casual bro! just play it on superhuman. With Final Mod pack and OpenXcom! bro its so easy! i never lose men bro.

Those aliens have reaction fire, so you can still take losses. Not to mention the bigger UFOs where a few losses here and there start to add up. Of course, you can cheese it quite a bit with explosives. But then, even the new XCOM difficulty breaks down when you start using explosives.

Original X-Com is definitely harder in the early months, but by end game you just have too many soldiers, all trained with perfect reactions and accuracy thanks to silacoids being in the game for some fucking reason. 24 near perfectly accurate soldiers + mind control just steamrolls the endgame, even on superhuman. Not that 2012 X-com is too much harder, but the smaller squad size and inability to train stats actually helps it stay somewhat challenging longer.

>autistic manchild screaming at video games

Is this really what kids enjoy? Jesus fucking Christ.

Really you dont say?

Well like i said

OpenXcom is free.

So Download it. Install Final mod Pack.

And tell me if that same tactic works.

Original Xcom where rng is calculated for every bullet so even when you shoot a burst from MG at enemy something will hit and not like neoXcom either all hit or miss.

Silent Storm all games in series, same thing, rng is calculated for every bullet so its not like xcom when you can unleash a long burst from catling gun on the sectopod and all he has to do is just duck.

Front Mission (you might skip 3rd one since its weakest of them all) rng is for every bullet which is nice and doesnt feel like dice throw.

Setting LOS to human PSI really helps with that. Alien AI can't really deal with it if you limit them too.

>Get a squad that includes two grenade launcher dudes to a high rank
>Never fail a mission again
So much harder.

Well if we're discussing mods, long war fixing nearly every single issue with 2012 xcom. The only significant difference between it and the original is the TU system, which is a preference as the aliens are limited by the same system as the player in both games, and the both have issues. Not being able to shoot then move in 2012 sucks, but so does a chryssalid having 110 TU's and being able to run in from off screen and one-shot a soldier right after you exit the skyranger.

>play aggressively
>use run&gun double kill shotgunners
>run directly next to no cover enemies to secure the kills
>have 2 snipers sit back to pick off stragglers and take out sectopods and such
>beat the game on impossible ironman with little issue

can do the same in XCOM2 as well, and it's actually even easier.

You have no idea what you are talking about.
Pretty much every soldier is cannon fodder until they gain some ranks.

You could try Mordheim City of The Damned. Except it doesn't have any base building and even more rng.

Long War fixed the retarded cover system?

>move two steps
>take a potshot
>move back to cover
>do this for my 20 other guys
What an engaging and tactical game play.

FMP doesn't change PSI much, it just makes it harder to get.

What's so retarded about cover system?

Long war. Yea like this guy said

It still had retarded issues.

Also no inventory was just really bad move.

Once again they took something that was great. to try and "unique" their game by removing something great.

if you really like the new Xcom good for you. I consider it nothing like the original except they took the name. Just like How FarCry 2- whatever it is now. Have nothing in common with the original except they use the name to make kids think its gonna be some super awesome sequel when it has nothing with the original.

This except in XCOM2 fuck snipers

Just use 4 Rangers + 2 Psi

>i never actually played EW
thanks for sharing

It just decreases CTH, it's not real cover that needs to be destroyed or flanked before you can hit the enemy.

yeah Psionics are ridiculously strong in 2. so are Heavies. game is too easy even with the dlcs

>It's different so it's bad
Or alternatively
>It's unrealistic therefore it's bad
Thanks for sharing your retarded opinion

I see no one tried to refute this. Face it, X-Cucks. Your old ass game is piece of shit none other than autists find it fun.