"I want a Morrowind Remaster"

>"I want a Morrowind Remaster"
>This is what you get

How does Sup Forums feel about this?

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Oblivion + Skyrim killed Morrowind by destroying its lore and dumbing down all the fun parts of the gameplay.

But then Kirkbride's C0DA thing made the very concept of noncanon itself noncanon, so everything's okay now because Oblivion and Skyrim no longer exist.

Did anyone honestly expect Bethesda to give enough of a shit about an incredibly niche demographic, enough to completely remaster a game from scratch?

The only reason they remastered skyrim was so that they could slap on an enb, charge consolefags twice and call it a day.

>tfw when consolefags destroyed my favorite franchise

>>"I want a Morrowind Remaster"
said no morrowind fan

Don't care, openMW is already better than the original, fuck toddler.

I don't really care for a Morrowind remaster because the game is already a masterpiece in its own. I'm hoping for a sixth Elder Scrolls and I'm pissed it's taking the folks at Bethesda so fucking long.
If anything the Morrowind announcement made me go back and replay the game. I forgot how fucking awesome of a game it is.

I undertand your pain

Oblivion was literally without an exaggeration a turning point in my gaming views and my entire life

Pretty good, I enjoy playing ESO

Same, if you are shitting on the game because of it's launch you should try it again. After the One Tamriel update it is reminding me a lot of Mabinogi.

I haven't played since before the update. Has quality gone up? I just can't bring myself to get back into it now that everything is level scaled.

tbf I hate MMOs, so I'll never play ESO or WoW or FFXIV/XI

If you prefer open world games it is worth a try. I'm having a lot of fun, but it isn't the traditional MMO experience if that is what you are looking for.

I love Elder Scrolls and love open world games but I found ESO to be lacking in some ways. It didn't really capture the Elder Scrolls vibe to me.

>I want a Morrowind Remaster

No thanks, I've already played Morrowind multiple times. I just want other RPGs with interesting world building and exploration.

we need a dev to do a new IP to rival fallout and TES

>tfw there will never be an Elder Scrolls game where you can adventure throughout Tamriel
>inb4 ESO that doesn't even have all of Tamriel and it doesn't count when it's not a real Elder Scrolls game

I never really understood this. Not a single developer has thought of trying to rip off Bethesda's style of game. The whole, large open world RPG with first and third person perspectives.

For some reason despite how popular their games have become we haven't really seen any copy cats from other studios, which has allowed Bethesda to get lazy and greedy because they know that their games are the only place to go fro this particular type of experience.

Bethesda needs two things honestly,

First is for someone to take them back to their roots and get the whole development team to really look back at what made their earlier games good.

Second is another studio making the same type of game to give them a sense of competition so they have no choice but to improve the quality of their games.

>play old as shit game
>even my lunchbox can play it
>slap all the mods in the world if I want to

There have been games really similar made to Elder Scrolls but I think the key difference that defines them is the loot system. The loot system is really one of a kind and I really feel like it's why their games sell so much. Not many games give you the option to just take whatever the fuck you want.

So how much of muh lore is retconned?

As someone who plays ESO I'm pretty hyped, calling it Morrowind was blatant nostalgia pandering but each story they've added has been getting better and better so I'm pretty pumped to see what a longer expansion level content pack provides.

a lot

Good. My character in ESO is a Dunmer, it already felt surreal walking around Stonefalls listening to the area's Morrowind theme remaster. People have been calling for a Morrowind remake for a long time, and I'm sure Bethesda/Zenimax has noticed the multiple fanmade projects trying to do just that, OpenMW, Skywind, etc. It might be a cashgrab but I think it's a well-intentioned cashgrab.

I just hope they have the gravelly Vvardenfell Dunmer voices, though I don't really expect them to.

Can someone tell me, please, what is fun about ESO's combat system? The few videos I have seen are all literally smash button win fight. Even the raid was just a bunch of people surrounding a target and spamming spells. Is there something I'm missing? Everyone seems to enjoy it.

Why does everyone one this board think morrowind is such a great game? I played up until the part where you go to the big square city with waterfalls (which is bland af and incredibly boring design) and gave up out of sheer boredom, does it get better?

That's my gripe about it too. I wish they would have put a focus into a single player game but aw well.

Have you tried talking to people?

Zenimax Online is a completely different studio than Bethesda so ZoS is not a valid reason for Bethesda to not be working on anything.
They still should've called it ESO: Vvardenfell.

I know im supposed to talk to people its just finding them in such a large and uninteresting environment completely turned me off of the game

The game is great because it doesn't pander to idiots who don't know how to read quest instructions. It's also modern enough so that you're not playing some ancient fucking 2d game.
The combat can get rewarding if you get far enough into the game, and the story line gets much more interesting. It was basically an RPG and not an action RPG like most RPGS out there.

i do :(

I'm saying they should combine the powers of Zenimax and Bethesda to create a super Elder Scrolls game. It would probably sell fucking millions.

>I want a Morrowing Remaster
Said nobody ever.
I loved the game, but I wouldn't even ask for a remaster.

You know as well as I whatever the next TES mainline game is its just going to be FO4 engine with swords. Bethesda has refused to change from Gamebryo for how long now? They are never going to change.

no one who actually likes morrowind would ask for, that abomination (I don't even want confirmation if its real, thanks in advance)

just install HD texture pack and call it a day.

I know the next game is probably going to be a steaming pile of shit but I still hope. I want Arenas map, Skyrims combat, and Morrowinds design and depth. In reality it will probably be a slapped together Valenwood and skills will be gone. It will be just some weird fucking perk system.

It's an expansion for the online game featured in Vvardenfell and that's the only relation to Morrowind that it has.

>Speaking as someone who 1. doesn't play MMOs apart from ESO, I bought it because it's Elder Scrolls, and 2. has only played 100 hours, almost all in single player content

Your abilities and spells play off each other and there's no cooldowns, generally the only limit on your combat ability is your Stamina/Magicka. There are no really useless abilities, no fluff, and because you only have a max of 10 ability slots you need to pick exactly what you need for your character in a fight. For example with my battlemage I usually cast a spell to buff my melee damage, a health buff, 2 spells to deal AoE DoT, and enemy stunlocks, among other things. I have to keep my buffs and AoEs up while watching my magicka and stamina, which I need to block enemy power attacks. Early game is pretty much button mashing but after you level up your skills and unlock abilities it gets much more strategic. Also it's colorful as fuck and the sound is amazing.

Is it faithfully recreated just like tes3? I literally have that entire map memorized

As much as people here shit on it The Witcher 3 did something so much better that TES has been doing to irregular degrees in their games, which is connecting story elements of various importance to major and minor plot point. That, and really giving you choices on how to go about a situation in reasonable and logical ways. Those are the main problems I see when I look at what mods can't fix, at least not easily.

all anyone wants is openMW

They are using the height map of TES3. Some things are different as ESO takes place 700 years before TES3 but for the most part it should be fairly similar.

Hate to shill this annoying fag but this is what hardcore PvP looks like.

Witcher 3 was a mess , the franchise is too long to have a tidy story. The combat was donkey ass because they didnt bother changing it.

I think a Morrowind remaster or remake by Bethesda is one of my biggest fears.
Who the fuck would want one of those?

You guys are faggots. ESO is unironically one of the better mmos out there. It is much better than the turd that is Skyrim. Give it a try, it is not monthly pay like other mmos, fully voiced and great for solo-play.

>great for solo-play.
why would you say this is a positive when talking about MMOs?

ESO will never have legitimate discussion on Sup Forums because its ESO. It'd be like trying to start The Old Republic threads.

Why would I want to play a game filled with a bunch of faggots? I prefer the single player Morrowind experience.

If you're a fan of Bethesda, or hold positive feelings towards them in any manner, you deserve to be let down.

because it's a TES MMO, and TES games have always been single player MMOs.


is it possible to explore the world/lore/crafting systems with minimal combat investment? can I just sneak past the boring mmo style combat or is this essentially the entire game

>fun parts of the gameplay.

Since the whole world scales with One Tamriel you can really go anywhere at anytime, you would be able to explore everything and mess around with the crafting but you can't skip the combat entirely.

>smash button win fight

That's any MMO.

>TES games have always been single player MMOs
LOL go fuck yourself

Stop viralling LL

That's practically any game with combat.

what class or sub class might i be interested in choosing in order to minimize the effort of managing my stupid skill timings and stamina bar usage and whatever the hell else i dont even want to do

Magicka Sorcerer using the pets can solo just about everything besides dungeons until you outgear it.


This, why do you need a remaster of a game that has mod support, literally nothing they do would actually improve the game.

>swinging the dagger like a retard
>low stamina

I'm not gonna lie I kinda want the CE because of the stuff it comes with, and I've heard ESO improved with that One Tamriel thing.

Is it worth the time by now?

>not using the thrust attack with a dagger
>probably isn't even proficient in short blades

That's practically any game.

Any game is press button = win

Yes, but I meant no one was making any attempt to dodge(due to minimal anything dealing damage on the field), or manage cooldowns, or any sort of spatial or time awareness based task. It was literally some guy spamming a chain heal and 12 others surrounding a boss with some guy shooting magic at it.

anything else? pets just makes me think im going to have to micromanage something. i want brainless

The animation user. THE ANIMATION. Even if you land a hit it looks stupid.

i'm still waiting on spellcrafting...but i don't think it'll come out for another few years at least
Tomorrow they're launching housing
I'm so fucking into this collector's edition, i must have this stupid shit, it is amazing to me

If you decide to buy that its $20 off if you use Amazon + Amazon Prime.

The Pets manage themselves for better or worse. They just attack shit you attack, if you want more braindead than that I got nothing and you probably shouldn't play this game.

Probably an early dungeon. They're stupid easy. Then again all MMO early game dungeons are stupid easy

Seeing the commercial during the superbowl tonight seriously made me laugh outside of my physical boundaries.

All I could think about is how many threads on Sup Forums there have been since Todd announced SKYHD about a Morrowind remakes. Shit even I allowed myself to hope.

And even though I knew this was already coming, the fact they hyped it up this much made me lose it. It was so funny. Bethesda has completely sold out and there is not a drop of hope for anyone that they bring out a good AAA title again with serious background and story. No quests, no love for fans, no depth.

Maybe Obsidian will make an IP? Fuck if I know.

either that box is gigantic or that Dwarven construct isn't very big

Cmon you know you want to replay again


>Tamriel One
It really only improves if you don't care for the whole "getting stronger and fighting bigger enemies" thing. Other than it's golden.

the box is gigantic
that's a 12 inch statue

refer to user the box has to fit the construct.

he's a big guy

It's better than how it was two years ago.
The game itself feels like a single player game with online features like group dungeons and world bosses.
It's just like they added the basic requirements for an online game just so they could call it an mmo.
You fight Molag Bal solo. You can progress through guild missions solo. You can solo certain world bosses if you have the right gear. You can solo the main story. Everything but group delves and trials can be done solo.
PvP needs an overhaul. Nobody participates in pvp the way the developers intended the players to. It's all ambushes and skirmishes between a lone player and a group of stealth archers. Rarely are there groups that actually capture points in Cyrodiil.

First of all, my Keks will not be contained you fucking sack of shit

Second of all, I apologize

Third of all, If nobody at Bethesda was contacted at some point during the development of this expansion then Im the Queen of Barbados. And Im only a duke.

So shove it ya darn cunt factory.

How are the graphixxx (i have a 1070)

More importantly, how is the UI and what are the quests like compared to large MMOs like FF and WoW (only ones Im familar with)

I guess its not really your fault, the OP titled this thread specifically to bait that response. So I also apologize.

4 u


have to pay for a character slot to play new class because i have no slots left

add $40USD to that $100

there are exactly 0 things about TESO that are even remotely similar to mabinogi. literally what the fuck are you talking about

>lost my Vvardenfell map years ago
>my Solstheim map is sitting lonely on my wall right now
>already have ESO
>CE is $100
>thingken bout buying it

We have both grown from this interaction.

How active is the community on PS4?

I assume crossplay isn't a thing since Microsoft was only open to the idea of it once they lost Gen 8 handily.

I wish this series had maintained complex crpg game mechanics seeing how all the other crpgs died. gg Wizardry series.

But what do I know. Games I want would almost assuredly sell less.

I play on PC but from what I've heard this is a pretty "big" console MMO so you should be fine. I'd still recommend just getting it for PC if at all possible cause mods and shit but whatever works.

I've learned not to expect anything from bethesda after oblivion.

Bethesda doesn't treat the ip well, Obsidian deserves the rights to Fallout - if anyone.

Can you compare the animation to a game released at that time, post that GIF, then print out this thread and stick it up your ass?

>not Dwemer


Graphics are passable. In fact, it's better than Skyrim's "not gamebryo" due to dynamic lighting. Some animations are subpar like the sprinting animation that looks like the upper and lower torsos were animated by separate departments then stitched together. You'll see what I mean when you look into it.
UI is designed with consoles in mind. 5 ability slots (4 standard skills, 1 ultimate; fuck you moba) and one quickslot for potions/utility items/novelty items.
There's a thing called weaving where players cut the attack animations by half or more by doing certain shit. Some people call it an exploit while some call it skill-based combat.
To summarize, ESO made use of the engine's features better than Todd did with Skyrim's.

You can change settings via notepad to make the textures higher than the game would let you via game options window

I'm a sucker for CEs like , and there's not much point to buying physical for PC. That and I've always preferred using controllers in TES, but this is coming from someone who put way too much time into the 360 version of Oblivion which I'm still mad was never even considered for being remastered given last year was 10 years since it's release

The game itself says Dwemer but Skyrim players don't know what that means so they have to use Dwarven. Bothers the shit out of me as well.

You morrowind fans are so easy to piss off.

How long ago did the Dorfs disappear anyway? Doesn't ESO take place way before any of the mainline games?