>game has potentially interesting setting and lore
>dialogue only consists of epik quirky millennial "humor"
Game has potentially interesting setting and lore
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This was my trip through borderlands, Wonderful 101 and Kid Icarus: uprising. Bunch of trashy outdated humor with bland gameplay.
>shitting on KIU's humor
>50 year old japanese men trying to write obnoxious anime characters trying to be more subversive than Family Guy
>anything but garbage
The later two are fine. The former is shit
it can be good sometimes
Please provide some 'Humor' that you think is acceptable.
pic unrelated I'm guessing
The sad part about this is that even if a game did put that option in, it would just lead to single funny line and then plop you right back at the other two options. No "say something funny and fuck off because you don't care about this nigga's problems lol"
>game has the most bland setting
>dialogue is the shit
>Game recycles the same voice clip 3 times in under twenty minutes
That's why pic related always will be the shittiest entry in the series.
>quirky millennial "humor"
Your humor is millennial humor. You are a millennial.
If you say you are over 35, I won't believe you.
If you say you are under 12, I might.
name one game where you can literally tell a mainline quest giver to actually fuck off and continue the game.
All Elder Scrolls games?
I don't identify with millennial culture therefore I'm not a millennial.
You probably don't identify with gay culture either, but here we are
was thinking the same
No you can't
>Hey we need you to help us here wi-
>Goes away mid conversation
wow that was hard
Blown the FUCK out
That's why I can't get into Divinity Original Sin.
It's not even "lel memes" but holy shit stop trying to be a comedy.
That is literally every single Divinity game.
Apart from Beyond Divinity's backstory which is why it's shit.
I love Original Sin, but it gets fucking ridiculous alot.
>Not in the mood for CHEESE!?
you literally can not beat the game doing that
I'm not saying it isn't. I'm saying that's why I couldn't get into it whatsoever.
>Not in the mood for CHEESE!?
Worst part is they changed the cheese guy in EE making it even worse.
Yes you can, all other quests are still open for you.
>game dialogue consists of memes
thats not beating the game
>the whole game is a meme
Yes, except it's the opposite.
>it's ok when Nintendo does it
I tirned 18 two weeks ago, I'm not a millennial
>memes and references
>Wonderful 101 and Kid Icarus: uprising
>mostly just original jokes which fall flat about half the time in games that don't take themselves the least bit seriously
What are you doing lumping these together? They're night and day.
>>dialogue only consists of epik quirky millennial "humor"
No, no like!
>Nintendo have made W101
That isn't new age humor, it's Leslie Neilson from decades ago.
Star Control II has some top humor without ruining the atmosphere of the game.
lol so Ebin XD
What's "epik quirky millennial humor"?
This better not be a reference to Trails in the Sky.
Any humor in games with millennial devs, 2007 seems to be when they started to be old enough to make games.
Capeshit movies also have the same kind of abhorrent humor.
We truly are the worst generation.
>What is Monster Hunter?
To be fair, I think it fits in the game up to a point..
Offer some examples.
I don't remember memes in W101 and KIU.
I wonder if it's somehow like dad jokes of the sort.
>The Egg smuggling Mafia that'd ice you if you'd peep a word about it
>Nobody recognizes your hunter and his/her accomplishments because your public portrait has gigantic eyebrows
>Everyone hates the "rival" hunter leader for having a stick up his ass
>Legendary hunter got injured to the point of retirement because his retarded apprenticed attacked a fucking Kushala Daora
>Guildmarm is always implying she has a wyvern fetish
MH4U was great
Overwatch, the Avengers of gaming.
>He doesn't know about the Doge skin
I kinda envy you, actually
Anything with snarky, passive aggressive humor; because if there is one thing a millennial does not wish to do, it is hurt someone's feefees directly.
Mass Effect
Shadow Warrior 2?
>lumping W101 and KI:U with Borderlands
I can understand if you don't like the humor in those games, but don't lump them in their with Borderlands
At least they attempt to make jokes that don't rely on nothing but memes
Maybe they're comparing them to Borderlands 1, which had okay writing but went overboard with stuff like every skill name being a movie reference.
That doesn't even come out until June, idiot. You should know by now to never assume any pre-release information to be fact.
>born in le wrong generation meme
Is there anything more millennial then this>
>poster once again confuses millennial and gen z