whats the best multiplayer fps game?
Whats the best multiplayer fps game?
i said
css, but since it's not as populated, cs go
Dystopia hands down.
flans mod is pretty fun actually
Tribes 2
Overwatch. If you disagree then you're a contrarian shitposter who blindly hates popular things.
>babies first fps
Natural Selection by far, but nobody plays it anymore. Such a shame.
Nice opinion, but if it was actually the best it'd still be played today. Like Doom/Quake.
Currently? Titanfall 2
Ever? Quake 3
BF4 for standard fps
R6Siege for tactical fps
The release of the (inferior) sequel drastically thinned the playerbase and the game is far too complex for plebeians.
1v1? Quake 3
Team? Tribes
The only game that you can't play as a mindless zombie.
It'll never be the same, user. Delete this
CS 1.6
The only answer. All other answers are wrong.
The thinking man's game.
You can totally just play it like cod.
Waifu Operator Simulator.
>Minecraft's garbage combat netcode
I'm not even sure anymore.
Every PC FPS I've played from 2000 to now has had it's share of triumphs, concessions, and failures. While a few were very exceptional for the time period they released in, many of those mentioned have suffered from deteriorated communities, and sometimes gameplay as well, if patches were applied by devs.
I suppose CS 1.6 is the best, because of it's tireless community, and endearing impact on the FPS market.
>Worst CS that isn't CZ
go whip out some fucking servers, shill.
what's so bad about CZ? wasn't it basically just a reskin of 1.6?
Gotta agree
I'm currently addicted to it, I passed 400 hours today and will be collecting my Diamond charm for the season tomorrow
Quake 3 Arena and Overwatch
>go ash
>put on acog
>kill everything with jiggle peek 3 speed magic
yeah totally
>tfw outflanking or prefiring faggot Ash and Capitao rushers
So glad Kapkan is getting a buff so rushers can get punished
To be the currently best it has to have people playing the game aswell.
Titanfall 2 currently. I don't care what anyone says.
all the people who parrot Q3 are underaged faggots trying to fit in too hard.
UT99 was the better game but you faggots havent played either of these games.
>putting Blizzshit in the same tier as real games
>kapkan is getting a buff
If UT99 was better, why did it have a smaller pro/pub/mod scene?
The most fun I've had playing multiplayer shooters has been CoD W@W, BFBC2, and Assault Cube
Pretty sure he's getting another trap to deploy and the laser is being made even more faint
Also Capitao is getting his frags taken away and replaced with a claymore and IQ is getting frags
This on top of the two new ops they're releasing on tuesday
Solid changes too bad i uninstalled because i couldn't handle their shit servers anymore
They've been getting a lot better, the only networking complaint I have anymore is how bad the servers for matchmaking are
Once you get in game it's pretty much smooth sailing but sometimes getting in at all can be like pulling teeth
And don't even get me started on queuing for ranked
>Haha arena shooters and such are braindead because they're just technical/mechanical skill and not meta setups and peaking constantly for 1 second kills because of shitty servers haha.
Sounds like someone can't get good so he equates a game with very little mechanical skill to being "smart" so he can feel better about himself.
>we will never have games like tfc and wc3 sc1 made anymore due to Esports fags forcing all games to be 6v6 or less and no custom maps
Assault cube is GOAT brah
Halo 2 CTF blood gultch no snipers
The "no mapping community" part is killing me. Why the FUCK would a publisher willing deprive their customers of more options and gameplay longevity? One of the reasons why the fucking old-ass Half Life games still sell is because of the mods and maps that are being newly made for them.
>basically a reskin of 1.6
>near full price release
>weird balance changes (insanely strong grenades)
Anyone who thinks UT was better is only comparing them by their single player content/casual modes. Anyone who played FPS seriously back then knows Q3 was a much better designed game.
Step aside you fucking normies
haven't played it personally but titanfall 2 looks really cool
played a decent amount of 1 and had a good time
Rainbow Six Siege and Vietcong 1
This is not an opinion but rather a fact
You don't get to just guess my man OP needs a real answer
confirmed haven't played it
of all time i would probably say quake 3 cpma
for right now i say quake live
Halo 5 is surprisingly really great. It's also the only arena shooter to come out that's not indie in like, the past 5+ years.
Aces of spades but its dead
Fistfull of frags but its dead
The worst MP FPS of the decade. Even nuDoom's terrible MP was better
Halo 3
I believe that no game will come close to recreating the experience of having something as good as Friday Night Custom Games with a full lobby
I miss UT :(
halo 2
What map is this?
recoil jump/run should be in more games
I remember such good times with my shitty lil xbox headset, stayin up till 3 in the morning playing halo 3
And it'll never happen again...
Team fortress 2 was. At the moment though... nothing really stands out. I've heard R6S is good, never played it though.
Overwatch is casual and overrated, but still good.
unreal tournament 2004
A lot of other games, I can guarantee that I actually play better if I turn my brain off and let hand-eye coordination take over.
Meanwhile, if I so much as bump into a fucking candlestick while sneaking through the russian estate, I'm fucking lit up.
>spending thousands of hours just looking for glitches in call of duty 4 and halo 3
>using turret to get behind windows and walls including invisible walls in halo 3
>making bases in the little secluded pockets
>actually playing videogames with my older brother
>they all moved on but i wish it still happened
all i do now is play team fortress 2 and ive never been so frustrated over any videogame in my entire life but i cant fucking stop playing it
>waaaha why can't I just spin bot ?!?!?!?!?!?
i came here to post this
doesn't happen in quake live
>playing anything other than goty ut99
Ace of spades was golden. No idea what happened.
Good taste if you mean T1 or T2
tribes 2
>good movement but not autistic busywork
>big maps
>variety of roles
>vehicles that suck just enough
>there are people who play unreal tournament 99 and deus ex that havent turned off mouse acceleration
autists happened. instead of learning the new meta they decided to split the fanbase. the later versions of ace of spades/openspades are actually quite popular with many people
the Sup Forums on Sup Forums ace of spades was the most fun ive had with a video game in months
>there are people who havent turned off mouse acceleration
as a wannabe level designer the lack of mapping in new games just kills my soul
I would gladly pick up games I don't even like just to map for them, but there's just no demand for custom shit anymore. fuck the esports mentality
idk man i watched a stream of it recently at a bar and it looked like typical Click On The Mens Before They Click On You gameplay to me
>not using custom mouse drivers for godlike mouse accel
Yeah, I mean I like the game the way it currently is. I don't understand why everybody left.
seriously, it is autists, machinegun and shotgun breaks their ww1 roleplay. im an autist too, just a malicious kind. anytime i see Sup Forums playing ace of spades im inviting Sup Forums like last time because i hate those fuckers and will ruin their fun like they ruin mine with their shitty rules in a sandbox
Oh sure unless you're getting killed through a wall. Droned out, die to traps rushing in, die to killholes, die to window peaks, die to fuse, lose a duel because of bad aim, lose a duel because attackers have stronger guns. Oh sure it's a first to fire game.
Here I found a better game that isn't like that, perhaps you'll enjoy this one.
my nigga
>tfw completely dead though
>(insanely strong grenades)
that's more realistic
Yes, but it hurt gameplay balance and made it a worse game. Grenades require very little risk to use, you don't even need line of sight, so making them powerful results in a low risk/high reward option.
I like this way, that make you less protected behind a corner
It's already a game with wallbang a variety of well balanced utility options to deal with people in cover.
One shotting people with grenades was completely busted.
apparently I like to be one shot
Except 3 is just a worse version of 2 aside from forge, and even then 2 had better customs. Reach is also about as good, and has an even better forge. Lastly, 5 is better then 3 AND reach for MP, and has the best forge in the franchise and is objectively the best for customs.
I want 3 babies to leave.
>only liked forge and the campaign
so halo 2 and reach aren't better at all? all reach even had for forge was forgeworld which was just 3 different maps crammed into one, all the other base maps were fucking garbage including it's unmemorable campaign. halo 5 also isn't better for multiplayer because they removed local coop.