Anyone else fap to the pause screen?

Anyone else fap to the pause screen?

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>Haha yeah, I only buy games for the pretty girls

Why is Sam such a retard when she opens doors?

>It's okay ehen weebs do it


sauce please


Chūō no marukomu

I wish that fucker would try that on me.

It's not fucking okay, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and even fucking Sup Forums are the reason why we can't have good content anymore. It literally welcomes subpar anime, videogames, and movies as long as they have something that gets their rocks off.

who is best girl

Never played it, what's the context to this?

fuck never managed to undress her this much

Damn, I never realized you could get her down to her undies.
Probably should have played this game more than once but once you know the story beats it doesn't make sense to.

One of the characters you control is the dudebro. You take slutgirl to a cabin for sexytimes; get her clothes off; monsters attack.

They were about to fuck, but heard noises outside and thought it was their friends snooping. She went out to tell them to fuck off.

>fuck never managed to undress her this much
>Damn, I never realized you could get her down to her undies.

Sup Forums in charge in getting women naked

If only this anime was as good as this webm makes it out to be

FUCK I wish anime still looked like this, such a great looking art style

Gotta put on the sexy moves and not be a dick

>sony will never release a sorta sequel to until dawn where you play as punished Mike who becomes a monster hunter

thanks for your help

>people unironically find jessica or ashley hot
Total butterfaces.
It's between Em or Sam.


I let her die on purpose

>hated mike at the start because dudebro stereotype
>fucking loved him by the end

What a strange game.

Sam is the only hot one. Emily was an annoying cunt, and wasn't even attractive. Ashley is just average, Jessica is dumbcute but not as sexy as Sam.

I still say this shit right here is one the best sequences of this generation. I played all the silent hills pretty much at release, and nothing from those games came close to Josh's insanity here.

this scene did make me go from absolutely hating josh to feeling really bad for him

Don't Move

filthy numale

>only character I absolutely wanted to save without question, my waifu Hayden Panettiere, dies in the most bullshit QTE segment of all time two seconds from the end

is he okay?

Yeah he can swim

>fucking loved him by the end
loving a man is fucking gay dude

that's good, thought he was in a bit of trouble


I put my controller on the floor for the last bit. Fuck those don't move segments.

Why does Until Dawn look so good for a console? I can't think of many other games that can even come close to Until Dawn.

you are now tasked with finding someone who could beat my guy in a duel

here's my pick

because it runs at 20 fps


you're a handdrawn faggot
me too senpai

>tfw until dawn has been completely been ruined for me due to irl friend trying to hook up with irl josh

kill me.

Her portrayer/voice actress is a cutie though

The face models are insane. Also the asses look great.

My nigga

Who is this premature matador?

>the twist is some supernatural shit

dropped hard

it's not really a twist. The twist happens in the middle with ITS JUST A PRANK BRO
the supernatural stuff was always present from the beginning, it just ended up being real and something different


That's like a sixhead.

Facially still cute though.

>No model rips for SFM


One of the few games I've enjoyed properly in a long time.

Played it all while drunk with my mate who was having a giggle the whole time.

Got really into my characters.
I fucking got Mike the only one (and Sam and Christ) that I cared about killed, cause I was to drunk to fucking realize what Sam was doing. The don't move segments were easy but comprehending what the bitch was doing was too much

I drank heavily and whined like a bitch after that at 5am in the morning.

I don't know

Malcolm in the Middle

Why does the character movement suck so fucking bad. Why do these people move like lard ass tanks?

>5am in the morning

As opposed to 5am in the evening?

Ashley best girl.

hes probably drunk right now


>those are graphics



Until Dawn is an Uncharted prequel

mike a best

thats the real fucking twist



There's piss right at the tip.

All the girls had pristine asses

tfw too intelligent to be an A list celebrity


Best girl

Shut the fuck up you winging child.

Am I the only one who liked Josh?

Best ass ?


The game was pretty clever with that. It sets it up so that you have every reason to think this James Franco looking guy is going to be a douche but he's actually charming and funny, I'd say funnier than Chris. They also knew that people would probably let Emily die so the first chance you get is a trap and Matt dies instead

Is possible to save the Wendigo hunter or he still gets eviscerated even if you do the DONT MOVE perfectly?

Greatest butt. Delicious flat chest. Isn't a bitch. Would hug.

>4 holes
I got hard

He gets murderboned regardless

What about wolfbro?

He lives if you aren't shit.

I played this game, it was alright. Better than Beyond Two Souls for sure. But I really disliked the writing an characters. Monsters were cool, different, but FULL of plot holes.

I just had ZERO motivation to replay. I dunno, people act like this is the best story ever or some shit. I don't get it.

Should have barricaded the damn door

Yeah, the dude is devastated at the loss of his sisters and is very mentally ill. I really wish he could get a happy ending, poor Josh :(

Your friend is trying to fuck Rami Malek?

Ok ash=sam

Great body, shame about the face