Velvet in non-canon clothes and without choker. Is she recognizable?

Velvet in non-canon clothes and without choker. Is she recognizable?

New thread because old one is not bumping.

Tales of Berseria.

Yes, I knew who it was right away. She's black haired Milla.

Eleanor best girl

I really like how you get to play an actual evil character. Not many games do this. If only combat system wasn't garbage...

Reminder that Eizen will become un-dragoned, Velvet will reappear at the end of the Zesitira anime, Edna and Phi will get together, and Tales of Berseria 2 will be announced at the end of the anime

so what costumes can I get that aren't dlc?

Sup Forums seems to be extremely slow today

Reminder that Velvet isn't evil, at least not for the whole game. Berseria is just very very grey.

Velvet a best!

Hell, the whole cast a best!

Her expression with that hair always gets me

Why does Velvet look so perfect in that outfit?

Yep, she's not evil during prologue.

Can we all agree that Rokurou was a fucking pointless character that served no purpose other than giving you an early second character?
>Only follows you around because "muh debt to Velvet"
>Him, Shigure and Kurogane are basically a self-contained story that's completely seperate from the rest of the story and other characters
>Only asians in the games
>Only playable character to have no character development

She's not evil at the end of the game either.


Velvet has no ass!

Who actually has an ass in Tales games?

You have no ass

According to Rokuro, Eleanor does.

Eleanor is flat

Reminder that the next game will be Berseria 2 with Edna, Eizen, Velvet, Sorey, Mikleo, and Phi

No Eleanor, no buy


I don't know, she was definitely going to selfishly hold her brother back if it weren't for, y'know.

How would that work? Time travel?

You don't need Eleanor after Mikleo turned into a girl at the end of zestiria.

Edna is still alive obviously

Eizen will still be alive because Berseria's side-quest and the anime are dropping heavy hints they will retcon his death

Velvet isn't dead but sealed away and the new antagonists can easily wake her up to take away Laphicet

Sorey is immortal

Mikleo is also immortal in gay love

Phi is Maotellus and should be uncorrupted after being inside Sorey

>after Mikleo turned into a girl at the end of zestiria.
This didn't actually happen I assume?


She's a bitch with loose morals, but she's not exactly evil. She mellows out a bit as the game goes on. Artorious is by far worse than any of the party.

Characters like Rokurou are always the best though. They don't need to have a crazy impact in the story. He's the bro of the party who's always ready to back them up.

Gall didn't have any major plot significance at all in Hearts R, he was just some dude who wanted to get rid of Despir to avenge his wife and child. But he still ended up being one of the coolest "old guy" characters in the series with a sick fighting style.

He just grew his hair out.

I wouldn't say he had no development.
From a rouge that was obsessed to tear everything from his brother, he ended up as caring big brother he always wanted.

Framing Shigure for being a traitor, and accepting price of ruining the one of most fearfull clans just because his brother was full of himself prodigy making him look small in comparison shocked Rokurou upon reveal.
In the end he continued to walk in Shigure's shoes, teaching those he defeated in battle his family style.
That's his development.
From denying to even hold chopsticks as his brother to continuing Shig's teachings.

Well he could certainly pass for a girl.

Will Tales ever have a good MC?

I hate every single one of them. party members on other hands almost always good.


So it'd be like the Shepard and Lord of Calamity working together against the big bad? The Seraphims that hate humanity, I'd assume. I can see that working.


I do agree though every other MC was shit

Basically. I can see Velvet and Sorey coming to odds with each other given the other killed the previous incarnation of the Lord of Calamity and the Shepherd.

Eizen coming back from the dead and Edna getting along with Phi with Eizen and Velvet panicking over their cute little siblings falling in love would be a nice twist too

Stop forcing this Phi/Edna pairing! Phi only needs his onee-san, not some little slut who tries to take away the one thing Velvet has left.

I'm surprised this hasn't been cracked yet.
Didn't Zestiria took like a week or so?

i'll always have a soft spot for slow train lloyd for being such a dumbfuck

>retcon his death

Lol I'd like to see them try when we LITERALLY killed him in Zestiria.


Artorius go to bed, you're drunk on reason.

pic unrelated

It's the Denuvo. Whether we get the crack depends entirely on how generous CPY are feeling.

But didn't they say it's the same version as God Eater 2 though? If that's not an implication of easy to crack then I don't know what is, but then again CPY may not be fond of Tales.

>They said
>Believing anonymous posts on chinese cartoon imageboards

Fuck if I know, m8.

I'm only saying the difference between Zestiria and Berseria is Denuvo.

Have some gore.

>hoping for Berseria2

Anons this is not going to happen. The series is closed.

>but muh seraphims in heaven

Velvet clearly told Zui Fui she doesn't give a shit.

They're going to go back to moralfag protags and the series will die.

Such is Bamco

There's an acceptable middle ground between Velvet and Sorey


Its like the artist was trying to draw Luke and decided to switch to Velvet in the middle.

>Middle ground

Funny joke user. They're going to drink the koolaid and just stick with the normal protagonist because it's safe. Tales is functionally dead at this point once you leave protagonists like Velvet behind

Oh shit is there more?

That's what tales series is always about. Group of kids saving the world.
They gave Velvet a twist, and it ended up as good route to take.
We can except play on morals in next title, and choices that will let us chose if we want to be the bad guys or the good guys. It's recently a trend in jrpg's.

>Berseria 2 announced!!

Who will be the party members?
>obligatory Mikleo
>Edna, Zaveid and Lailah again?

>threads are just total waifushit
I can't wait for people to wake up and realize this game is just as shit as Zestiria, maybe then the series can be saved

Tales has been dead since Abyss and Symphonia.

It's better if they just scrap it altogether

If you expect anything other than a linear game without any choice, you are a fucking moron. No one wants the same fucking game twice and as far as I'm concerned, I'm done with this series in general if they go back to boring ass protagonists.

You might like your shounenshit but other people actually like complex stores

>Is a moralfag chosen one with the power of friendship
>Name means "to kill"

>Angry girl who only cares about getting revenge
>Name is a type of fabric that is known for its softness

Really makes you think

Which is vastly superior? Eng or Jap dubs?
Jap captures everyone's personality but Eng means I can actually understand what they're saying. I'm torn.

You forgot his brother never once blaming Rokurou for what he did in the past either.

The Jap voice acting in this one is superb.

Velvets english VA is also pretty good, but Laphicet and White Turtlez voice turned me off of the dub immediately.

You can understand what they are saying by reading subs. English voice-over is just as bad as any other - extremely bad.

English dub is not properly translated, and some quotes got twisted, losing meaning.
Also english dub lacks emotions and is awfully stiff especially with characters like Laphicet, Magilou and Velvet, where intonation of phrase is important to catch meaning behind.

Not giving a shit about why things are the way they are, which Zui Fui told them expecting them to keel over and become mindless drones, is not the same as not wanting to kick the Seraphs who caused this asses when humans and Seraphs finally best them and their curse.

If only.

>Kills his dad Heldalf and Zenrus with Meebo's aid

>Her soft side when not being edge incarnate, and when she wants the world to be improved after getting her revenge, spending eternal happy dreams of what they could have had.

Jap is better, but I really like Rokurou and Magilou's dub voices. Something about Magi's dub voice makes my dick diamonds, especially when she says puns.

Shigure was great character. He quickly caught what was Artorius problem, never blamed Rokurou knowing why he did what he did. Pushes him further to surpass himself, despite being a lonely guy, he only needed Morgrim to be at ease.
Shigure had the purest soul of them all.

The only good Eng VAs are Velvet's and Magilou's. Eizen's a bit annoying because he's monotonous as fuck.

I'm honestly hoping for a skit that at least Eizen or Rokorou would carry Laphicet.



Except Velvet's english VA has to compete with her jap VA, and we all know how that ended up.


Why are Velvet's main clothing ripped?

Use math

>look up Velvet VA
>Cristina Vee

So that's why she sounds so familiar, she voiced Noel in Blazblue,
That's a big jump in range too.

She was abused.

Are there any good OSTs in Berseria?
At least there's the temple themes and Elaine Ruins in Zestiria.

Why won't she get them fixed or where something different

She wore them for three years while fighting daemons

Here's an improved version.

They better release the pirate costumes this week.

she found those clothes in a box after getting rescued

She liked it.

To Christina Vee, it was just another role.
To Rina Sato, it was THE role.

Not saying Vee isn't a good VA, by Western standards anyway, but Sato shows so much more emotion and feeling in her voice. Vee's Velvet sounds more stoic and pissy, while Sato's Velvet sounds more tired and broken.

If you choose Eng you will probably kill yourself when you hear Kamoana.

how did anyone in that recording booth think this was a good idea

I imagined something entirely different.

Anyone know how to get the master chef skits? Beat the bonus dungeon and saw these at the end to buy. I was curious just because I had some people at max cooking already.

Let's talk power levels!
Can Velvet take on Ludger?

She just added some stuff on top of what she was wearing and changed her top. She's wearing the same shorts, same belts and same torn stockings.

Let's not

I'd rather not.

When I heard it I thought it was on purpose, like her voice got fucked up by the transformation, like Kurogane.

>make sure to see every single mystic arte
>follow guide to make sure I see everything
>see both of Shigure's
>see both of Phoenix's
>beat bonus dungeon
>finish off everyones 3rd mystic arte and dual artes
>no achievement

Well that made me sad. I was sure I did every side quest and saw each one too. Oh well I had fun with this game but on to Nioh. I'm not autistic enough to try to grind those titles in NG+.

Why are Shigure and Rokurou so violently homoerotic

>Velvet Crowe
>ベルベット・クラウ (berubetto kurau)
>'kurau' means 'devour' in Japanese
>basically Velvet the Devourer

Well, I would like to 'devour' her pussy if you know what I mean.

I fucking wish.

Why didn't they just hug Velvet?