

Why she is so tall?



Delete manlets.

>5' 6" in freedom units
>being a manlet

My mum is 168cm and I'm 178cm
Isn't 163-168cm average for women?

Strong aryan genes

>Tfw 5'6
>Tfw not a girl

Average height in japan for women is 158 cm, that's more of USA's average height

She's an eastern Aryan

>1/4 American
>Blue eyes

Superior genes right there

>Blue eyes

She's half-burger

Perfect height for women

That's why she's not 5' 10".

>not a whale

>tfw 5'3


Are those porportions even possible with that height? It's not like small people are just mini versions of tall people.

>Meanwhile I get bullied at my school for being only 182cm

Fucking european genes man

181cm here, I'm a manlet in the Netherlands

What the fuck?

Which part of Europe?

Finland, pretty much the same thing in Sweden and Norway too

Bullied for being 182cm?
What the fuck man
You're only 3cm shorter than Netherlands average
I'm 178cm tall in New Zealand and never have been bullied for my height in my life

Are you male or female?
This is important

Male, if I was a girl 183 would be considered pretty tall even here

How can I find a girl who is literally just Ann?


Anyone else decided out of the primary protagonists that you're just going to settle with Ann?

Plz no bully

>those body proportions
what the fuck man

Reminder that a little over 80 days left

Bitch, she da bes.

Imagine a universe where those proportions were standard on every woman.

believe it or not this girl is the reason I kinda want to start the Persona series

the power of dick is big

>tfw 167cm

J-just 1cm, she won't notice!


She's not full Jap, she's a filthy half breed.

>tfw barely 5'5
why do I still live? Is it to suffer?

>that feel when 200cm
>that suffering when you developed a fetish for taller girls when you were younger

Even better.

god damn it

At least you have a chance to get tall girls unlike manlets.

Isn't she mixed race? It would make sense for her to be tall if she isn't all jap.

Ask her gym teacher.

Thanks for the kind words.

The fact that we live in a world where her hair isn't always down like that is proof that there is no god.

The fact that we don't live in a world where she exists is sad enough, user. All I want is an Aryan promiscuous girl who likes to mock me, but at the end of the day still snuggles up to me.

Why does Ann have to be so hot for a 16 year old?

>Why she is so tall?
isnt she like only one quarter japanese?

She's legal in my state.

I mean, I'd be willing to put some American inside her.

>implying half Japanese half American isn't the ubermensch.

>tfw I get bullied for 190cm

Fucking huehue genes man
What did they put in these bananas?

looks way better with the hair down

>Implying half Jap half Aryan isn't the master race

But we love her either way.

An even better question is why are the Japs obsessed with Western looks?

Because who the fuck wouldn't want that pussy?

How tall are the girl there?

It ranges wildly from 1,65 to 1,80ish


Hoping for doujins of her getting fucked i the catsuit.

She looks like she should be 190 or something

Makoto is the one getting me going right now, but I haven't played it so I may change my mind once I do.

Holy shit, where do I go to meet girls like her?

Not to brag, but my wife is 6' and artists depictions of tall girls always look at LEAST as tall as her, if not taller. That drawing just doesn't look like a 5'6" girl.

>T. britbong that doesn't know yuropoors are now more obese than americans now.

The 2d world.

There's already doujins lad

Your local bondage club should have plenty.

Average doesn't mean a limit m8. There are some pretty tall people in Japan, however rare. Plus, it's not real

user, don't lie to me. Where are you hiding the qt promiscuous Aryans?

They think white people look exotic and like how expressive and wide their eyes are.

It's just like how many of us find Latina and Asian women attractive

Post the cute hacker.

Shoot yourself in the head bro.

>Crotch zipper


I don't have pics of the neet.
Here have a best girl

I'm talking personality, user. If I wanted a two bit bondage girl I'd already have one. I'm looking for perfection.

Does Persona count as weebshit? I feel dirty for liking it.

>tfw 163cm
Why am I here? Just to suffer?

No bully!

What's the best site to read doujins, user?

Holy shit man, how you holding up?

By Sup Forums's definition
>It's Japanese, its weebshit
So yes

Oh mama.

>Not knowing Sadpanda
It's time for your Journey to a new land user


The more people you talk to, the more likely you'll find your ideal.

Weeb maybe, but you can't honestly call it shit.


post the better version

sure, if you're 12

That's true, I guess. I'll just have to keep searching for qts.

Just like what you like, and fuck what anybody else thinks.

can you imagine that for some japs, this would be a giantess fetish? Whereas in the west there are women 180cm and above? especially in Germany and so?

It is if you're a 16 year old japanese woman.

>tfw manlet

I maxed out at 165 cm.

>not feet/inches

Fucking eurotrash

end me please

Well normally I tend to despise fanservice-ridden Jap games but I make an exception for Persona.

>tfw 1.70m tall guy
>mfw women that are already taller than me use high heels
Adding insult to injury, fucking cunts.

Reminder that only america does this shit. Not only Europe uses meters and centimeters, Mexico and Canada do too.